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Sharapova suspended for TWO YEARS (1 Viewer)


warrior of the wetlands
DP Veteran
Oct 12, 2005
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Libertarian - Right
Shrieking Sharapova-once the most endorsed female athlete in the world-has been dealt a 2 year suspension by the WTA. Meaning she won't worry about having Serena destroy her in the 2016 games as was the case in London. She is appealing this claiming her drug use was medically necessary. Given the current state of Russian anti doping efforts, she may have a tough row to hoe.
I heard something today that said the drugs she is getting suspended for weren't banned until just this year.
I heard something today that said the drugs she is getting suspended for weren't banned until just this year.

That's what I heard as well Meldoniun. in checking it was banned Jan 1st of this year.
It does have a medical use in treating coronary artery disease. what it does is increase the size of arteries... which would help someone with a disease like that... but it would also of course allow someone with health arteries to carry more oxygenated blood.
so it certainly can be a doping drug.

The wiki here has some info on it

It also has alist of 124 people who were suspended for using it. they are all eastern European , mostly Russian, except one Swede, one Norwegian and one Ethiopian.
Looks like the reasoning for that is Meldonium has not been approved in the USA but its a prescribed drug in eastern Europe.
I heard something today that said the drugs she is getting suspended for weren't banned until just this year.

She had been taking it for a long time. They sent out an email in January telling them it was now a banned substance and she ignored it. Two years is absurd though.
Her body was about done for tennis, she has plenty of money (over $100 million net worth), and she still has her looks......the woman will do very fine going forwards. She was at times fun to watch on the court.
Ive always preferred Anna Kournokova over her anyway even though she never won anything, I always thought Anna was sexier and she was the only reason I watched some tennis. :mrgreen:
Her body was about done for tennis, she has plenty of money (over $100 million net worth), and she still has her looks......the woman will do very fine going forwards. She was at times fun to watch on the court.

the shrieking is annoying and I have seen Maria practice for years at the ATP Mason, Ohio. and guess what-she and a few others-like Vika Azarenka and a lower ranked but much louder Bolleteri student-M Larcher De Brito-dont seem to be doing their ear splitting nonsense while practicing. so I think that it should be banned or at least sanctioned at some point.

BTW Sharapova isn't anywhere near being one of the best looking players in person. Ana Ivanovic, Caroline Wozniacki, Madison Keyes, Garbine Mugurruza, Martina Hingis, the Pliskova sisters, Laura Robson, Andrea Petkovic, and Julie Goerges are all far prettier in person and most of them have far nicer personalities
the shrieking is annoying and I have seen Maria practice for years at the ATP Mason, Ohio. and guess what-she and a few others-like Vika Azarenka and a lower ranked but much louder Bolleteri student-M Larcher De Brito-dont seem to be doing their ear splitting nonsense while practicing. so I think that it should be banned or at least sanctioned at some point.

BTW Sharapova isn't anywhere near being one of the best looking players in person. Ana Ivanovic, Caroline Wozniacki, Madison Keyes, Garbine Mugurruza, Martina Hingis, the Pliskova sisters, Laura Robson, Andrea Petkovic, and Julie Goerges are all far prettier in person and most of them have far nicer personalities

I am with you on the noise thing. Also, this is not the first time I have heard that the noiseworks operate on desire of will rather than brain hiccup, though I dont have enough knowledge to claim fact.
Shrieking Sharapova-once the most endorsed female athlete in the world-has been dealt a 2 year suspension by the WTA. Meaning she won't worry about having Serena destroy her in the 2016 games as was the case in London. She is appealing this claiming her drug use was medically necessary. Given the current state of Russian anti doping efforts, she may have a tough row to hoe.

This is an anti Russian witch hunt. No western athlete would get such a ban considering the circumstances. A years suspension would have been fair, but 2 years is way out of proportion. Athletes who have used steroids, and gone out of their way to dope themselves have gotten the same suspension or less, and here we have a case where a rule changed caused her from going from non-doper to doper.. pathetic ruling.

And yes she should be banned for not following the rules but come on.. she gets "busted" only because the rules changed and she did not read about it (her own fault)... pathetic.
So was Sharapova trying to get super-powered endurance or treat a heart condition, as she claimed on Monday? It’s true that athletes from Russia and the former Soviet countries are having a particularly hard time obeying WADA’s rules on drug use, and that meldonium seems especially popular with athletes from that region. Also, Grendiks says the appropriate course of treatment for a heart condition is four to six weeks, not the 10 years that Sharapova says she used it.

The Original Users of Meldonium, Sharapova?s Banned Drug? Soviet Super-Soldiers | WIRED

Ya ya, we know why she took it, but why didn't she stop? I mean if you are a $100+ million plus empire that is some really sloppy office work right there, to not notice the upcoming ban, and make plans.
The Original Users of Meldonium, Sharapova?s Banned Drug? Soviet Super-Soldiers | WIRED

Ya ya, we know why she took it, but why didn't she stop? I mean if you are a $100+ million plus empire that is some really sloppy office work right there, to not notice the upcoming ban, and make plans.

Stuff falls through the cracks.. **** happens. No excuse, just a fact. But punishing her the same as a deliberate doper? Come on..that would be like punishing people who accidentally kill someone (man slaughter for example) the same way as a mass murder..
This drug was always legal so she took this drug for 10 years, but then 3 WEEKS after it's banned she fails the test. The 2 year ban is seems very excessive. IMO a fair thing to do would be after she failed that test to get a hold of her face to face, tell her that drug is now illegal, and we'll be back to test you in 2 months. If you're not clean by then you're banned for life. That way there would be no misunderstandings, no mix-ups.

But with her looks, and contacts, and endorsements(she lost some but I'm sure she still has some sponsors and endorsements) she'll still make millions. She's almost 30, which in women's tennis is pretty much over the hill anyway. She can just use this suspension to move onto something else. Quite honestly I'm surprised she stuck with playing tennis as long as she did. She was making much more money off the court, she should have bowed out 3 years ago or so.
This drug was always legal so she took this drug for 10 years, but then 3 WEEKS after it's banned she fails the test. The 2 year ban is seems very excessive. IMO a fair thing to do would be after she failed that test to get a hold of her face to face, tell her that drug is now illegal, and we'll be back to test you in 2 months. If you're not clean by then you're banned for life. That way there would be no misunderstandings, no mix-ups.

But with her looks, and contacts, and endorsements(she lost some but I'm sure she still has some sponsors and endorsements) she'll still make millions. She's almost 30, which in women's tennis is pretty much over the hill anyway. She can just use this suspension to move onto something else. Quite honestly I'm surprised she stuck with playing tennis as long as she did. She was making much more money off the court, she should have bowed out 3 years ago or so.

What I dont get, is why 2 years, when the banning panel acknowledged that it was by mistake and there was no intent... and yet they ban her the same as one that does it deliberate and with worse drugs... makes no sense. I suspect she will win her appeal and the ban will be 6 months to a year instead, which means by the time she gets the appeal heard then the ban will have been served.
What I dont get, is why 2 years, when the banning panel acknowledged that it was by mistake and there was no intent... and yet they ban her the same as one that does it deliberate and with worse drugs... makes no sense. I suspect she will win her appeal and the ban will be 6 months to a year instead, which means by the time she gets the appeal heard then the ban will have been served.

Yep, 2 years is excessive. For the reason you stated. AND because she took the drug for 10 years, then 3 WEEKS after is was banned she's suspended. The 3 weeks gets me. If it was 6 months, 9 months, etc. then I'd be more on the side of the panel. But she took it for a decade, and all was good. But 3 WEEKS after it was banned they make the decision she was cheating, even though as you said it was mostly likely a mistake?

IMO there should be some common sense used. She isn't some unknown player, she's good for women's tennis. Tell her she will be re-tested in 2 months, and every 2 months for the rest of the year. If she fails again, then she's done forever. if she passes then reinstate her by the end of the year.

But again I don't even know why she'd bother. She on the downside of her tennis career. She should just clear her name, if she can, and then move on to something else.
the shrieking is annoying and I have seen Maria practice for years at the ATP Mason, Ohio. and guess what-she and a few others-like Vika Azarenka and a lower ranked but much louder Bolleteri student-M Larcher De Brito-dont seem to be doing their ear splitting nonsense while practicing. so I think that it should be banned or at least sanctioned at some point.

BTW Sharapova isn't anywhere near being one of the best looking players in person. Ana Ivanovic, Caroline Wozniacki, Madison Keyes, Garbine Mugurruza, Martina Hingis, the Pliskova sisters, Laura Robson, Andrea Petkovic, and Julie Goerges are all far prettier in person and most of them have far nicer personalities

Speaking of shrieking... :lol:

What I dont get, is why 2 years, when the banning panel acknowledged that it was by mistake and there was no intent... and yet they ban her the same as one that does it deliberate and with worse drugs... makes no sense. I suspect she will win her appeal and the ban will be 6 months to a year instead, which means by the time she gets the appeal heard then the ban will have been served.

I'd be surprised if it isn't reduced to one year (starting in January) after the appeal.
What I dont get, is why 2 years, when the banning panel acknowledged that it was by mistake and there was no intent... and yet they ban her the same as one that does it deliberate and with worse drugs... makes no sense. I suspect she will win her appeal and the ban will be 6 months to a year instead, which means by the time she gets the appeal heard then the ban will have been served.

Christine Brennan said Shriekapova deserved the ban

Brennan: Maria Sharapova, world-class cheater

and apparently she has some support from Sir Andrew Murray

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has to prove that she took this for a specific condition, which i certainly highly doubt a tennis player would be

oh it wasn't banned until this year? That's what happens when you attempt to concoct new forms of cheating and stay ahead of drug tests!

frankly i'm not sure which has cheated more obviously, putin's athletes or the baseball players and pro wrestlers of the 2000s
What I dont get, is why 2 years, when the banning panel acknowledged that it was by mistake and there was no intent... and yet they ban her the same as one that does it deliberate and with worse drugs... makes no sense. I suspect she will win her appeal and the ban will be 6 months to a year instead, which means by the time she gets the appeal heard then the ban will have been served.

she was cheating for 10 years, taking it specifically to gain a competitive advantage. The mistake was allowing her to get away with it until now
she was cheating for 10 years, taking it specifically to gain a competitive advantage. The mistake was allowing her to get away with it until now

The hell she was. The drug she was taking was legal until 18-25 days before she was "busted".

That is like saying you have broken the speed limit for the last 10 years, because now the state has set the speed limit down from 50 miles an hour to 40... and hence you are a law breaker and deserve to go to prison because of your "law breaking" the last 10 years.
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Christine Brennan said Shriekapova deserved the ban

Brennan: Maria Sharapova, world-class cheater

and apparently she has some support from Sir Andrew Murray


Smells more like "she is Russian and it is PC to hate all Russians at the moment".

Lets put it this way.. dont you think the Williams sisters take "doctor prescribed" drugs that enhance their performance? Are they cheaters?

But of course she needs to be punished, she made a mistake. But giving her the same punishment as a deliberate doper... come on.
The hell she was. The drug she was taking was legal until 3 months before she was "busted".

That is like saying you have broken the speed limit for the last 10 years, because now the state has set the speed limit down from 50 miles an hour to 40... and hence you are a law breaker and deserve to go to prison because of your "law breaking" the last 10 years.

ex post facto...this isn't the court of law dude. It's a sport and a PED is a PED whether it's banned or not. She was looking to get an edge all along and that is not what honorable competition is about. I favor being proactive for this reason. Ban anyone suspect and you won't have garbage like the top 7 finishers at tour de france testing positive AFTER the event is ruined. Ban the entire russian olympic team, all good to me

she's probably taking other crap too
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