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Shadowrun Returns (1 Viewer)

Morality Games

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
First of the big Kickstarter RPGs to make it to the finish line.

I somehow expected the game to be larger in scale but overall it had a good flavor. Looking forward to the modules.
"Shadowrun"? Like the old Sega Genesis game? I used to love that game!
"Shadowrun"? Like the old Sega Genesis game? I used to love that game!

Jordan Weisman created the SNES/Genesis games and the Pen and Paper setting they were adapted from. About 16 months ago he crowdsourced the funds for a spiritual successor to that game called Shadowrun Returns.

You can download it on Steam for about $20.
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how good is it

I loved that RPG
I think it averaged 7.6, but it has a lot of heart and a lot of modding potential similar to Neverwinter Nights.

That's about what I was going to say. I'm not that far into the initial campaign, but so far it's a fun, very straightforward old-school (I think "isometric" is the term?) RPG. It's clear that they lifted the dialogue style and atmosphere directly from the old tabletop game.

My only real critique so far is that it's a little on the easy side.
I've always been a fan of the ShadowRun pen and paper RPG. Never really got into any of the online ones. Too limiting for my personal tastes, but I've had a lot of great days/nights with the pen/paper RPG and it's modules.
That's about what I was going to say. I'm not that far into the initial campaign, but so far it's a fun, very straightforward old-school (I think "isometric" is the term?) RPG. It's clear that they lifted the dialogue style and atmosphere directly from the old tabletop game.

My only real critique so far is that it's a little on the easy side.

Well, that's one aspect of how the campaign doesn't live up to the full potential of the toolkit. Of course you can always put it on hardcore and let the enemy have as many AP as you do.

I'm hoping that the Berlin campaign improves on that.

I've always been a fan of the ShadowRun pen and paper RPG. Never really got into any of the online ones. Too limiting for my personal tastes, but I've had a lot of great days/nights with the pen/paper RPG and it's modules.

I've been trying to learn how to game master it. Its challenging.
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Well, that's one aspect of it. Overall the campaign doesn't live up to the full potential of the toolkit. Of course you can always put it on hardcore and let the enemy have as many AP as you do.

I'm hoping that the Berlin campaign improves on that.

I've been trying to learn how to game master it. Its challenging.

Tried the pen-n-paper RPG once many yrs ago.... the system was cumbersome, and armor ratings were too high vs light firearms IIRC.

Interesting story concept though.
Well, that's one aspect of it. Overall the campaign doesn't live up to the full potential of the toolkit. Of course you can always put it on hardcore and let the enemy have as many AP as you do.

I'm hoping that the Berlin campaign improves on that.

I didn't realize they already had another campaign up and ready. That's awesome. And yeah, my plan was to kick up the difficulty. Although I'm still obsessing over the most recent civ expansion, so that may take a while.
I didn't realize they already had another campaign up and ready. That's awesome. And yeah, my plan was to kick up the difficulty. Although I'm still obsessing over the most recent civ expansion, so that may take a while.

It isn't out yet. Originally it was pledged as part of the OC, but they decided to divide it into a DLC later.

"Out on the Limb" is a promising fan made module from what I hear though.
I've been trying to learn how to game master it. Its challenging.

Yeah. Lots of rules for magic and decking. Always remember to expect the unexpected from your players and most importantly HAVE FUN. If people aren't having fun the game isn't going right.

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