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Should the 2 party system be done away with? (1 Viewer)

Should the 2 party system be done away with?

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Mar 18, 2006
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Dubois, Wisconsin
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Less than half of Americans give favorable ratings to either of the major political parties. In fact, the public's favorable rating of the Republican Party is the lowest Gallup has measured since 1999, and the Democratic Party's rating is among the lowest Gallup has recorded since 1992. Even more recently, 40 different polls where done by different organizations and every single one of them showed that the public is dissatisfied over the way the 2 political parties are handling the government. 3 of those polls showed the satisfactory rating of both party's rating in single digit numbers. So the discussion of this thread should is: Should the 2 party system be done away with?
I think more than just two parties need to be reconized on the ballot besides democrat,republican and independant.MOre options would proably ensure that politicians actualyl represent us instead of globalist corporations,illegal aliens and other vermin.
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
Less than half of Americans give favorable ratings to either of the major political parties.

But they will still vote for one of them.
People just love to be lied to.
taxedout said:
But they will still vote for one of them.
People just love to be lied to.
the 2 party system makes it that they're the only choice. What do think this thread is about? Porno?

.......don't answer that.
jamesrage said:
I think more than just two parties need to be reconized on the ballot besides democrat,republican and independant.MOre options would proably ensure that politicians actualyl represent us instead of globalist corporations,illegal aliens and other vermin.

how about:
#4. Party of globalist corporations.
#5. Illegal aliens
#6. Space aliens
#7. Other vermins and moorons.
I think there are a lot of politicians form the present parties who would gladly flip flap to represent #6 space alien party for some benefits.
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
the 2 party system makes it that they're the only choice. What do think this thread is about? Porno?

.......don't answer that.

People like talk a good show, but when it comes down to it, they are too
comfortable to vote for anyone else. We are comfort seeking creatures, and do not like to step out of our safe zones. We just like to give the appearance of individualism. Bashing the two parties in a poll is about as much of a political statement that most will ever make.
taxedout said:
People like talk a good show, but when it comes down to it, they are too
comfortable to vote for anyone else. We are comfort seeking creatures, and do not like to step out of our safe zones. We just like to give the appearance of individualism. Bashing the two parties in a poll is about as much of a political statement that most will ever make.
I'm not trying to bash the 2 parties. I just want more political parties, more people to choose from on the ballot. Take england for instance, 14 political parties: 3 are major while the other 11 still have some represantation in the government. It would be great if America could be like that, a diverse government for diverse people I say.
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
I'm not trying to bash the 2 parties. I just want more political parties, more people to choose from on the ballot. Take england for instance, 14 political parties: 3 are major while the other 11 still have some represantation in the government. It would be great if America could be like that, a diverse government for diverse people I say.

There are plenty of other parties (Libertarian, Green, Reform, Constitution, et. al) Problem is, one of the few things the Dems & Reps can actually agree on is maintaining their de facto monopoly over the political system.
Sort of...

While I believe that nothing but good would come of guaranteeing smaller parties spots on ballots and while I would love to see one of the major political parties give birth to a third (ideally centrist) faction à la the Likud-Kadima split in Israel, I would take issue with the "do away with" bit.

"Doing away" suggests replacing the current system entirely, but I don't think that's necessary. Rather, I believe that it should simply be possible for other factions to mature into real political movements. We don't need to, say, force the creation of new parties; I would argue that the best thing to do is simply to make their existence possible and let Nature take its course.

In a perfect world, a party would just be a vehicle for a movement. It would achieve the movement's driving goals and fade away as the swell that carried it petered out, to be replaced by a new party at the start of the next movement. As things actually stand, of course, movements have to fit themselves to parties instead of vice versa; rather than pick a man they really believe in, the doves and the anti-war factions have to support John Kerry because a) he's not Bush and b) no one else has a chance of winning. That's just not right.
My_name_is_not_Larry said:
If its against the law to have a monopoly in the economic system, then it should be against the law to have a monopoly in the political system.

That is a good point.
I couldn't agree more. The democrats are supposed to be the more liberal party, but those sackless slimeballs would never dare to think about ending the war on drugs. Not only would more parties reduces corruption and increase efficacy, it would lance the partisan vitriol that is all the rage these days. Somehow, I doubt we'd have a national debt approaching $9 trillion, if we had more than just tweedle dee and tweedle dum at the helm.

I'm not an expert on the mechanics of our political system, but there's an interesting idea I heard from Feingold on the Daily Show that I was wondering about. If we vastly reduced or eliminated corporate campaign contributions, and made all campaigns publicly funded, how much of a difference would it make? If everyone had the exact same amount of funding, wouldn't that level the playing field?
And I know it's hardly an original idea, but making congressional districts regularly shaped would also go a far way towards preventing morons with a 30% approval rating from getting re-elected 99.999999999999999% of the time.

Anybody have any ideas on what it would take to actually impliment these reforms? Hell, I'd even settle for an assessment of how unlikely they are to occur.
The only thing the Democrats and the Republicans agree on is that nobody but nobody should be allowed to mess with their cash cow. These two miserable excuses for political parties have spent more time and money to discourage competition than they spend on anything else.
Our country, as it is, functions with what is fundamentally a One party system at this point. Though the cosmetics vary slightly, there is very little to differentiate the Rep/Dem political machines.
tecoyah said:
Our country, as it is, functions with what is fundamentally a One party system at this point. Though the cosmetics vary slightly, there is very little to differentiate the Rep/Dem political machines.

A 1950's definition of our 2 party system:

"What's the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans?

The Dempcrats say, 'We must do something.'

and the Republicans say, 'We must do something, but not right now,' "
Befuddled_Stoner said:
I couldn't agree more. The democrats are supposed to be the more liberal party, but those sackless slimeballs would never dare to think about ending the war on drugs. Not only would more parties reduces corruption and increase efficacy, it would lance the partisan vitriol that is all the rage these days. Somehow, I doubt we'd have a national debt approaching $9 trillion, if we had more than just tweedle dee and tweedle dum at the helm.

It also amuses me that democrats are supposed to the party of the working man but they have done nothing to stop illegal immigration.Illegal immigration hurts the working man's wages.
Inuyasha said:
A 1950's definition of our 2 party system:

"What's the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans?

The Dempcrats say, 'We must do something.'

and the Republicans say, 'We must do something, but not right now,' "


Another way I've heard it put is:

Democrats and Republicans want the same thing. Republicans just don't want to pay for it. ;)
For America to be truely democratic it must have more than 2 parties representing the people. Two party system might have been okay in the late 1700's but this is the modern world.
jamesrage said:
It also amuses me that democrats are supposed to the party of the working man but they have done nothing to stop illegal immigration.Illegal immigration hurts the working man's wages.

And what have the Republicans done about it? Nothing either. The new immigration bill is the SOS in a different package. The minute you say amnesty it indicates you plan to do nothing about the problem
Inuyasha said:
And what have the Republicans done about it?

Republicans were considered the party for the rich man,so they are not really contridicting any stereotypes by doing nothing to curb illegal aliens..

The new immigration bill is the SOS in a different package. The minute you say amnesty it indicates you plan to do nothing about the problem

I think these bills are nothing more than a time to kiss voter *** time legislation.The purpose of this type of legislation is so that the politicians can sit there and say "Hey I tried do something about illegal immigration,vote for me".Most of the sheeple vote for these politicians thinking there will be more attemps at curbing illegal immigration and doing something about our borders.When in reality all they are getting is more open border policy and the selling our jobs down the river.
Inuyasha said:
And what have the Republicans done about it? Nothing either. The new immigration bill is the SOS in a different package. The minute you say amnesty it indicates you plan to do nothing about the problem
I agree. Mexico might as well just invade us, there isn't much stopping them from doing that.
jamesrage said:
I think these bills are nothing more than a time to kiss voter *** time legislation.The purpose of this type of legislation is so that the politicians can sit there and say "Hey I tried do something about illegal immigration,vote for me".Most of the sheeple vote for these politicians thinking there will be more attemps at curbing illegal immigration and doing something about our borders.When in reality all they are getting is more open border policy and the selling our jobs down the river.

Right on the money James.
I didn't vote on the poll. Should have been an "Other" option.

I think that the 2 party system should become a multi-party system, but it should not be because the people asked the current parties to make it so, but because the people decided to vote for one of the other parties.

More or less force the Rep and Dem parties to acknowledge other parties.

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