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Shutdown: Americans prefer zombies, hemorrhoids, IRS to Congress (1 Viewer)


Hot Flash Mama
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Apr 16, 2007
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[h=1]Shutdown: Americans prefer zombies, hemorrhoids, IRS to Congress [/h]By Robin Abcarian October 8, 2013, 9:47 a.m

At this point, the polls are pretty consistent: Americans are angry about the budget and shutdown shenanigans in Washington, but they’re angrier at Republicans than they are at Democrats. Which should tell you something about who is really to blame for this mess.

But Public Policy Polling took things a step further, asking people whether they preferred Congress to a series of ailments, celebrities, serial killers and oft-loathed government agencies. Here's what the polling group found:

Americans currently have a higher opinion of witches (46/32), jury duty (73/18) and hemorrhoids (53/31) than Congress. Republicans seem much more accepting of Congress over hemorrhoids compared to other voters -- 41% favored Congress more than the diseases, as opposed to only 25% of Democrats and 27% of Independents.
Even government institutions like the DMV and the IRS are seen as more favorable than Congress currently, at 58/24 and 42/33 respectively. Almost twice as many Republicans still support Congress over the IRS (48/25), while only 23% of Democrats do (23/59).


It's worth a further reading into the article. Turns out there are a few things less popular than Congress right now. ROFL.
Zombies? Well, the House Republicans do seem to be moving, very slowly, without brains or feeling.

Hemorrhoids? Well, the House Republicans are a pain in the rear.

The IRS? I'm not sure the Teabags can spell IRS.
zombies? Well, the house republicans do seem to be moving, very slowly, without brains or feeling.

Hemorrhoids? Well, the house republicans are a pain in the rear.

The irs? I'm not sure the teabags can spell irs.

I think a lot of us hope for zombies. Who honestly doesn't have a zombie plan for their family? My wife and I had a zombie invasion plan before we had a if the power goes out for a week plan.

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