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Should all helmet requirement laws and rules be eliminated? (1 Viewer)

Should helmet requirement rules and laws be abolished

  • Yes, a person cannot be seriously injured by a head impacting hard objects

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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There are thousands of messages thru today by anti-GZ people insisting that at no time was GZ in danger because he had not suffered yet a serious injury and that he was not in any danger of a serious, permanent or deadly injury possibly happening. No matter how many times a person's head hits concrete, it can not possibly cause any serious injury.

There are laws requiring helmets for motorcylists and most places for children on bicycles. All schools and professional teams require helmets for football, batters at baseball, all racing events, even competitive skateboarding. However, anti-GZ people claim a person can not suffer a serious injury by a head hitting concrete. Oh, as we need to stop the media from continuing to lie about the cause of Christopher Reeves being paralyzed by hitting his head on a rock. That can not seriously hurt a man.

At least some on this forum minimally think that schools should eliminate requiring anyone in any sporting activity wearing a helmet because they are pointless according to at least 90% of GZ critics.

Do you think all helmet laws and rules should be eliminated as pointless because a person head is impervious to head-impact injury ever causing any real injury?
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For situations where an individual decides whether to wear a helmet or not, that should be completely legal. The government should not tell someone they have to wear a helmet on a motorcycle, because helmet or no helmet, the individual isn't putting anyone else in major risk.

For group situations, such as sports, it shouldn't be a government rule, but a league rule. The NFL, for instance, declares it a rule to play with a helmet. If I wanted to make a no-helmet football league, not only could I do that, but I'd likely be shut down in a jiffy due to numerous law suits.

In either situation, there's simply no role for government to play.

PS, your poll makes no sense. What about: Yes, an individual makes his own decisions.

You make it rather tainted when you tie the "yes" answer with "heads can't be damaged by anything".
Helmet laws are there to protect the citizen from possible death. They should stay exactly how they are. Maybe become a little more strict in some states.
There are always going to be plenty of people who are willing to armchair quarterback this to death.
None of us where there, none of us know what was said, or who followed who, or jumped who for 100% sure.
People who are kind of pro Zimmerman will never understand how others can feel that getting punched to the point of killing us should not make us want to defend ourselves with lethal force.
And when pressed as to "what to do when someone attacks you" they say Zimmerman wasnt attacked, which is contrary to all evidence.
Only if you really hate keeping your brain inside your skull. Personally, I hate wearing one but, I also hate having bugs in my throat.

As far as Zimmerman, it doesn't matter what anybody thought but, him. He felt he was slipping away and had to *act or *die.

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