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Senate panel releases scathing report on CIA interrogation... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 2, 2013
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Northern New Jersey
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Here's the point:

The torture report released Tuesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee says the CIA deceived the nation with its insistence that the harsh interrogation tactics had saved lives. It says those claims are unsubstantiated by the CIA’s own records.

Senate report: Harsh CIA tactics didn't work | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

Whine about left and right all you want, the point is still the point.
Haven't we really known about torture all along?
And, won't it still be denied in some camps?
Here's the point:

The torture report released Tuesday by the Senate Intelligence Committee says the CIA deceived the nation with its insistence that the harsh interrogation tactics had saved lives. It says those claims are unsubstantiated by the CIA’s own records.

Senate report: Harsh CIA tactics didn't work | The Rundown | PBS NewsHour

Whine about left and right all you want, the point is still the point.

The senate didnt interview anyone who was involved with the enhanced interrogation program, so there is no basis to say whether it did or didnt save lives.
It's funny to watch Republicans go after Obama 6 times on Benghazi and come back empty handed....

Now... these reports are all about politics...

They can go **** themselves for all I care....
Haven't we really known about torture all along?
And, won't it still be denied in some camps?

Considering that the enhanced interrogation is not torture nothing is being denied. It is the left trying to twist the language of things they supported years ago but now is coming back to haunt them with liberal donors, its just about money like everything else.
Considering that the enhanced interrogation is not torture nothing is being denied. It is the left trying to twist the language of things they supported years ago but now is coming back to haunt them with liberal donors, its just about money like everything else.

Inhanced interrogation = torture
We have been waiting five years for this report to come out. The CIA have been fighting it every step of the way.
I thought the left was soooo concerned about getting the terrorists mad, and creating more terrorists. Why did the democrats release this report and endanger American live around the world? Haven't they seen enough beheadings yet?
How many executions have they committed compared to all of the other nations on Earth? I am pro torture when it is necessary. Diane Fienstien is a dilapidated, old, senile bitch.
I thought the left was soooo concerned about getting the terrorists mad, and creating more terrorists. Why did the democrats release this report and endanger American live around the world? Haven't they seen enough beheadings yet?

Hey buddy, 2002 called and they want their talking points back.
Inhanced interrogation = torture

Only when you need to condemn it, funny how the democrats were on board with the legality and non-torture definition the techniques 10 years ago.
Considering that the enhanced interrogation is not torture nothing is being denied. It is the left trying to twist the language of things they supported years ago but now is coming back to haunt them with liberal donors, its just about money like everything else.

Yeppers, it's still being denied. Call it by another name, and it's all A- OK.
I thought the left was soooo concerned about getting the terrorists mad, and creating more terrorists. Why did the democrats release this report and endanger American live around the world? Haven't they seen enough beheadings yet?

The American people deserve to know the truth about what the CIA has done. To look away or deny the possibility that have committed inhuman acts is a damnation of what America stands for.
Yah know, I wouldn't be so pissed off about this if you America didn't want to have it both ways.

It wants to be this moral high horse but yah know what, just come out and say it.

"We will torture to defend our country".

Then we all know where we stand.
The American people deserve to know the truth about what the CIA has done. To look away or deny the possibility that have committed inhuman acts is a damnation of what America stands for.

So, if the report proves the CIA did unspeakable things, what should happen next? What should the Obama Administration do?
Okay, so the long awaited report is out.

Now what?
Now we continue to stand reason on its head trying to deny that the US tortures prisoners, or else we justify the torture by pointing out how evil the enemy is.

That, and of course we must blame the other party.

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