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Selective Service Card (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 6, 2005
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Hong Kong
So this selective service card I've gotten in the mail..

What exactly am I signing up for when I fill this out?
It says that the penalty for not signing is prison time but I don't want to fill out something that I will get arrested for not filling out.

Any insight would be welcome.
Roundhouse! said:
So this selective service card I've gotten in the mail..

What exactly am I signing up for when I fill this out?
It says that the penalty for not signing is prison time but I don't want to fill out something that I will get arrested for not filling out.

Any insight would be welcome.

It's absolutely nothing important. All it does is register you for the Selective Service, so that if there happened to be a draft at some point, your name would be in the lottery. Every single male older than 18 has filled one out.

If you refuse, you can be arrested, fined, and are ineligible for college financial aid. And it has to be done withing 30 days.
I suggest you write on it that since women are excluded and only men included, it violates the 14th Amendments Equal Protection Clause and therefore is unconstitutional.

Funny thing how the Vaginal Supremacist RadFems don't shriek for equality here as they want to continue their Good Ol Girls Club of having rights without responsbilities.

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