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Shooting at Queens baby shower (1 Viewer)

Do you want to live in a state where gun laws are made by republicans or Democrats?
The title shooting was in a state/city with laws make by Democrats.
Since you're suggesting that the current laws don't work (in a state/city with laws make by Democrats that is).
Where did I suggest that?
Because, you said:
The title shooting was in a state/city with laws make by Democrats.

Indicating that a shooting was in a place with laws (albeit made by Democrats)

And when I ventured that there might be some good laws amongst them, you said, with obvious sarcasm:
Sure, obviously highly effective; as long as you don't live there or visit

To which I conclude that you don't think those laws are any good, and under the assumption that you recognize the necessity of laws over anarchy, you must feel that more laws are needed

Unless I misunderstood, and you do indeed prefer anarchy and a lawless society.
Because, you said:

Indicating that a shooting was in a place with laws (albeit made by Democrats)

And when I ventured that there might be some good laws amongst them, you said, with obvious sarcasm:

To which I conclude that you don't think those laws are any good, and under the assumption that you recognize the necessity of laws over anarchy, you must feel that more laws are needed

Unless I misunderstood, and you do indeed prefer anarchy and a lawless society.

You say the choice is more laws or no laws. False dichotomy, no matter how much bullshit you shoveled to get there.
Because, you said:

Indicating that a shooting was in a place with laws (albeit made by Democrats)
That indicates no such thing.
And when I ventured that there might be some good laws amongst them, you said, with obvious sarcasm:

To which I conclude that you don't think those laws are any good, and under the assumption that you recognize the necessity of laws over anarchy, you must feel that more laws are needed

Unless I misunderstood, and you do indeed prefer anarchy and a lawless society.
Without question you misunderstood. Not a rare occurrence.
That indicates no such thing.

Yeah, it kinda does.

Without question you misunderstood. Not a rare occurrence.

So your poorly worded posts are now my problem ?

You indicated that you don't like the laws passed by Democrats
So assuming you ***DO*** actually want a society governed by law, you must want more laws.
Yeah, it kinda does.

So your poorly worded posts are now my problem ?

You indicated that you don't like the laws passed by Democrats
So assuming you ***DO*** actually want a society governed by law, you must want more laws.

Check your logic.
This is why none of this will ever change.

After the initial sensational news push...HEADLINES!!!!...what do we see since? Crickets. Nothing. Its just another day in the life. No weeks long details about the shooters and the victims. No continued front page presence as to who did what and why.

Conversely...when a white shooter commits an act like this it draws attention for days and they correlate the crime with culture...specifically white culture...and white supremacy...and race race race.

I will say again...NONE of this is about race. None of it is about guns. It IS about culture. Every shooting incident is different...every shooter has a culture background that contributes to the act. And until you are willing to address that...nothing will change.
Japan's gangland soldiers are very subservient to their gangland bosses, who enforce that policy themselves.
Japans gangs stopped using guns because the Japanese prison sentences for criminal use of firearms are massive...AND the Japanese government enacted their version of RICO which causes the gang leaders to also be charged and share convictions. SO...you are right...the Japanese bosses insist no guns.

The restriction (not banning) of guns in Japan did not have an impact on Japanese suicides either. They still kill themselves at approximately the same rate as our citizens do. Still 2-1 male to female...and they do so by stepping in front of fast moving trains, poisoning themselves, or throwing themselves off tall buildings.
This is why none of this will ever change.

After the initial sensational news push...HEADLINES!!!!...what do we see since? Crickets. Nothing. Its just another day in the life. No weeks long details about the shooters and the victims. No continued front page presence as to who did what and why.

Conversely...when a white shooter commits an act like this it draws attention for days and they correlate the crime with culture...specifically white culture...and white supremacy...and race race race.

I will say again...NONE of this is about race. None of it is about guns. It IS about culture. Every shooting incident is different...every shooter has a culture background that contributes to the act. And until you are willing to address that...nothing will change.

That's just the way it is
Some tings will never change:


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