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Shingles Vax (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Somewhere in the Low Country
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Slightly Liberal
Man had the shingles vax today. I got it at CVS and it friggin hurts like hell. I’m feeling really really rotten and my arm feels like heavy blocks were dropped on it. Anyone else had this shot?
Is this normal? I know fever and general fatigue as well as local discomfort but wow this is 3x as bad as the Covid shot
Hopefully this doesn’t last long good grief
If you're talking about the Shingrix vaccine, my wife's arm swelled up like a golf ball, literally looked like someone split one in half and stuck it in her arm, and she was hit hard for a day or two. It's pretty common to have bad side effects with the vaccine, from what we heard. Good news is she was about to skip the 'booster' that's required for it to work right (didn't want to go through THAT again...), but went ahead, got it, and had a FAR easier time with the second.

I had almost no reaction - like a typical flu shot. But the nurse said it hits some people hard on dose 2. Anyway, hopefully you'll be over it in a day or two and then the second round is easy. We did it because my MIL had a bad case of shingles that was pretty debilitating for about 6 months. Affected her face... hard to eat, smile. We decided we'd rather deal with the vaccine than THAT, and I am particularly susceptible unfortunately.
Never had the shot, but have had the shingles. It wasn't too bad, sounds like the shot is worse
Yes, I had the Shingrex vaccine because I had a boss in his 50's who got shingles and was out of commission for a couple of weeks. He said it was the most painful thing he had ever experienced. I had no pain from the shot. I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time, but it is assuredly much better than what you would have experienced with Shingles.

I'm up to date on my Covid shots, and the last one not only gave me tremendous pain in my upper arm but mild symptoms as well. I think our bodies all react differently to vaccines.

Hope you feel better soon!
Never had the shot, but have had the shingles. It wasn't too bad, sounds like the shot is worse
I had shingles too, and it was a mild case, but it can be REALLY bad for some people. I recounted my MIL's case above. Shot was clearly easier than what she went through.
Yes, I had the Shingrex vaccine because I had a boss in his 50's who got shingles and was out of commission for a couple of weeks. He said it was the most painful thing he had ever experienced. I had no pain from the shot. I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time, but it is assuredly much better than what you would have experienced with Shingles.

I'm up to date on my Covid shots, and the last one not only gave me tremendous pain in my upper arm but mild symptoms as well. I think our bodies all react differently to vaccines.

Hope you feel better soon!
Thank you. I usually have no issues with vaccines and I’m sure that shingles is bad. I knew someone who had it. Covid vaccines give me a slight fever and fatigue but nothing wild. I had a really bad case of Chicken Pox (Varicela) when I was a kid so maybe that has something to do with the reaction. I’m presently chilling in the hot tub whimpering about my arm and my husband is laughing 🤣 because he said don’t do it and I did it anyway because I believe in vaccines 💉 and I get sick easier than he does
The shots were more painful than any other vax I've gotten and my arm was sore for a day. The good news is you shouldn't need another for 7 years after you finish the series.
The shots were more painful than any other vax I've gotten and my arm was sore for a day. The good news is you shouldn't need another for 7 years after you finish the series.
That’s good. I know pneumonia was 1 and done which was awesome
Had shingles. It wasn't that bad but it took six months for all the symptom to disappear. I was fearing that I would hurt forever.
I am too young for this, but I had an AWFUL case of shingles in the spring of 2022? Horrible. I was in SO much pain from it and could barely sleep - for almost 2 weeks.

I wish I could get the vaccine because that was one of the most painful things I’ve experienced, and I had a c-section.
Man had the shingles vax today. I got it at CVS and it friggin hurts like hell. I’m feeling really really rotten and my arm feels like heavy blocks were dropped on it. Anyone else had this shot?
Is this normal? I know fever and general fatigue as well as local discomfort but wow this is 3x as bad as the Covid shot
Hopefully this doesn’t last long good grief

Me, no reaction first shot, maybe a little arm soreness.

2nd shot, woke up in the middle of the night shivering uncontrollably. This is a known possible reaction but I wasnt informed and didnt see it in the literature...had to look online after the fact.

Was pretty awful for a few hrs but I did attribute it to the shot so I just rode it out. Was fine the next day. I would still recommend the shots, but be prepared.
Never had the shot, but have had the shingles. It wasn't too bad, sounds like the shot is worse

I've had to help treat 2 elderly relatives that had outbreaks of shingles...was pretty nasty and uncomfortable. I'd take the shots over that.
Man had the shingles vax today. I got it at CVS and it friggin hurts like hell. I’m feeling really really rotten and my arm feels like heavy blocks were dropped on it. Anyone else had this shot?
Is this normal? I know fever and general fatigue as well as local discomfort but wow this is 3x as bad as the Covid shot
Hopefully this doesn’t last long good grief
My experience was similar. It only lasted 24 hours, but it was definitely uncomfortable. I had to sleep on the other side. My sympathies.
I've had to help treat 2 elderly relatives that had outbreaks of shingles...was pretty nasty and uncomfortable. I'd take the shots over that.
Understood, the disease and the shots effect us all differently. Took the first 2 COVID shots and got COVID,, both very mild.
I’ve had shots before. I’m used to the jab and the technician proficiency comes into play. That being said, the second dose felt like she was injecting boiling water into me. i was cool with the jab, but then she got a yelp outta me when the plunger went down. The arm was red and sore for a day or two following.
Had shingles once

Left side of back and shoulder.

Joint pain, and open sores. The sores went away after 2 weeks or so, the pain after 5 months
Had shingles in my early thirties. It was localized on my lower back, right side. Felt like someone had laid a live electrical wire across my skin. Even the breeze from the ceiling fan on it was unbearable.

Having said all that you'd think I'd be breaking down the door at CVS for the vaccine but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Had shingles in my early thirties. It was localized on my lower back, right side. Felt like someone had laid a live electrical wire across my skin. Even the breeze from the ceiling fan on it was unbearable.

Having said all that you'd think I'd be breaking down the door at CVS for the vaccine but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Why not?
Man had the shingles vax today. I got it at CVS and it friggin hurts like hell. I’m feeling really really rotten and my arm feels like heavy blocks were dropped on it. Anyone else had this shot?

Is this normal?

It sucks, but it is a thousand times better than getting shingles.
Never had the shot, but have had the shingles. It wasn't too bad, sounds like the shot is worse
It isn't.

Shingles can cause strokes, dementia, heart disease, and permanent nerve pain. It hits harder as you get older. The vaccine is definitely worth it.
I've had both shingles shots. Arm might have been a little sore, but really I don't remember anything of note about any reaction.
got the shingles shot last year. First shot was worse than the second. Mainly had a sore arm and fatigue from the first.

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