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Shotgun shell Christmas lights (1 Viewer)

They certainly go with antler chandeliers and .50 cal. BMG belts draped over the doors for the holidays. And yes, you can buy used, unloaded .50 belts yourself online. You probably wouldn't want to pay for a loaded version.

Personally, I prefer regular lights and actual garlands.
nothing says "Christmas" better than a lit up shotgun shell
Those have been around for years...
Super deal for the guy that thought them up but that's an insane price.
WalMart could get a lot of good publicity for sales unless corporate panics and folds to the SJWs.
This happens every year.

At first I thought they merely looked like shells and I was, "oh, please, who cares what it looks like, that's really reaching." Then I discover they're literally shells. That's ****ing ridiculous. What kinda neckbilly would hang real shotgun shells for Christmas. Gotta be trolling.
We should put a regulation on the purchase, kinda like regulations on guns, because they're actual shells. In order to purchase the item, one should be required to submit, from the buyer and their spouse, a dna test to 'twenty-three and me'. Prove you and your spouse are not inbred, then you can buy them.

It's a gag item. I have too much respect for trailer park people to believe even they are hanging them. If I saw them, I'd ask whom they're trolling.
This happens every year.

At first I thought they merely looked like shells and I was, "oh, please, who cares what it looks like, that's really reaching." Then I discover they're literally shells. That's ****ing ridiculous. What kinda neckbilly would hang real shotgun shells for Christmas. Gotta be trolling.

They're empty.
We should put a regulation on the purchase, kinda like regulations on guns, because they're actual shells. In order to purchase the item, one should be required to submit, from the buyer and their spouse, a dna test to 'twenty-three and me'. Prove you and your spouse are not inbred, then you can buy them.

It's a gag item. I have too much respect for trailer park people to believe even they are hanging them. If I saw them, I'd ask whom they're trolling.

The answer would probably be you since you seem so triggered by them. As OP said, this doesn't meet my taste in decor, in fact I don't even celebrate Christmas, but it's hilarious to watch the outrage.
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these arent even new, amazon and other places sell them too and i saw them years ago.....

any "outrage" over it is stupid......I havent seen any actually but i have NO DOUBT it exists and yes i would find it entertaining like i do most nonsensical outrage

Someone on Twitter is enraged because of "live ammunition" being sold as Christmas decor. :lamo
The answer would probably be you since you seem so triggered by them. As OP said, this doesn't meet my taste in decor, in fact I don't even celebrate Christmas, but it's hilarious to watch the outrage.

So you don't disagree with me at all.
Someone on Twitter is enraged because of "live ammunition" being sold as Christmas decor. :lamo

It's a troll. That's a fish on. Don't tell him it's not live; yank him clean out the water. Be like, "hell yeah, live ammo makes the best garland. That's Americana!"

But I understand some people would object to using ammo (parts of ammo, whatever) as decoration, Christmas maybe complicates it. The outrage has some justification. But it's a gag item, so it's difficult to take objections seriously.
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It's not as cool as my Star Wars tree.
Here we go.

I'm too cheap for the Death Star tree topper so I am going with Darth Vader. Last year I had a Praetorian Guard on top.

May the force be with you.
I'm too cheap for the Death Star tree topper so I am going with Darth Vader. Last year I had a Praetorian Guard on top.

May the force be with you.

Too late. See edit. Wars sucks.

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