From 1995, but today, relevant more than ever...
I guess I missed that war.
Also, hilarious that you say it's relevant more than ever today when the President of the United States IS a black man. LOL!
Understandable, since it's not over.
Ah, right wing cliches--civil rights is no longer an issue since a Black man got elected Pres.
So black people became slaves again in 1995 under President Clinton and they still are slaves now... and we have a black President, so Obama is keeping black people as slaves?
It's only his white half that's keeping slaves.
From 1995, but today, relevant more than ever...
How the hell is this relevant more than ever?
Didn't you hear the President announcing that all blacks would be rounded up and turned into slaves again?
So black people became slaves again in 1995 under President Clinton and they still are slaves now... and we have a black President, so Obama is keeping black people as slaves?
O's white predecessors started it, but O has yet to stop it...
Unarmed People of Color Killed by Police, 1999-2014
Wow -- that's a lot of innocent black people being killed by cops. Were any of the shootings justified?
Yes, it's always justified for police forces to shoot unarmed individuals
Wait a gosh darn second here, I've been told on here we've been living in a racial harmony until that damn Obama became President and ruined it.
You do realize that you can still be a threat when you don't have a gun, right?
Obama was Pres in '95 ?
Explain how an unarmed individual poses a threat to armed individuals w/night sticks, tasers, armor, and guns.
You do realize that you can still be a threat when you don't have a gun, right? Take Michael Brown, for instance. He assaulted Officer Wilson, tried to grab his gun
Ah--cops always tell the truth in their reports--another right wing cliche
Ah--cops always tell the truth in their reports--another right wing cliche
Explain how an unarmed individual poses a threat to armed individuals w/night sticks, tasers, armor, and guns.