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Should Clarence Thomas be IMPEACHED because of Ginni Thomas's 1/6 involvement? (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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I know what patriotic Americans would choose in this poll.


"Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone vote to block the House Select Committee from getting January 6th documents from Donald Trump," Bookbinder wrote. "We know now that his wife participated in the Jan. 6 rally. That creates a clear appearance of bias and a possible major conflict of interest."

The popular politics podcast "No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen" weighed in on its official Twitter account, writing: "Clarence Thomas needs to be investigated immediately."

"If you are a Supreme Court Justice whose wife attended a rally that resulted in the January 6th Capitol attack, you should do the right thing and recuse yourself from voting on the Capitol attack cases," Stern wrote.
I know what patriotic Americans would choose in this poll.

View attachment 67380267

"Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone vote to block the House Select Committee from getting January 6th documents from Donald Trump," Bookbinder wrote. "We know now that his wife participated in the Jan. 6 rally. That creates a clear appearance of bias and a possible major conflict of interest."

The popular politics podcast "No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen" weighed in on its official Twitter account, writing: "Clarence Thomas needs to be investigated immediately."

"If you are a Supreme Court Justice whose wife attended a rally that resulted in the January 6th Capitol attack, you should do the right thing and recuse yourself from voting on the Capitol attack cases," Stern wrote.

Yes, but he won't be. Not even if he were replaced by another right-wing justice.
Look at how increasingly unhinged the leftists are getting
Is it possible for a SC Justice to recuse themselves from a case?
No poll here?
I know what patriotic Americans would choose in this poll.

View attachment 67380267

"Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone vote to block the House Select Committee from getting January 6th documents from Donald Trump," Bookbinder wrote. "We know now that his wife participated in the Jan. 6 rally. That creates a clear appearance of bias and a possible major conflict of interest."

The popular politics podcast "No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen" weighed in on its official Twitter account, writing: "Clarence Thomas needs to be investigated immediately."

"If you are a Supreme Court Justice whose wife attended a rally that resulted in the January 6th Capitol attack, you should do the right thing and recuse yourself from voting on the Capitol attack cases," Stern wrote.
Most definitely.
I know what patriotic Americans would choose in this poll.

View attachment 67380267

"Justice Clarence Thomas was the lone vote to block the House Select Committee from getting January 6th documents from Donald Trump," Bookbinder wrote. "We know now that his wife participated in the Jan. 6 rally. That creates a clear appearance of bias and a possible major conflict of interest."

The popular politics podcast "No Lie with Brian Tyler Cohen" weighed in on its official Twitter account, writing: "Clarence Thomas needs to be investigated immediately."

"If you are a Supreme Court Justice whose wife attended a rally that resulted in the January 6th Capitol attack, you should do the right thing and recuse yourself from voting on the Capitol attack cases," Stern wrote.
Not only should he not be on the Supreme Court... !!!!!

There should be a maximum term of 20 yrs.... not "lifetime appointments". NOBODY IS THAT IMPORTANT, THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE A LIFE TIME APPOINTMENT !!!
Just asking, wasn't altogether sure. But it makes sense.
Justice Thomas is familiar with the process ...

April, 2007
Thomas's son Jamal works at Wachovia Securities, a part of Wachovia Corporation, at its headquarters in Richmond, Virginia. We haven't been able to learn his title or what area he works in, but that is almost certainly the explanation for his father's recusal.

Justices' offspring who are lawyers have long posed recusal issues; the justices even signed a statement in 1993 about how they would handle cases in which their children were involved as attorneys. But Jamal Thomas's employment at Wachovia is another sign that the issue has spread to the financial workplace as well. Justice Anthony Kennedy last month abruptly recused himself in a case Credit Suisse v. Billing. His son Gregory is a managing director at Credit Suisse.

For more details and ongoing coverage of justices' recusal practices, check our updated Recusal Report

UPDATE: We have just been informed that in fact The New York Times reported Justice Thomas's family connection to Wachovia in its story on Watters v. Wachovia Bank last week. So.. the mystery was already solved."
Clarence honestly reminds me of Uncle Rufus from the Boondocks.
Clarence honestly reminds me of Uncle Rufus from the Boondocks.
The claim by **** sucking piece of shit racist who say that a black must act and vote a certain way and if he doesn't then he is race traitor IE a uncle tom.

BTW the character you are talking about is Uncle Ruckus.
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The claim by **** sucking piece of shit racist who say that a black must act and vote a certain way or he is race traitor IE a uncle tom.
Yes, and? If you willingly vote for that cesspool of filth you aint one of us anymore.
Yes, and? If you willingly vote for that cesspool of filth you aint one of us anymore.
Its good that you admit that you are a racist who thinks that black people who don't act and or vote the way you do is a race traitor.
Its good that you admit that you are a racist who thinks that black people who don't act and or vote the way you do is a race traitor.
Ok and? Black people that willingly vote for Republicans are either misled or are perfectly content being part of the scam. Republicans dont even pretend to care about breaking the cycle of violence in POC communities, and yes black republicans are the ultimate embodiment of Uncle Tom.
Ok and? Black people that willingly vote for Republicans are either misled or are perfectly content being part of the scam. Republicans dont even pretend to care about breaking the cycle of violence in POC communities, and yes black republicans are the ultimate embodiment of Uncle Tom.
Black republicans are not uncle toms. Considering the fact that democrats are the party of slavery,KKK, racism, oppression, eugenics, and Jim Crow then it is those that vote democrat that are the Uncle Toms. IF you think democrats care about violence in POC communities then you are deluding yourself.

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