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Should Al Gore Be Subpeonaed to Testify Before the Senate for His Earlier Lies? (1 Viewer)

Should Former VP Al Gore Be Required to Explain His Earlier False Statements?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters

Scarecrow Akhbar

DP Veteran
Sep 22, 2005
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Los Angeles
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Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation

Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) today asked the Obama administration to investigate what he called “the greatest scientific scandal of our generation” — the actions of climate scientists revealed by the Climategate files, and the subsequent admissions by the editors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

Senator Inhofe also called for former Vice President Al Gore to be called back to the Senate to testify.

“In [Gore's] science fiction movie, every assertion has been rebutted,” Inhofe said. He believes Vice President Gore should defend himself and his movie before Congress.

Just prior to a hearing at 10:00 a.m. EST, Senator Inhofe released a minority staff report from the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, of which he is ranking member. Senator Inhofe is asking the Department of Justice to investigate whether there has been research misconduct or criminal actions by the scientists involved, including Dr. Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University and Dr. James Hansen of Columbia University and the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

This report, obtained exclusively by Pajamas Media before today’s hearing, alleges:

[The] Minority Staff of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works believe the scientists involved may have violated fundamental ethical principles governing taxpayer-funded research and, in some cases, federal laws. In addition to these findings, we believe the emails and accompanying documents seriously compromise the IPCC -backed “consensus” and its central conclusion that anthropogenic emissions are inexorably leading to environmental catastrophes.

As has been reported here at Pajamas Media over the last several months, the exposure of the Climategate files has led to a reexamination of the IPCC Assessment Reports, especially the fourth report (AR4), published in 2007. The IPCC AR4 report was named by Environmental Protection Agency head Lisa Jackson as one of the major sources of scientific support for the agency’s Endangerment Finding, the first step towards allowing the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant.

Since the Climategate files were released, the IPCC has been forced to retract a number of specific conclusions — such as a prediction that Himalayan glaciers would disappear by 2035 — and has been forced to confirm that the report was based in large part on reports from environmental activist groups instead of peer-reviewed scientific literature. Dr. Murari Lal, an editor of the IPCC AR4 report, admitted to the London Daily Mail that he had known the 2035 date was false, but was included in the report anyway “purely to put political pressure on world leaders.”

Based on this minority staff report, Senator Inhofe will be calling for an investigation into potential research misconduct and possible criminal acts by the researchers involved. At the same time, Inhofe will ask the Environmental Protection Agency to reopen its consideration of an Endangerment Finding for carbon dioxide as a pollutant under the Federal Clean Air Act, and will ask Congress to withdraw funding for further consideration of carbon dioxide as a pollutant.

Well, Al Gore testified under oath before the Senate. If it can be proven that his false statements were deliberate lies, he should be prosecuted for perjury.

No one's above the law, remember, not even the former vice-president of a man convicted of perjury himself.

Also, the EPA should be enjoined from enforcing any carbon-related regulations until granted specific authority to do so by law. That's independent of global warming. Only a crazy society would give unelected bureaucrats the authority to seize control of major elements of industrialized society without specific authority from the elected representatives.

And that permission from the politicians should await the resolution of the global warming hoax.
Al Gore's argument is so rock-solid that he doesn't even need to debate his critics. He's above the scientific process of scrutiny...
Al Gore's argument is so rock-solid that he doesn't even need to debate his critics. He's above the scientific process of scrutiny...

Biggest laugh I have had in many a long day. Very very funny.
And they can question him about how he would benefit monetarily under the Cap and Trade System. ($>
And they can question him about how he would benefit monetarily under the Cap and Trade System. ($>

While we're at it, can we question Cheney how he benefited from defense contracts for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
While we're at it can we keep using the government's time and resources for purely partisan bickering and finger pointing as opposed to you know its actual job.
While we're at it can we keep using the government's time and resources for purely partisan bickering and finger pointing as opposed to you know its actual job.

You mean that's not it's actual job?
They have nothing better to do than stage a glorified multi-million dollar movie review for something that came out years ago.
If getting them to subpeona and prosecute Al Gore for his deliberate lies that have caused us to risk Crap and Trade will delay the Senate's implementation of Messiah-Care, by all means, it's worth doing.
Well, Al Gore testified under oath before the Senate. If it can be proven that his false statements were deliberate lies, he should be prosecuted for perjury.

No one's above the law, remember, not even the former vice-president of a man convicted of perjury himself.

Also, the EPA should be enjoined from enforcing any carbon-related regulations until granted specific authority to do so by law. That's independent of global warming. Only a crazy society would give unelected bureaucrats the authority to seize control of major elements of industrialized society without specific authority from the elected representatives.

And that permission from the politicians should await the resolution of the global warming hoax.

That's like democrats requesting Bush be subpeonaed. Come on, seriously?
That's like democrats requesting Bush be subpeonaed. Come on, seriously?
Public hearings before congress are just a way for the politicians to get publicity.
Every single "fact" presented in his movie has been proven false.

Are you saying your favorite vice president is so stupid he can't tell when he's being hornswoggled?

This is why I and many others don't respect or like you. You make untrue assumptions about people based on their ideology. Anyways, you still have yet to prove he committed perjury. Was he under oath during his movie or something? You have to prove he committed perjury.
Funny because its somewhat true?

If it's true then Al Gore should have no problem debating his critics. Do you think Stephen Hawking would refuse to defend his books? Hawking, being a real scientist, would most likely welcome the opportunity to demonstrate the validity of his theories, as opposed to Al Gore, who pompously declares the debate over, as if he were the king of science. His hubris and hypocrisy is nauseating, and the damage he's done to science is immeasurable. A just society would throw him in prison for the fraud he's perpetrated.
This is why I and many others don't respect or like you. You make untrue assumptions about people based on their ideology. Anyways, you still have yet to prove he committed perjury. Was he under oath during his movie or something? You have to prove he committed perjury.

His movie was presented as science. Do you think it should be lawful for people to commit scientific fraud? How would you feel if a doctor told you that you couldn't get AIDS from unprotected sex? Does Gore bear any responsibility for the consequences of his movie, consequences which effected and still effect the potential governance of the entire planet?
His movie was presented as science. Do you think it should be lawful for people to commit scientific fraud? How would you feel if a doctor told you that you couldn't get AIDS from unprotected sex? Does Gore bear any responsibility for the consequences of his movie, consequences which effected and still effect the potential governance of the entire planet?

I'm saying Gore didn't break a law, can you prove he did? And your comparison to doctors is terrible, does Gore of a doctorate in science?
I'm saying Gore didn't break a law, can you prove he did?

He committed fraud. I'm not sure if there is a specific statute that applies, but he was intentionally deceptive.

And your comparison to doctors is terrible, does Gore of a doctorate in science?

You don't like the doctor analogy? Fine, how would you feel if a commercial told you its condoms were 100% effective against AIDS and later you found out they were actually made of a permeable membrane? I mean, it's not like the corporate executives are experts or anything. You shouldn't expect them to know if they're claims are totally false and misleading, right?

By the way, are you saying Al Gore is not an expert on climate change?
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While we're at it, can we question Cheney how he benefited from defense contracts for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Well, not part of the OP but if someone starts a thread asking whether or not Cheney has profited from the war my answer would be YES.
You don't like the doctor analogy? Fine, how would you feel if a commercial told you its condoms were 100% effective against AIDS and later you found out they were actually made of a permeable membrane? I mean, it's not like the corporate executives are experts or anything. You shouldn't expect them to know if they're claims are totally false and misleading, right?
That's another bad analogy, why would you listen to someone who has no credibility?
Well, Al Gore testified under oath before the Senate. If it can be proven that his false statements were deliberate lies, he should be prosecuted for perjury.

No one's above the law, remember, not even the former vice-president of a man convicted of perjury himself.

Also, the EPA should be enjoined from enforcing any carbon-related regulations until granted specific authority to do so by law. That's independent of global warming. Only a crazy society would give unelected bureaucrats the authority to seize control of major elements of industrialized society without specific authority from the elected representatives.

And that permission from the politicians should await the resolution of the global warming hoax.

If he deliberately lied yes he should be prosecuted.
Al Gore presenting and narrating this movie was certain to politicize the cause. No?

Anybody could see that coming! So clearly that all involved should be ashamed of themselves.
Absolutely not. That's not the sort of thing the Senate should be bothering with and wasting our tax payers money on, regardless if its right or left.

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