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Sharing power w/Republicans;.. made easy! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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1. Always pretend that its the liberals who represent the mainstream majority.

2. If that fails, ..try inventing more "focus" groups.

3. Use race, economic class, & of course examples of slavery of 140 years ago.

4. Remind people that the 04' election "might" have been fixed, ..damn that----just lie, & say it was fixed.

5. Tell the American people that the Bush administration IS as hateful & deadly as the Taliban, & quite comparable to the terrorists.

6. Also tell the people that Bush, & Cheney are the real people who created 9/11; & remind them that Islam actually is the religion of peace, & that it is America, & the right wingers, & Christian groups who are out to take away everybodies rights.

7. Tell everybody that Bush must have some secret "concentration camps" built for all dissenters, & actually built for our black citizens, ..Remind them that California public servant; "Maxine Water's said that, & since she is a black, & a democrat,.. she is above reproach, as is Louis Farakkan who said the Bush administration deliberatley blew up the levees in new Orleans to kill our black citizens!

8. Tell everybody its not fair that winning republican presidents get to choose THEIR nominees for the high courts; & that its only right & just to smear & destroy all of his nominees, & if they are black american nominees it is allowable for the liberal democrats to refer to them as dumb blacks, & even uncle Toms.

9. And always, but Always make sure that America is blamed first for everything, ..especially the republicans because they just love to exploit.

10. Continue to use the vehicle of the mainstream liberal media to help implement the first nine points, ...as they have so well for the last 35 years.

:smile: and HOPE for lots of luck!
This thread sucks.

I can't think of how many people think that politics is just liberals and conservatieves. I could list off many things republicans did, but it'd be too long.
Comrade Brian said:
This thread sucks.

I can't think of how many people think that politics is just liberals and conservatieves. I could list off many things republicans did, but it'd be too long.

It is a war of ideologies! The problem is, the media never ever gets the stories correct.

It is how "they" say things, ..& "when" they say things!

Make sure the list you say you have isn't just media inspired; better check it to be sure.

Remember, the democrats have made tons of charges, just because the media repeats them, does not make them so.;)
Stu Ghatze said:
It is a war of ideologies! The problem is, the media never ever gets the stories correct.

It is how "they" say things, ..& "when" they say things!

Make sure the list you say you have isn't just media inspired; better check it to be sure.

Remember, the democrats have made tons of charges, just because the media repeats them, does not make them so.;)

You're right when you say politics is a war of idealogies, but there's more than liberals and conservatives.

Because democrats made tons of charges, doesn't mean they're true, but it doesn't mean they're wrong.

I think some of the charges may be false, but most right, but I think there were many more crimes committed.
Comrade Brian said:
You're right when you say politics is a war of idealogies, but there's more than liberals and conservatives.

Because democrats made tons of charges, doesn't mean they're true, but it doesn't mean they're wrong.

I think some of the charges may be false, but most right, but I think there were many more crimes committed.

Your second paragraph sums up the metality of the whacko liberals quite perfectly; ..so If the democrats keep making unfounded accusations, ..."some" of them must be true, ..right?

Of course the burden of proof must NEVER be placed upon those that make the charges, ..correct?

Dan Rather said much the similiar, ..only in nice literary Liberal form something like; "just because a person has lied does not make his story false"!

So...in other words we are to trust the known liar, ..because there is lack of evidence to indict the accused?? :smile:

What an honesty scholar, ..& to think the CBS juggernauts gave Rather the boot just because he hated Bush, ..& WANTED forged documents to indict Bush for being dishonorable in the military,.. in an attempt to influence the 04' election!

Congradulations, ..you are on your way of becoming a good little liberal in good standing! :2razz:
Stu Ghatze said:
Congradulations, ..you are on your way of becoming a good little liberal in good standing! :2razz:

I'm not a ****ing liberal you 'tard, maybe if you'd ever get out of that little mental institution you'd know that.
Comrade Brian said:
I'm not a ****ing liberal you 'tard, maybe if you'd ever get out of that little mental institution you'd know that.

I USED to be in that mental institution decades ago, ..& it was called "The Democratic Party".

I know, ...its name is still synonomous with retardation or in fact worse; & if I have offended, ..please forgive my error in judging you as a liberal.

Lord knows, ..the liberal label is much more offensive than the word; "retard"!

Trying to be "fair minded" while engaging die hard core liberals is a waste in exercise, ..& sharing power with them is often suicidal as many in the republican senate majority has found out; ..not to mention that the knife blade is often found to be sharper AFTER one has taken it out of ones own back!;)
You seriously need to write more things besides just critisizing liberals, everyone probably thinks you're an idiot.

I think retard is more harassing than liberal, because many people think themselves as liberals.

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