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Should refugees of war always be given a right of return? (1 Viewer)

Should all refugees of war be given a right of return?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Personally I feel that they should. We don't abandon murder cases because of the high cost of tracking down a killer. Regardless of the difficulties involved in resettling them in their original homes I think victims deserve this much. However I would definitely set limits on this. I would say that only people who were directly effected by such an event should be given an automatic right of return.
What does this poll mean? Do you mean they should be free to go back to where they were kicked out of or ran away from? Fine, they got legs, don't they?

Or do you mean someone should pay money to ship them back if they want to go?
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
What does this poll mean? Do you mean they should be free to go back to where they were kicked out of or ran away from? Fine, they got legs, don't they?

Or do you mean someone should pay money to ship them back if they want to go?
Both. What I mean is if they want to return to the territory they inhabited before the war, they should have the right to do so and not be blocked by governments opposed to their repatriation or have to undergo an immigration process. This does not necessarily imply financial compensation or assistance, though it is not ruled out.
Chris said:
Both. What I mean is if they want to return to the territory they inhabited before the war, they should have the right to do so and not be blocked by governments opposed to their repatriation or have to undergo an immigration process. This does not necessarily imply financial compensation or assistance, though it is not ruled out.

So if Britain insisted we re-patriate all the Tories that left town during the Revolution, you're saying we should have let them back in?

No. The situation is far too complex to establish some blanket principle that the morons in the UN could vote on.

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