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Should the US hand over Minnesota's Northwest Angle to Canada? (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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It's a geographic curiosity - a bit of US land at the top edge of Minnesota, disconnected from the rest of the state.

The Northwest Angle is known to local residents, people who love to fish - the region is famous for its walleye - and geography buffs.
A cartographic curiosity: a chunk of the U.S. accessible only through Canada. Probably a great question for the TV program Jeopardy.

Now someone has anonymously launched a petition urging the US to hand the land, an early land survey error, over to its northern neighbors.

Expect Trump to wade in on this one. He craves the photo op & the chance to wrap his arms around himself.
Nah, I've got a better idea, Trump could go there and build a wall around it.

And stay there.

It's a geographic curiosity - a bit of US land at the top edge of Minnesota, disconnected from the rest of the state.

The Northwest Angle is known to local residents, people who love to fish - the region is famous for its walleye - and geography buffs.
A cartographic curiosity: a chunk of the U.S. accessible only through Canada. Probably a great question for the TV program Jeopardy.

Now someone has anonymously launched a petition urging the US to hand the land, an early land survey error, over to its northern neighbors.

Expect Trump to wade in on this one. He craves the photo op & the chance to wrap his arms around himself.

The residents - primarily Chippewa Indians - are the ones to make this determination. And it sounds like they have no interest in joining Canada.

The other odd geographical oddity is a peninsula in Washington at the border. The US residents need to drive thru Canada to get to the mainland. They dont seem to care, either.
The other odd geographical oddity is a peninsula in Washington at the border. The US residents need to drive thru Canada to get to the mainland. They dont seem to care, either.

Another great question for Jeopardy.
Not too sure Canada wants it.
The residents - primarily Chippewa Indians - are the ones to make this determination. And it sounds like they have no interest in joining Canada.

The other odd geographical oddity is a peninsula in Washington at the border. The US residents need to drive thru Canada to get to the mainland. They dont seem to care, either.

The Indians would get free health care in Canada.
Looks like a great place to smuggle MJ into the U.S. from Canada.
The residents - primarily Chippewa Indians - are the ones to make this determination. And it sounds like they have no interest in joining Canada.

The other odd geographical oddity is a peninsula in Washington at the border. The US residents need to drive thru Canada to get to the mainland. They dont seem to care, either.

I’m thinking casino!

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