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Should Canada Bring Back the Death Penalty? (1 Viewer)

Should Canada Reinstate the Death Penalty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 75.9%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Jul 11, 2013
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Three in five Canadians support reinstating the death penalty in a recent poll conducted by AngusReid (Three-in-Five Canadians Would Bring Back Death Penalty | Angus Reid Public Opinion). I had written an essay on this topic 2 years ago and at that time the poll conducted by Abacus suggested that 3/5 Canadians support the death penalty, but only 2/5 would support reinstating it.

We have clearly seen a shift in public opinion with regards to crime, this may be an indicator that Canadians are fed up by our current criminal justice system and want harsher sentences.

I do not believe in the death penalty because I believe the State (any state) should hold life in very high respect. I also believe life in prison is by far the ultimate punishment. I dont believe the death penalty reduces crime and further cheapens life in general, which in itself might cause more crime.

Is there really any evidence the death penalty reduces crime? IF not, why do civilized countries still have or want the death penalty?
Considering that poll is bull**** and also it's Canada, **** no.
I do not believe in the death penalty because I believe the State (any state) should hold life in very high respect. I also believe life in prison is by far the ultimate punishment. I dont believe the death penalty reduces crime and further cheapens life in general, which in itself might cause more crime.

Is there really any evidence the death penalty reduces crime? IF not, why do civilized countries still have or want the death penalty?

There are crimes in which one forfeits his/her life if committed

I would like to see Canada do it. Pakistan just brought back there's as well.
Oh, well if Pakistan brought it back...Do you really think it helps?
There are crimes in which one forfeits his/her life if committed

I would like to see Canada do it. Pakistan just brought back there's as well.
There are crimes in which one forfeits his/her life if committed

I would like to see Canada do it. Pakistan just brought back there's as well.

Well I guess we should start stoning women to since Pakistan is doing it.
Oh, well if Pakistan brought it back...Do you really think it helps?

The question is not does it help or not. I believe that kind of crime that one commits that death is issued that they are behind help and the only justice for them. Plus the State should have to give them food, cot and free medical for the rest of their life. That is what I believed

The Pakistan comment just pointing out that it would not be the first time a country has done a 180 on the subject matter.
Well I guess we should start stoning women to since Pakistan is doing it.

Thanks for overlooking the point. Which being that it isn't the first time a country has change its mind on capital punishment.
Ok, but what you are talking about is not necessarily justice. It is simply revenge.
The question is not does it help or not. I believe that kind of crime that one commits that death is issued that they are behind help and the only justice for them. Plus the State should have to give them food, cot and free medical for the rest of their life. That is what I believed

The Pakistan comment just pointing out that it would not be the first time a country has done a 180 on the subject matter.
Ok, but what you are talking about is not necessarily justice. It is simply revenge.

Justice and revenge are the same thing just from a different point of view.
The question is not does it help or not. I believe that kind of crime that one commits that death is issued that they are behind help and the only justice for them. Plus the State should have to give them food, cot and free medical for the rest of their life. That is what I believed

The Pakistan comment just pointing out that it would not be the first time a country has done a 180 on the subject matter.

It's actually far cheaper to keep them in prison for life without parole. A lot of people don't want to see innocent people accidentally convicted and killed and eye for an eye is never right. It's Pakistan, goddamn Pakistan the country where they stone women to death. Generally it's a good thing to avoid people like admiration that wing nut side of the country. If he truly believes in Don't Tread On Me he can move to the U.S..
Justice and revenge are the same thing just from a different point of view.

No, they are about the opposite ends of the spectrum. Justice is morally correct. Revenge is a base instinct in response to a wrong, kinda like one dog snipping back at the other. I think I know what society I prefer.
It's actually far cheaper to keep them in prison for life without parole. A lot of people don't want to see innocent people accidentally convicted and killed and eye for an eye is never right. It's Pakistan, goddamn Pakistan the country where they stone women to death. Generally it's a good thing to avoid people like admiration that wing nut side of the country. If he truly believes in Don't Tread On Me he can move to the U.S..

Like innocent people never have died in prison during a wrongful life sentence.
Like innocent people never have died in prison during a wrongful life sentence.

It's just far easier to free someone form life in prison than if they are dead.
No, they are about the opposite ends of the spectrum. Justice is morally correct. Revenge is a base instinct in response to a wrong, kinda like one dog snipping back at the other. I think I know what society I prefer.

Like I said. Same thing different POV. Just like Morality depends on ones point of view.
Ok, I aint saying you are wrong, but I dont think I can buy right and wrong is that variable. I think the death penalty is wrong and that it is universally wrong, and it cant even be rationalized away with the effectiveness argument. If anything it has the opposite effect.
Pretty much.
Ok, I aint saying you are wrong, but I dont think I can buy right and wrong is that variable. I think the death penalty is wrong and that it is universally wrong, and it cant even be rationalized away with the effectiveness argument. If anything it has the opposite effect.

It can be it's the difference between societies but societies change.
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Ok, I aint saying you are wrong, but I dont think I can buy right and wrong is that variable. I think the death penalty is wrong and that it is universally wrong, and it cant even be rationalized away with the effectiveness argument. If anything it has the opposite effect.

I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm just pulling my Jedi Master routine, but I honestly don't think having capital punishment lowers our value for life.
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Three in five Canadians support reinstating the death penalty in a recent poll conducted by AngusReid (Three-in-Five Canadians Would Bring Back Death Penalty | Angus Reid Public Opinion). I had written an essay on this topic 2 years ago and at that time the poll conducted by Abacus suggested that 3/5 Canadians support the death penalty, but only 2/5 would support reinstating it.

We have clearly seen a shift in public opinion with regards to crime, this may be an indicator that Canadians are fed up by our current criminal justice system and want harsher sentences.


I don't believe in polls, except for fun ones like here in such forums. If you want to know how a country feels about something, take a complete census if it's that important. Otherwise, don't assume some random poll has any special merit.

Having said that, I've always respected Canada's more humane system of justice. From what I understand, you are not over-burdened with confusing laws like we are here in the USA. lol If I lived there I would oppose the death penalty. (I might need a place to hide out some day!) JK LOL ;)
I don't believe in polls, except for fun ones like here in such forums. If you want to know how a country feels about something, take a complete census if it's that important. Otherwise, don't assume some random poll has any special merit.

Having said that, I've always respected Canada's more humane system of justice. From what I understand, you are not over-burdened with confusing laws like we are here in the USA. lol If I lived there I would oppose the death penalty. (I might need a place to hide out some day!) JK LOL ;)

Well that's actually what the survey did, they surveyed their forums.
Well that's actually what the survey did, they surveyed their forums.

Surveyed "forums"?? LOL Then most Canadians MUST want the death penalty back!! it's soooo cold all they do is take part in Online Forums... lol JK :)
Surveyed "forums"?? LOL Then most Canadians MUST want the death penalty back!! it's soooo cold all they do is take part in Online Forums... lol JK :)

Yes they apparently just surveyed a forum like this.

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