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Seattle rioters tried to seal a precinct door with concrete before starting a fire outside (1 Viewer)

Hey, here's a great idea. Let's make sure the Governor continues to make empty threats as Seattle burns for another month.
All part of that "Summer of Love"!
Concrete takes 24-36 hours to set, so these supposed vandals were fools who need to watch This Old House. If you want to do real damage use 5-minute epoxy instead.

BTW, All public buildings are required to have sprinkler systems and multiple exits. FYI.

Just because they're stupid doesn't excuse their intent. They were trying to murder the people inside the building.
Just because they're stupid doesn't excuse their intent. They were trying to murder the people inside the building.

Are you equally outraged when you watch the Roadrunner cartoons, despite Wile E. Coyote being utterly inept?

That concrete would not have stopped the door from opening. They also could have broken windows to get out from the inside.
Are you equally outraged when you watch the Roadrunner cartoons, despite Wile E. Coyote being utterly inept?

That concrete would not have stopped the door from opening. They also could have broken windows to get out from the inside.

You're literally excusing their intent to murder people.
You're literally excusing their intent to murder people.

That would only per possible if it was a wood building with no fire department to respond, no sprinklers, and had no other means of exit via doors or windows. Concrete takes 12+ hours to set and doesn't fully set for 36-48 hours, doesn't stick well to steel or aluminum that is not properly prepared, so to say that this attempt was amateurish is an understatement.
That would only per possible if it was a wood building with no fire department to respond, no sprinklers, and had no other means of exit via doors or windows. Concrete takes 12+ hours to set and doesn't fully set for 36-48 hours, doesn't stick well to steel or aluminum that is not properly prepared, so to say that this attempt was amateurish is an understatement.

How does that make attempted murder ok?

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