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Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat (1 Viewer)


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Jun 20, 2008
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Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat

The father of a Florida shooting survivor acknowledged Tuesday that he omitted words in an email he sent media outlets accusing CNN of using scripted remarks for a town hall on guns.

CNN denied the allegations and released emails between a producer and a student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to prove it did not tell the student what to say.

The student's father, Glenn Haab, told The Associated Press that he omitted some words from the email to Fox News and the Hufftington Post but that he didn't do it on purpose.

"There was nothing malicious behind it," he said.


I suppose Haab had something of a crisis of conscience. Perhaps he blinked, realizing his actions would result in him raising a liar. But a lie flies around the world before the truth puts its pants on, and his lie accomplished the goal of injecting enough noise into the discussion to confuse people into assuming that there was so much dishonesty surrounding the issue that it wasn't worth paying attention to.

While his admission is a small step toward contrition, it doesn't yet go anywhere near enough. He now needs to acknowledge that his act was very much deliberate, and to apologize to the nation for his dishonesty that resulted in muddying an important issue.
While his admission is a small step toward contrition, it doesn't yet go anywhere near enough. He now needs to acknowledge that his act was very much deliberate, and to apologize to the nation for his dishonesty that resulted in muddying an important issue.

Perhaps a public execution would quell your outrage.
Perhaps a public execution would quell your outrage.

I'll settle for him delivering an apology live on national television on all major networks, in which he takes full responsibility for his very deliberate attempt to deceive the nation. He also needs to publicly take responsibility for the horrific example he set for his son who acted so bravely during the Parkland massacre.

It's not enough that he backhandedly corrected the record. He needs to own what he did. A full apology to CNN's employees is also obviously in order.
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I'll settle for him delivering an apology live on national television on all major networks, in which he takes full responsibility for his very deliberate attempt to deceive the nation. He also needs to publicly take responsibility for the horrific example he set for his son who acted so bravely during the Parkland massacre.

It's not enough that he backhandedly corrected the record. He needs to own what he did. A full apology to CNN's employees is also obviously in order.

Drudge and Trump should apologize too, but they won't.
The person who needs to apologize the most is the originator of this sensationalist piece of crap, Mike "Pizzagate" Cernovich.
Whither the right wing outrage?

They were hoping that the truth, which they knew full well would come out in due time, would be delayed a few weeks longer. Now they'll need to invent another fake story to discredit the surviving kids protesting in favor of real gun regulations.
Where are all the right wing nutjobs who were so pissed when this story broke when they were screaming about how CNN censored this kid? Are you only interested when it self serving interests and ignore the rest stories that don't?
Shooting survivor's father admits email changes in CNN spat


I suppose Haab had something of a crisis of conscience. Perhaps he blinked, realizing his actions would result in him raising a liar. But a lie flies around the world before the truth puts its pants on, and his lie accomplished the goal of injecting enough noise into the discussion to confuse people into assuming that there was so much dishonesty surrounding the issue that it wasn't worth paying attention to.

While his admission is a small step toward contrition, it doesn't yet go anywhere near enough. He now needs to acknowledge that his act was very much deliberate, and to apologize to the nation for his dishonesty that resulted in muddying an important issue.

Yes, a public flaying is in order. Then he should be executed.
Doesn't matter, right wing hacks will ignore the actual facts. All they need is the perception of the BS they want to believe, everything else doesn't exist.

These people are a joke
I'll settle for him delivering an apology live on national television on all major networks, in which he takes full responsibility for his very deliberate attempt to deceive the nation. He also needs to publicly take responsibility for the horrific example he set for his son who acted so bravely during the Parkland massacre.

It's not enough that he backhandedly corrected the record. He needs to own what he did. A full apology to CNN's employees is also obviously in order.

I agree.
As for his mea culpa, he essentially did what CNN does when they do theirs after deceiving the nation ... of course they don't characterize it that way when they get caught.
Yes, a public flaying is in order. Then he should be executed.

To reiterate: I'll settle for him delivering an apology live on national television on all major networks, in which he takes full responsibility for his very deliberate attempt to deceive the nation. He also needs to publicly take responsibility for the horrific example he set for his son who acted so bravely during the Parkland massacre.

It's not enough that he backhandedly corrected the record. He needs to own what he did. A full apology to CNN's employees is also obviously in order.
I agree.
As for his mea culpa,

He did not give a mea culpa. Correcting the record and taking full responsibility for the deception are not the same thing. Glenn Haab is human waste.
You always have to be careful with things like this because everyone is looking for attention.

I think the fact that the students in the CNN townhall were firmly in the left wing movement did more to kill their credibility on this. Dana Loesch was right to call out the Sheriff, with what we know now.
You always have to be careful with things like this because everyone is looking for attention.

I think the fact that the students in the CNN townhall were firmly in the left wing movement did more to kill their credibility on this. Dana Loesch was right to call out the Sheriff, with what we know now.

Do you regard your disagreement with the message from the town hall to be tacit permission to deceive the nation as Glenn Haab made his son do? Do you support what Haab did?
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Do you regard your disagreement with the message from the town hall to be tacit permission to deceive the nation as Glenn Haab made his son do? Do you support what Haab did?
No. I think they were looking for attention. I'm just saying, at this point, his 15 minutes have been over. The nation wasn't deceived because the nation doesn't care.
No. I think they were looking for attention. I'm just saying, at this point, his 15 minutes have been over. The nation wasn't deceived because the nation doesn't care.

They had a bit more than fifteen minutes. They had nearly a week to deceive the nation, give conspiracy theorists a narrative to impugn the other children and CNN with, and to confuse and muddy the national dialogue on an important issue. The Haabs spread their lies on multiple networks, Fox News being central among them, meaning they were able to get their lie out to millions of accepting viewers, many of whom then came here and posted those lies repeatedly. What they did was atrocious.
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I'll settle for him delivering an apology live on national television on all major networks, in which he takes full responsibility for his very deliberate attempt to deceive the nation. He also needs to publicly take responsibility for the horrific example he set for his son who acted so bravely during the Parkland massacre.

It's not enough that he backhandedly corrected the record. He needs to own what he did. A full apology to CNN's employees is also obviously in order.

Because it would be so unusual for a major news network to omit words and alter facts when trying to sell news to the public.

Yea. Off with his head.
Because it would be so unusual for a major news network to omit words and alter facts when trying to sell news to the public.

But they didn't. Haab did.
They had a bit more than fifteen minutes. They had nearly a week to deceive the nation, give conspiracy theorists a narrative to impugn the other children and CNN with, and to confuse and muddy the national dialogue on an important issue. The Haabs spread their lies on multiple networks, Fox News being central among them, meaning they were able to get their lie out to millions of accepting viewers, many of whom then came here and posted those lies repeatedly. What they did was atrocious.

Lol you mean distract from the anti NRA dialogue right? Not distract from discussing why someone can be reported 45 times (according CNN actuslly) and still be walkaing free? Distract from the fact that yet again someone had the same symptoms as other mass shooters and nothing happened. Not that discussion right?
They had a bit more than fifteen minutes. They had nearly a week to deceive the nation, give conspiracy theorists a narrative to impugn the other children and CNN with, and to confuse and muddy the national dialogue on an important issue. The Haabs spread their lies on multiple networks, Fox News being central among them, meaning they were able to get their lie out to millions of accepting viewers, many of whom then came here and posted those lies repeatedly. What they did was atrocious.

and? These "conspiracy people" disagree with CNN. That's the main point of it. if it's not one thing, it's another. Your faux outrage is faux outrage.
But they didn't. Haab did.

So CNN has NEVER omitted facts or adjusted stories to fit a narrative? Or taken accounts and reported them right away without fact checking?

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