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Sharon close to death (1 Viewer)

At this point... Sharon is currently on the operating table. Even if he survives this... it seems he may be waay to unhealthy and unstable to rule Israel. He is most definately going to have some type of paralysis and probably slurred speech/impared judgement. He will certainly not be running for re-election any more, and in fact may step down from power immediately. This will hurt the peace process. Sharon has brought an unprecedented urge towards moderation with the Palestinians. Without Sharon, that spirit of moderation will be lost.
KevinWan said:
At this point... Sharon is currently on the operating table. Even if he survives this... it seems he may be waay to unhealthy and unstable to rule Israel. He is most definately going to have some type of paralysis and probably slurred speech/impared judgement. He will certainly not be running for re-election any more, and in fact may step down from power immediately. This will hurt the peace process. Sharon has brought an unprecedented urge towards moderation with the Palestinians. Without Sharon, that spirit of moderation will be lost.

I agree, I fear those on the right will grab the reigns, and this peace will be in dire jeopardy.
Deegan said:
I agree, I fear those on the right will grab the reigns, and this peace will be in dire jeopardy.

Peace? what peace? I still see Israeli's getting killed weekly.
Blind man said:
Peace? what peace? I still see Israeli's getting killed weekly.

That's what Hamas wants, to keep the fight alive, they want to fight, they want to die, the trick is to disrupt the pattern. Maybe it can't be realized, but it has to be tried, and I believe a new generation will choose peace, one day.
Deegan said:
and I believe a new generation will choose peace, one day.

There may be a long time before this day, especially if Netanyahou succeed to keep the power. "Kadima" seems desesperatly poor without Sharon.
Moral of the story, "Don't elect fat guys!"
Deegan said:
. Maybe it can't be realized, but it has to be tried, and I believe a new generation will choose peace, one day.

As soon as the Palestinians decide that they love their children more than they have the Jews, that 'one day' will arrive.
I can't say I'm Sharon's biggest fan but he did some good things I suppose so I hope he makes it through, that is if its not too grim.
This isn't a big deal, but I had to laugh at this. I was watching Bush make some remarks about Sharon on Thursday, and two times, he referred to Sharon in THE PAST TENSE - as if he was already dead. What a moron...
I hope this mass murderer will die horribly and rot in hell ....

After all the massacres he done to palestenians , he is called peaceful
mustafa said:
I hope this mass murderer will die horribly and rot in hell ....

After all the massacres he done to palestenians , he is called peaceful


Right, Israel'll just be taking back the Gaza Strip, then. Ungrateful moron.
Blind man said:
Peace? what peace? I still see Israeli's getting killed weekly.

no palestinans as well then?
Red_Dave said:
no palestinans as well then?

Who gives a sod! If people are dying, it sucks. Palestinians get killed by suicide bombers too, you know.

It's not going to solve itself instantaneously, you know. Something is far better than nothing at all.

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