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Schools are producing really dumb crooks (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.
I actually totally agree with you on that, and the election of reality TV star and failed businessman Donald Trump is the best evidence for it.

Many other developed countries are crushing us in education as we fall further and further behind the rest of the world. Too many people sending their kids to Jesus school instead of real school is a major factor.
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.

I got the same call, just so you know it was a scam mill from India; not exactly a reflection on our school system. His acent was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He told me he was officer Jim Smith; I told him if he was Jim Smith, I was Mahatma Gandhi. He hung up. The Indian scam mills employee desperate people to prey on desperate and gullible people.
I actually totally agree with you on that, and the election of reality TV star and failed businessman Donald Trump is the best evidence for it.

Many other developed countries are crushing us in education as we fall further and further behind the rest of the world. Too many people sending their kids to Jesus school instead of real school is a major factor.

Schools are lacking in educating youth because too many people send their children to private schools? Are all the people on the street who get interviewed from private schools?

Gee .. I would have thought things like parental involvement, home life, student attitude/behavior, lack of discipline in schools, etc. might have something to do with it or even that some states are requesting history to be removed from school curriculum or that low-information voters keep voting for the same type of people who drive school policies.
Schools are lacking in educating youth because too many people send their children to private schools? Are all the people on the street who get interviewed from private schools?

Gee .. I would have thought things like parental involvement, home life, student attitude/behavior, lack of discipline in schools, etc. might have something to do with it or even that some states are requesting history to be removed from school curriculum or that low-information voters keep voting for the same type of people who drive school policies.

I said it was a major factor. Yes, many people are sending their kids to various Jesus schools where they learn about Jesus instead of science.

The Republicans have been trying to tear down and destroy public schools for decades and it's working. Betsy Devos is the best example of this. She intentionally defund and degrades public schools because she wants to push private schools where they can push a an anti-science, pro-conservative curriculum.

If your little theory was right that it's the evil libruls, the liberal countries all over the world wouldn't be crushing our nuts.
I said it was a major factor. Yes, many people are sending their kids to various Jesus schools where they learn about Jesus instead of science.

The Republicans have been trying to tear down and destroy public schools for decades and it's working. Betsy Devos is the best example of this. She intentionally defund and degrades public schools because she wants to push private schools where they can push a an anti-science, pro-conservative curriculum.

If your little theory was right that it's the evil libruls, the liberal countries all over the world wouldn't be crushing our nuts.

Okay .. so let's run with your theory. If students are learning about Jesus v. science, why do young adults struggle answering basic questions about other subjects like history, literature and current events?
I said it was a major factor. Yes, many people are sending their kids to various Jesus schools where they learn about Jesus instead of science.

The Republicans have been trying to tear down and destroy public schools for decades and it's working. Betsy Devos is the best example of this. She intentionally defund and degrades public schools because she wants to push private schools where they can push a an anti-science, pro-conservative curriculum.

If your little theory was right that it's the evil libruls, the liberal countries all over the world wouldn't be crushing our nuts.

... adding to the previous comment. 2016 school enrollment between public v. private school was

Public Schools: ~47.5 million
Private Schools: ~5.8 million

So roughly 11% of school students are making the other 89% dumb because they learn about Jesus?

Enrollment detail here
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.

I'd bet the house that the "crook" who called you is a high school/college dropout (like most future conservative talking heads: Rush, Hannity, Beck, Alex Jones, Neal Bortz, Karl Rove, Candace Owens, etc.).

And I think most people who read your OP will come away "amused" (to be kind) by the "logic" you've deployed to attribute this guy's career choices to "schools". I think it's much more likely that he spends his days trying to scam people out of their money, because of LACK of schooling.
Judging by the OP, schools turned out some dumb people back int he day too.
I keep getting the same call, saying they will charge my debit/credit card $399.00 for computer support services if I do not push one to stop payment or call them back at 1-808-466-2162, 1-802-622-2679; 1-808-622-2679; etc....a different # each time...I've probably gotten 50 such calls in the last few months...stupid people...:roll:
1. I have noticed an increase in scam calls to the elderly such as I.

2. Here we are in the midst of the COVID-19 tragedy that has caused deaths and mass unemployment, but these vultures do not have the human decency to stop their abuse of the elderly.

3. I have read that some seniors do fall for these scams, so that's why they continue.
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.

I agree. The schools are turning out morons who support Donald Trump.
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.
Has nothing to do with the schools. The telephone caller was betting that you would fall for it. Many people do. Especially the elderly
Just got an email from Medicare.

If someone calls and identifies him-, herself as a COVID-19 contact tracer (apparently an infected person reported contact with you), do NOT give out your Medicare number or financial information. Hang up. It is a scam. Otherwise, the caller may be legitimate. You will be given instructions on what to do.
As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.

they produced enough voters to elect a crook. so i kind of agree.
Wait. They are the ones that wrote your post?
We have all seen the really dumb students schools are turning out these days. The "man on the street" interviews are laughable with the ignorance the young display.

This brings me to the crooks we have today. They are even more stupid and ignorant than the average student. My basis for saying this was the phone call I got last night. The crook on the phone said he was from the social security admin. They claimed my SS number had been used in Texas.

Now anyone knows that the SS admin DOES NOT do business on the phone. Then-------------add to that the fact that I got the call at a 6:45 in the evening. You would have to be pretty dumb to believe that the SS admin was still working at that time of day.

As I say schools are turning out some really dumb and stupid criminals.

Sounds like you answered your phone and listened to the dumb crook for quite a while.

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