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She Touljah so (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2011
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From 1995, but today, relevant more than ever...

From 1995, but today, relevant more than ever...

I guess I missed that war. Also, hilarious that you say it's relevant more than ever today when the President of the United States IS a black man. LOL!
I guess I missed that war.

Understandable, since it's not over.

Also, hilarious that you say it's relevant more than ever today when the President of the United States IS a black man. LOL!

Ah, right wing cliches--civil rights is no longer an issue since a Black man got elected Pres. :rolleyes:
Understandable, since it's not over.
Ah, right wing cliches--civil rights is no longer an issue since a Black man got elected Pres. :rolleyes:

So black people became slaves again in 1995 under President Clinton and they still are slaves now... and we have a black President, so Obama is keeping black people as slaves?
So black people became slaves again in 1995 under President Clinton and they still are slaves now... and we have a black President, so Obama is keeping black people as slaves?

It's only his white half that's keeping slaves.
It's only his white half that's keeping slaves.

Oooooh....what about Bill Clinton then? This all started under him, so says the OP.
How the hell is this relevant more than ever?

Didn't you hear the President announcing that all blacks would be rounded up and turned into slaves again?
Wow -- that's a lot of innocent black people being killed by cops. Were any of the shootings justified?

Yes, it's always justified for police forces to shoot unarmed individuals :rolleyes:
Wait a gosh darn second here, I've been told on here we've been living in a racial harmony until that damn Obama became President and ruined it.
Yes, it's always justified for police forces to shoot unarmed individuals :rolleyes:

You do realize that you can still be a threat when you don't have a gun, right? Take Michael Brown, for instance. He assaulted Officer Wilson, tried to grab his gun and then came charging at him like a bull. Officer Wilson was justified in shooting him.

Is it a coincidence that almost all of these people were in some sort of scuffle with policemen when they were shot?
Wait a gosh darn second here, I've been told on here we've been living in a racial harmony until that damn Obama became President and ruined it.

Obama was Pres in '95 ?
You do realize that you can still be a threat when you don't have a gun, right?

Explain how an unarmed individual poses a threat to armed individuals w/night sticks, tasers, armor, and guns.
Obama was Pres in '95 ?

No but acording to some here since 1960's-2009, when Obama became President, America was a racial harmony. This video from 1995 shows all was not well during that period of racial harmony they are claiming existed.
Explain how an unarmed individual poses a threat to armed individuals w/night sticks, tasers, armor, and guns.

I just did -- Michael Brown.
Also - many of these people were tasered, not shot.
You do realize that you can still be a threat when you don't have a gun, right? Take Michael Brown, for instance. He assaulted Officer Wilson, tried to grab his gun

Ah--cops always tell the truth in their reports--another right wing cliche :)
Ah--cops always tell the truth in their reports--another right wing cliche :)

No, they don't always tell the truth, and the same goes for the civilians; they don't always tell the truth either. That's why I support body cams on cops.
Several of these people were carrying toy guns which look incredibly similar to real firearms and refused to obey police orders to put it down.

Refusing to obey police orders seems like a trend with almost all of these deaths.
Let's take this one for example:

While attempting to make a U-turn at a White House checkpoint, Carey allegedly hit a barricade and a Secret Service officer in front of the White House. After a high-speed chase, police surrounded her, weapons drawn. She was shot five times in the chase and died at the scene. She was unarmed. Her daughter was in the car with her and was unharmed. Aftermath: The U.S. Attorney's Office declined to press charges.

WTF? Who leads the police on a high-speed chase simply because they accidentally hit a barricade?
Explain how an unarmed individual poses a threat to armed individuals w/night sticks, tasers, armor, and guns.

Are we talking about people with no arms, or legs, or knees, or elbows, or teeth? Do they weigh 300 lbs?

All of those can be considered a weapon.

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