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Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?[W:937] (1 Viewer)

Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

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Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Any problem with kids putting NRA stickers on their IDs and notebooks? How about a pentagram?

the NRA is not an identity.

edit: The only way i'd say that should be clamped down on is if it causes fights and such, although i would rather the instigator be dealt with
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Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Yeah it's silly to think it should be allowed.

The only people who want them allowed are those who believe that having power over LGBTs is a good thing. A civilized person will do no such thing.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

So you would be ok with students spouting hate speech in classrooms towards gays, blacks, Christians, atheists, Muslims, etc? You don't see how such behavior could disrupt the learning process, or be construed as bullying?

And whether it should or shouldn't be allowed is irrelevant. Fact is you do not have unlimited free speech in schools, nor have we ever. The administration can set the rules within their walls how they see fit and the students have to abide by them. And if "anti-gay stickers" fit the criteria for bullying, which in my opinion they do and apparently the school as well, then the school administration has the right to prevent these stickers from entering their walls.

no, that particular poster would only be cool with the gay bashing

'freedom of speech' taken to its logical conclusion would be endless shouting in class so nothing ever gets done
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

It depends because "pro gay" stickers might not be overtly offensive while a sticker that says "God Hates Fags" clearly is

If some kid has a sticker that said "Homosexuality is best" then clearly some other kid should be able to have one that says "Hetero is best". if a gay kid is allowed to have "gay power" than other kids should be able to have "straight power"

the problem is most pro gay slogans don't really denigrate anyone else while some of the anti gay stickers I have seen do.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

i think you miss the point that "pro" gay stickers are often an easier way for actually gay teenagers to come out, not a political statement. Thus, the anti stickers are in fact meant to harass their classmates.

It's not like the blue equal sign many changed their twitter pics to during the supreme court hearing. That was voicing an opinion, not an identity

Gotta disagree with you on that. I've seen that rainbow flag on all sorts of political stuff.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

i don't see a good reason to allow heterosexual students to bully their gay peers, so no.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

no, that particular poster would only be cool with the gay bashing

'freedom of speech' taken to its logical conclusion would be endless shouting in class so nothing ever gets done

Meh, I don't even agree with the existence of public schools.

Also, you're still lying about what I said. Since you believe in restricting free speech you should be aware that is libel.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

so then anti-hetero sexual, anti-christian, anti-female, anti-male, anti-gun, anti-black, anti-white

where's this going to stop

more hateful daily....that's us
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

i don't see a good reason to allow heterosexual students to bully their gay peers, so no.

Stupid question I'm sure, but how is a sticker bullying? I guess I can understand if the sticker is personally addressed to a student, but addressing a group that the student happens to be a party of seems kind of silly to claim as bullying.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

I think the criteria for whether or not a sticker, shirt, verbal speech, etc should be allowed should follow:

1. Can it be construed as bullying?

and 2. Can it be construed as disruptive?

Depending on the context of the particular "anti-gay" sticker, it's more than likely going to be classified as bullying. I don't find "Pro Traditional Marriage" to be bullying, and my criteria for bullying would have to be within reason. I actually haven't read the article yet but am going to now to see if it tells us what the context of the sticker was.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Ok, I'm seeing "bullying" being tossed around here. I was bullied in middle school and I can honestly say it was a hell of a lot more than just wearing a sticker they thought would piss me off.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Gotta disagree with you on that. I've seen that rainbow flag on all sorts of political stuff.

The literal meaning is "gay pride" and in the context of a high school, is almost always meant to reveal that they're lgbt. I mean if say dave is wearing a rainbow pin and is know to be gay and suddenly a dozen kids show up with a rainbow pin with a line drawn thru it? I can't believe you don't see this as bullying and a disruption. That is entirely what it's intended for, to hate on dave

I mean should they get to wear KKK or swastika stickers too just because "BLM" exists?
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Ok, I'm seeing "bullying" being tossed around here. I was bullied in middle school and I can honestly say it was a hell of a lot more than just wearing a sticker they thought would piss me off.

A sticker is a pretty weak way to bully someone. The target has to notice the sticker and feel offended over it all on their own.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

The literal meaning is "gay pride" and in the context of a high school, is almost always meant to reveal that they're lgbt. I mean if say dave is wearing a rainbow pin and is know to be gay and suddenly a dozen kids show up with a rainbow pin with a line drawn thru it? I can't believe you don't see this as bullying and a disruption. That is entirely what it's intended for, to hate on dave

I mean should they get to wear KKK or swastika stickers too just because "BLM" exists?

Why does "Dave" want to display a symbol indicating his sexual preference? How is that anyone else's business?
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Ok, I'm seeing "bullying" being tossed around here. I was bullied in middle school and I can honestly say it was a hell of a lot more than just wearing a sticker they thought would piss me off.

a school is not "speaker's corner" in london. You haven't come up with a compelling reason any form of bullying should be allowed. At the least, this can easily lead to confrontation

but in a way you're right and very often this kind of intimidation will be combined with more physical and verbal harassment. A lot of the damage comes from an accumulation and testing what they can get away with. Today it could be those stickers, tomorrow they throw glitter in dave's hair, the next day they throw rocks.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Ok, I'm seeing "bullying" being tossed around here. I was bullied in middle school and I can honestly say it was a hell of a lot more than just wearing a sticker they thought would piss me off.

The stickers show a rainbow — the symbol of the gay community — with a line crossing through it. Officials said the stickers have increasingly shown up over the past two weeks on some students’ school ID badges at Shadow Hills High School, as well as on social media websites.

So basically they were wearing stickers like you would see in an airplane for the no smoking signal. Meaning "No gays." That to me is bullying. Assuming that you are born homosexual (I don't want to derail the topic and discuss the validity of that, though I believe you are born that way), you have no control over this, just as you have no control over whether you're 5'2 or 6'2, black or white, ugly or pretty. If I walked around with a sticker depicting a black guy with a line through it, or the Christian cross with a line through it, those who are black or are Christian have a right to be offended and disrupted by my sticker. And the school has the right to ward off these disruptions as they are unnecessary and a form of harassment.

You may have been bullied in middle school, but your bullies had no right to bully you and you would have been right to try to prevent it. And I know I bring this up a lot, but it's personal to me. My brother was gay and came out of the closet when he was 15, and he was bullied. Not only by his peers in class, but by me and my dad. I guess he could have "manned up" and dealt with it, and if his litmus for what bothered or bullied him was as high as your's I'm sure he would have done just fine. But it wasn't, and it did affect him very negatively. And I obviously now regret my treatment of him greatly as a 27 year old adult who no longer has his brother because he ran his car intentionally off the road shortly after posting a post on his Facebook telling the world he intended to do so that no one took seriously.

These things add up, and these gay kids may come from backgrounds like mine where their families were less than receptive of who they were. And not only do they get to deal with this at home, but then they come to school and see kids walking around with "No gays" stickers too? They come to a place to learn, get an education, and become productive members of society who hopefully move on to have great careers and contribute to our nation. No one should have to be subjected to bullying, and I have no problem with school administration taking measures to stop it.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

a school is not "speaker's corner" in london. You haven't come up with a compelling reason any form of bullying should be allowed. At the least, this can easily lead to confrontation

but in a way you're right and very often this kind of intimidation will be combined with more physical and verbal harassment. A lot of the damage comes from an accumulation and testing what they can get away with. Today it could be those stickers, tomorrow they throw glitter in dave's hair, the next day they throw rocks.

It's a sticker. If you're intimidated by a sticker you seriously need to grow a pair.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

It's a sticker. If you're intimidated by a sticker you seriously need to grow a pair.

They shouldn't have to be intimidated in the first place as the stickers have no place in the school. You come there to learn, not to bully other kids.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Why does "Dave" want to display a symbol indicating his sexual preference? How is that anyone else's business?

because he's been bullied a long time or has overheard a lot of gay bashing and has had enough? Believe it or not, a lot of that stops once people realize "hey you're talking about ME". Sometimes it isn't even about letting others know, so much as accepting yourself by not hiding it at all. All that can be a problem for teenagers

Maybe he just thinks it will be easier to start dating and doesn't want the awkward reactions every time. Letting everyone know at once is a way to get it over with
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

They shouldn't have to be intimidated in the first place as the stickers have no place in the school. You come there to learn, not to bully other kids.

pfft speak for yourself. That poster has come to bully, clearly
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

a school is not "speaker's corner" in london. You haven't come up with a compelling reason any form of bullying should be allowed. At the least, this can easily lead to confrontation

but in a way you're right and very often this kind of intimidation will be combined with more physical and verbal harassment. A lot of the damage comes from an accumulation and testing what they can get away with. Today it could be those stickers, tomorrow they throw glitter in dave's hair, the next day they throw rocks.

So it's wrong to throw glitter on Dave but would it be totally fine for Dave to "glitter bomb" someone else?

Gingrich: Gay activists? glitter-bombing amounts to ?an assault? « Hot Air Headlines

Maybe that'll be my next poll, "glitter bombing - cool or uncool"
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

Stupid question I'm sure, but how is a sticker bullying? I guess I can understand if the sticker is personally addressed to a student, but addressing a group that the student happens to be a party of seems kind of silly to claim as bullying.

you would refuse to understand it even if i explained it to you. enjoy wallowing in perceived persecution, if that floats your boat.
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

So it's wrong to throw glitter on Dave but would it be totally fine for Dave to "glitter bomb" someone else?

Gingrich: Gay activists? glitter-bombing amounts to ?an assault? « Hot Air Headlines

Maybe that'll be my next poll, "glitter bombing - cool or uncool"

i've actually never heard of that but once again you're putting words in my mouth

and as someone who was bullied yourself apparently, i'm kind of disgusted it's like you're reaching to find a way to justify this. Did "dave" throw glitter on newt gingrich? Wtf did "dave" do to anyone to deserve all this open hostility? He's there to learn and has a right to do so safely and free of harassment
Re: Should Anti Gay Stickers be Allowed in School?

So basically they were wearing stickers like you would see in an airplane for the no smoking signal. Meaning "No gays." That to me is bullying. Assuming that you are born homosexual (I don't want to derail the topic and discuss the validity of that, though I believe you are born that way), you have no control over this, just as you have no control over whether you're 5'2 or 6'2, black or white, ugly or pretty. If I walked around with a sticker depicting a black guy with a line through it, or the Christian cross with a line through it, those who are black or are Christian have a right to be offended and disrupted by my sticker. And the school has the right to ward off these disruptions as they are unnecessary and a form of harassment.

You may have been bullied in middle school, but your bullies had no right to bully you and you would have been right to try to prevent it. And I know I bring this up a lot, but it's personal to me. My brother was gay and came out of the closet when he was 15, and he was bullied. Not only by his peers in class, but by me and my dad. I guess he could have "manned up" and dealt with it, and if his litmus for what bothered or bullied him was as high as your's I'm sure he would have done just fine. But it wasn't, and it did affect him very negatively. And I obviously now regret my treatment of him greatly as a 27 year old adult who no longer has his brother because he ran his car intentionally off the road shortly after posting a post on his Facebook telling the world he intended to do so that no one took seriously.

These things add up, and these gay kids may come from backgrounds like mine where their families were less than receptive of who they were. And not only do they get to deal with this at home, but then they come to school and see kids walking around with "No gays" stickers too? They come to a place to learn, get an education, and become productive members of society who hopefully move on to have great careers and contribute to our nation. No one should have to be subjected to bullying, and I have no problem with school administration taking measures to stop it.

Wow, that's pretty heavy stuff. Between this and that road memorial thread, quite a few things have hit close to home for you, haven't they?

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