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Should College Football be privatized? (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
Political Leaning
Im one of the few people in the world that really doesnt pay attention to college ball. Despite the fact I went to the orange, I dont hate it however I just couldnt get into it. This article makes a decent case to turn college sports over the private sector.

Privatize Football by S.M. Oliva
Im one of the few people in the world that really doesnt pay attention to college ball. Despite the fact I went to the orange, I dont hate it however I just couldnt get into it. This article makes a decent case to turn college sports over the private sector.

Privatize Football by S.M. Oliva

While i agree in general with the message, i think we should not miss the forest for the trees. As long as these athletes make millions (or billions) of dollars for other people and institutions, corruption will persist.

Point shaving is a major problem in college sports, and the NCAA has financial reasons to sweep it under the rug. Instead, they target big name athletes and schools in an attempt to show the fans they are serious about enforcing the rules.
No, I don't think you should. The NCAA does all it can to incentivize players to go to schools on as close to even ground as possible. If you privatize, you essentially separate the marquee schools from other quality programs.

Granted, as a Michigan alumnus this would only help my school as we probably blow more in a week than Boise State budgets its AD for a year, but I think you take away the feel-good stories and shift the focus not on education but on athletics.

In the term "student athlete", student comes first.

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