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Sex Ed. (1 Viewer)


Non-Passive Pascifist
DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2005
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Mesquite, Texas
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
What are your thoughts of sexual education in schools? How far is too far(if there is such a point)? Birth control etc.?

I think there should be more emphasis on sexual eduation, not just a blurb in the required health class. I think abstinence should be encouraged(maybe a little bit of STD scare tactics :lol: ), but proper use of condoms, etc. should be taught.
I think students should have easy access to protection and knowledge of planned parenthood. Abstinence and STD's should be acknowledged as well. I think the teachers or educators should not take a stance on which is better so students can't get biased thoughts or opinions.
I don't think enforcing kids not to have sex is much of a bias, and if it is I don't see anything wrong with it. I think actually giving them condoms goes too far. There's a difference between educating about safe sex and endorsing kids to have sex. I mean when I took health class, I was fourteen, and I think that is too young to just be passing out condoms when kids get questions right :lol:.

I think they should learn about all kinds nasty STDs. Hell, make a few up just to scare them into abstinence.

"That's right kids, Ebola naturally occurs in 8 out of 10 males, and you start hemorrhaging if you ever look at a naked lady. Have a nice day kids."
Well, I strongly oppose abstinence education. It should be up to the kid to choose whether or not to have sex. The schools should simply educate kids about sex but not tell them wheater or not to have it. Let them make up their own minds. Don't "hand out" condoms, but make them available upon request. Scaring kids with STDs is not a good thing. Speak truthfully about them, but dont try to pressure kids into abstinence. Explain how condoms can protect you, etc. Teaching abstinence is nothing but forcing your morality on others. Let the kids decide what they do with their own bodies, and let the schools simply teach about sex.
So you think if a 14 year old wants to have sex, you don't think we should try to dissuade them from such a decision? How bout a 13 year old? 12? If they want to have sex with 12 year old wants to have sex with a 16 year old, should we not try to dissuade them from such a thing? How about someone who is 18? 28?

I don't think children of the age of 12 or 14 or 16 for that matter have the mental capacity to make an intelligent decision about whether or not to have sex. That's a pretty big and risky decision in all honesty. It's hard enough getting grown people to be responsible when they have sex, much less teenagers and adolescents.
When I took Sex Ed. they used they whole "sex is horrible" approach and tried to scare by showing movies with horrible acting. That is not what they should be teaching people. Instead of the whole Puritan approach, they should teach that while sex is not a bad thing, it should not be taken as a small matter. Students should also be educated about proper usage of various birth control products.
I'm not suggesting demonizing the act of sex. I'm just saying handing out condoms at school to children and then expecting them to make an intelligent decision.
I don't have much to add other than to say that its a tough issue.

People need to know how their bodies work, and they need to learn about the possible consequences of their actions. They need to be informed, not scared. Schools can play a positive role in this.

Then again, I think it should first be the parents responsibility to teach their kids about sex. We should try to accommodate students from families who have reservations about teaching the subject material in school.

By the way, did anyone see the South Park episode on this? I thought they went a little too far graphically in some scenes, but I think the main point was that parents shouldn't expect the school to relieve them of their responsibilities when it comes to teaching their kids.
Gandhi>Bush said:
So you think if a 14 year old wants to have sex, you don't think we should try to dissuade them from such a decision?
Now that I'm no longer 14 I frown upon such activity by someone so young. At the time though a frown wasn't exactly descriptive

Gandhi>Bush said:
How about someone who is 18? 28?
Generally speaking I think we should let 28yr olds **** like bunnies if they want to.

Gandhi>Bush said:
I don't think children of the age of 12 or 14 or 16 for that matter have the mental capacity to make an intelligent decision about whether or not to have sex.
Yet, they must.

Driving a car is another risky situation. We allow 14yr olds to do so w/ an adult driver also present.

Perhaps we could endorse a learner's permit for sexual activity- you could have sex with you girlfriend as long as you had parental supervision.

Wouldn't that make 'em say eww
Simon W. Moon said:
Generally speaking I think we should let 28yr olds **** like bunnies if they want to.

I completely agree. But the whole thought was:

Gandhi>Bush said:
If they want to have sex with 12 year old wants to have sex with a 16 year old, should we not try to dissuade them from such a thing? How about someone who is 18? 28?

Drawing the line on a child's right to choose to have sex... etc.

Simon W. Moon said:
Yet, they must.

Driving a car is another risky situation. We allow 14yr olds to do so w/ an adult driver also present.

Does the first time you drive a car have the same impact on your life that the first time you have sex does/could?

Perhaps we could endorse a learner's permit for sexual activity- you could have sex with you girlfriend as long as you had parental supervision.

Wouldn't that make 'em say eww

That's the most psychologically damaging thing anyone has ever suggested.
Well this is a hard one for 2 reasons

1. It deals with a social taboo (yes sexuality is more open then it was say a decade ago, but it is still taboo.)

2. may see any answer as choosing the lesser evil.

I do have this to say about giving students condoms as being seen as a sign of giving them permission to have sex.

when has a teenager ever asked or looked for permission to do something stupid?

that being said, it is my opinion that at that age intelligence takes a back seat to hormones when it comes to sex. any and all preparation and advice we can give prior to the opportunity can only benefit the children. Ab stance is an easy answer but it is not practical applicable. especially when this coincides with the rebel years.
Gandhi>Bush said:
What are your thoughts of sexual education in schools? How far is too far(if there is such a point)? Birth control etc.?

I think there should be more emphasis on sexual eduation, not just a blurb in the required health class. I think abstinence should be encouraged(maybe a little bit of STD scare tactics :lol: ), but proper use of condoms, etc. should be taught.
In my opinion, there is no limit for Sex Ed, if you are old enough to have sex, you need to take the responsibility for the consequences.
Im your father...I brought you in this world and I'll take you out! -Bill Cosby
Gandhi>Bush said:
When is someone old enough to have sex?
You must not be familiar with some laws first you must be of 18 years of age to have sexual intercourse and you might have to be sexual mature and able to handle the consequence of childbirth. :smile:
Real_American15 said:
You must not be familiar with some laws first you must be of 18 years of age to have sexual intercourse and you might have to be sexual mature and able to handle the consequence of childbirth. :smile:

Not if you're gay!

Is the age of consent really 18 over there?
Real_American15 said:
You must not be familiar with some laws first you must be of 18 years of age to have sexual intercourse and you might have to be sexual mature and able to handle the consequence of childbirth.
Obviously, a few people are breaking the law then. The youngest mother we've delivered was 13 years old.

How about start a child's sexual education at the age they begin to ask questions about it. Tell them the truth. Don't sugarcoat the dangers, don't get exited about it, teach it just like any other subject. Matter-of-factly, straight forward and honestly. The worst thing you can do is lie. When eventually you are found out, they will disbelieve everything you have taught them true or not.
Naughty Nurse said:
Not if you're gay!

Is the age of consent really 18 over there?
well... depends on the states... as a general rule.. yes but there are exceptions and qualifications. In my home state, a 16-17 year old is able to give legal consent as long as the other individual is within 3 years of their age.

Statutory rape is almost like illegal immigration these days... the laws exist, but the government obviously doesn't give a damn enough about them to follow through and enforce them
As much as I have to agree that kids under the age of 18 (and even older) are incredibly stupid nowadays, I still think it is important to teach our kids about sex. Lying to our kids is not going to help anybody, but instilling values in our children, parenting them and teaching them how we feel, every parent will have biased their children the way they want them to believe about sex. Most of sex education should come from the parents. If you believe sex is natural and can accept that teens have sex, more power to you educate your children on safe sex and teach them respect. If you are afraid of your child having sex then teach him how you feel and you will have engrained in his head what you beleive and you can educate him in abstinance if you like. Public Schools (although tremendously corrupt and prisonlike in Florida) should only teach the anatomy and physiology of sex, other things should be learned from the parents (not other ignorant students). I think that a person with kids, is the person responsible for teaching that kid about life in general, including sex.
Naughty Nurse said:
Not if you're gay!

Is the age of consent really 18 over there?
God, I hope not. If it is then I've raped like 5 or 6 different girls!
and they loved every second of it!
Radical Ron said:
As much as I have to agree that kids under the age of 18 (and even older) are incredibly stupid nowadays, I still think it is important to teach our kids about sex. Lying to our kids is not going to help anybody, but instilling values in our children, parenting them and teaching them how we feel, every parent will have biased their children the way they want them to believe about sex. Most of sex education should come from the parents. If you believe sex is natural and can accept that teens have sex, more power to you educate your children on safe sex and teach them respect. If you are afraid of your child having sex then teach him how you feel and you will have engrained in his head what you beleive and you can educate him in abstinance if you like. Public Schools (although tremendously corrupt and prisonlike in Florida) should only teach the anatomy and physiology of sex, other things should be learned from the parents (not other ignorant students). I think that a person with kids, is the person responsible for teaching that kid about life in general, including sex.

um... im 14, and i atleast dont think im stupid... hell, im in a very big party city, New Orleans, and i can tell u, b/c of my parents...im not drinking nor smoking and im not having sex till im married.... although those arent from intelligence but not being a kid who goes rebel... i dont think im stupid, do u? :confused: i just hate when people say an age group and talk down to them.... Sex Education... lets see:

I had 2 weeks of Sex Ed, and to tell you the truth, it helped ALOT. Although commercials of STD's made me not want to have sex, sex ed did tell me all the other stuff that i already knew, and lots of kids just laughed at images like immature..... kids.... all i know is that not all kids are dumb, and yet not all kids are too bright either... i encourage everyone to use protection and to help with sex education and for parents to speak of it, just like they are supposed to with drugs and all that stuff. To tell you the truth, MY parents havent, but they didnt and told me they didnt cause they knew i wouldnt, but i disagree, most parents think their kids wont have unrpotected sex... atleast untill the test results come in....
Gandhi>Bush said:
What are your thoughts of sexual education in schools? How far is too far(if there is such a point)? Birth control etc.?

I think there should be more emphasis on sexual eduation, not just a blurb in the required health class. I think abstinence should be encouraged(maybe a little bit of STD scare tactics :lol: ), but proper use of condoms, etc. should be taught.

I Canada we have a whole unit that lasts a month each year since grade 4 and they have used the STD scare every year no joke
Gandhi>Bush said:
What are your thoughts of sexual education in schools? How far is too far(if there is such a point)? Birth control etc.?

I think there should be more emphasis on sexual eduation, not just a blurb in the required health class. I think abstinence should be encouraged(maybe a little bit of STD scare tactics :lol: ), but proper use of condoms, etc. should be taught.

i think sex education is a very good thing to be teaching to kids today. i had my first class in 5th grade. my next class was in 8th grade. that was the last class i had for sex education. im a junior now and because i work in my schools administration office, i know what extra classes are oing to be taught for the next 3 years and sex education is not one of them due to parental things. i honestly think it is dumb to take it out of schools. i have noticed that one big reason the parents didnt like it being taught at school was because they thought it inappropriate in that sort of environment and thought it best if their child was taught in the privacy of their own home. while thats all well and good, a couple of students made a survey asking if they had any sex education and if so, from whom. 8% of the students never even had a second of sex ed. 23% got their sex ed. from their parents and class. a whole 69% of the students only got their education from classes and have only attended 2 or 3 of them. is it just me or is there something not right? as far as passing out condoms and things like that, i dont think that is appropriate. if the student wants a condom, then give it to them. its their choice whether or not to have sex so it should be their choice whether or not to carry around the condom. dont force it onto them. so thats my 2 cents.

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