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#sayhisname (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 18, 2019
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Mainstream media blackout 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant murder - TheBlaze

If this has been a little black boy gunned down by a white, instead of the black peep and white boy, everyone in the country would know the little boy’s name.

We would be reminded of this cold blooded evil trump inspired racist execution for months and years to come.

Lots of liberals probably don’t even know he exists, their news sources will black out these events.
Was the boy gunned down by a Police Officer who's duty it was to protect him? NO.

A tragedy for sure but a false equivalency.
An event not rising to the level of national news is not the equivalent "blacking out" the event. Do you know the name Sincere Gaston? He was a black toddler who was shot and killed in Chicago in June. Do you believe that conservative news sources "blacked out" his story?

Or was his tragedy simply not national news, much like Cannon Hinnant's? It is you who is bringing race into this: You think that because the child was white and his killer was black, that it should be national news, yet do you bat an eye when a black child is shot and killed? Is this big news to you?
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Nay, it wouldn’t have mattered if it were reversed, the MSM would have covered this wall to wall for days as a white supremacist execution of cute little black boy., everyone would know his name.
Was the boy gunned down by a Police Officer who's duty it was to protect him? NO.

A tragedy for sure but a false equivalency.
Nay, it wouldn’t have mattered if it were reversed, the MSM would have covered this wall to wall for days as a white supremacist execution of cute little black boy., everyone would know his name.

The man was arrested and put in jail right? Unlike the McMichals and Zimmerman
An event not rising to the level of national news is not the equivalent "blacking out" the event. Do you know the name Sincere Gaston? He was a black toddler who was shot and killed in Chicago in June. Do you believe that conservative news sources "blacked out" his story?

Or was his tragedy simply not national news, much like Cannon Hinnant's? It is you who is bringing race into this: You think that because the child was white and his killer was black, that it should be national news, yet do you bat an eye when a black child is shot in Chicago? Is this big news to you?

I am guessing this was not a white perp?
Nay, it wouldn’t have mattered if it were reversed, the MSM would have covered this wall to wall for days as a white supremacist execution of cute little black boy., everyone would know his name.

OK....second question since we have already established that the boy was not shot by a police officer. Was he shot by a member of a terrorist organization?

Are you done yet or do you have more false equivalencies to spew.
Mainstream media blackout 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant murder - TheBlaze

If this has been a little black boy gunned down by a white, instead of the black peep and white boy, everyone in the country would know the little boy’s name.

We would be reminded of this cold blooded evil trump inspired racist execution for months and years to come.

Lots of liberals probably don’t even know he exists, their news sources will black out these events.

A barely-modified version of I said to the last person who gleefully raped this tragedy to try to score points against a targeted group:

Sorry to bust your fake victimization parade, but it appears to be everywhere even though a murder - out of 14,000 homicides a year in the US - is not national news no matter how much you want to rage about Fox's illusion of liberals and attack media for making everything about racial resentments.

5-year-old boy shot and killed in front of his sisters

Police have man in custody after 5-year-old fatally shot in N.C.

I'm not gonna keep searching. That was quick 10 second google.

Like always, when the person on the right complains about the liberal media not reporting on something, the person on the right is lying.

And now doubt, the non-national-news story appears on far more sources today than it was then

An event not rising to the level of national news is not the equivalent "blacking out" the event. Do you know the name Sincere Gaston? He was a black toddler who was shot and killed in Chicago in June. Do you believe that conservative news sources "blacked out" his story?

Or was his tragedy simply not national news, much like Cannon Hinnant's? It is you who is bringing race into this: You think that because the child was white and his killer was black, that it should be national news, yet do you bat an eye when a black child is shot and killed? Is this big news to you?

Yup, this thread is just the same-old disgusting point-scoring we constantly see here.
Was the boy gunned down by a Police Officer who's duty it was to protect him? NO.

A tragedy for sure but a false equivalency.

Right. People die every day but we really need only care when one of those deaths can be used to promote the political narrative we have spent decades carefully crafting.

Deaths due to domestic violence don't count. Deaths due to local criminal activity don't count UNLESS a cop fires the shot. Deaths due to overdose don't count. Deaths due to suicide don't count UNLESS there was a firearm involved and then they are due to "gun violence". Deaths due to homelessness and disease don't count. Deaths due to alcohol abuse don't count. Deaths due to abortion don't count because those really aren't deaths.

It's all a "false equivalency" unless you can pack a solid political agenda behind it and blow it out of a race based cannon.
Right. People die every day but we really need only care when one of those deaths can be used to promote the political narrative we have spent decades carefully crafting.

Deaths due to domestic violence don't count. Deaths due to local criminal activity don't count UNLESS a cop fires the shot. Deaths due to overdose don't count. Deaths due to suicide don't count UNLESS there was a firearm involved and then they are due to "gun violence". Deaths due to homelessness and disease don't count. Deaths due to alcohol abuse don't count. Deaths due to abortion don't count because those really aren't deaths.

It's all a "false equivalency" unless you can pack a solid political agenda behind it and blow it out of a race based cannon.

Read the OP. The original contention in the OP was regarding coverage from MSM. Does anybody here actually expect MSM to cover every murder and either report it or syndicate the story nationally?
There is a firearm homicide every 54 minutes in our country. It goes from little bitty kids all the way up to the oldest adult.

The bigger question is why we've tuned all that out?
Mainstream media blackout 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant murder - TheBlaze

If this has been a little black boy gunned down by a white, instead of the black peep and white boy, everyone in the country would know the little boy’s name.

We would be reminded of this cold blooded evil trump inspired racist execution for months and years to come.

Lots of liberals probably don’t even know he exists, their news sources will black out these events.
TheBlaze :lamo A black hole of journalistic integrity.

Sacca is a sack of **** right wing hack that no respected/trustworthy news organization would give the time of day to. That’s why he’s a “Blaze” **** churner.
Right. People die every day but we really need only care when one of those deaths can be used to promote the political narrative we have spent decades carefully crafting.

Deaths due to domestic violence don't count. Deaths due to local criminal activity don't count UNLESS a cop fires the shot. Deaths due to overdose don't count. Deaths due to suicide don't count UNLESS there was a firearm involved and then they are due to "gun violence". Deaths due to homelessness and disease don't count. Deaths due to alcohol abuse don't count. Deaths due to abortion don't count because those really aren't deaths.

It's all a "false equivalency" unless you can pack a solid political agenda behind it and blow it out of a race based cannon.

Should the news be running 24/7 and looking at each individual death each day for 1-2 seconds per each (1.75 seconds on average)? Every life matters, but your argument has no basis in reality.
Read the OP. The original contention in the OP was regarding coverage from MSM. Does anybody here actually expect MSM to cover every murder and either report it or syndicate the story nationally?

No, not every murder, just highly unusual “racially charged” murders.
Just a guess based on lack of strong media coverage.

So lets see. A forum titled Debate Politics has now gone from spirited debate which hardly ever happens here any longer to outright rank propaganda and now GUESSING!!!

What a joke. No wonder the forum still only has 4700 members. In case some of you boneheads have not figured it out, we are just all talking to each other.
Mainstream media blackout 5-year-old Cannon Hinnant murder - TheBlaze

If this has been a little black boy gunned down by a white, instead of the black peep and white boy, everyone in the country would know the little boy’s name.

We would be reminded of this cold blooded evil trump inspired racist execution for months and years to come.

Lots of liberals probably don’t even know he exists, their news sources will black out these events.

Your attemt to make this a politcal football is what's truly sickening.... :roll:
Your attemt to make this a politcal football is what's truly sickening.... :roll:

Nay, it sickening how the media exploits these things if it’s reversed.
Nay, it wouldn’t have mattered if it were reversed, the MSM would have covered this wall to wall for days as a white supremacist execution of cute little black boy., everyone would know his name.

Read the OP. The original contention in the OP was regarding coverage from MSM. Does anybody here actually expect MSM to cover every murder and either report it or syndicate the story nationally?

Should the news be running 24/7 and looking at each individual death each day for 1-2 seconds per each (1.75 seconds on average)? Every life matters, but your argument has no basis in reality.

Yes, people die every day. There are all kinds of reasons that people die too. Some of those deaths are so shocking either because of who died or how they died that the death becomes a news story. In recent years pretty much any death of a black man at the hands of the cops, no matter what the circumstances, has been "newsworthy". The reason such deaths have been deemed newsworthy is because of a political narrative. The deaths of John Lewis and Herman Cain were also newsworthy and were also made so as part of a political narrative, albeit a different one than police shootings.

In the case of Cannon Hinnant the death SHOULD be newsworthy based on the circumstances. It should totally shock the conscience of any human being that a 5 year old would be shot in the head merely because he rode his bike across a neighbor's lawn. That should shock the conscience but, apparently, it doesn't shock the conscience enough to be truly "newsworthy". In the same vein, the death of David Dorn should shock the conscience and be "newsworthy". His death wasn't. Heck, video of the incident was even censored across all sorts of platforms with the express purpose of PREVENTING it from becoming newsworthy. Why would those stories not carry the same weight as the death of George Floyd or Rayshard Brooks?


There is one reason that really explains the dilemma. The deaths of people like Dorn, Hinnant, Natalie Wallace, Davell Gardener and others might be significant if our goal was to promote a human narrative but the propagandists in the media, solidly in the pockets of the Democrat party, have a political agenda and human interest stories only matter to them if and when they have "crossover" potential to political interests.
Yes, people die every day. There are all kinds of reasons that people die too. Some of those deaths are so shocking either because of who died or how they died that the death becomes a news story. In recent years pretty much any death of a black man at the hands of the cops, no matter what the circumstances, has been "newsworthy". The reason such deaths have been deemed newsworthy is because of a political narrative. The deaths of John Lewis and Herman Cain were also newsworthy and were also made so as part of a political narrative, albeit a different one than police shootings.

In the case of Cannon Hinnant the death SHOULD be newsworthy based on the circumstances. It should totally shock the conscience of any human being that a 5 year old would be shot in the head merely because he rode his bike across a neighbor's lawn. That should shock the conscience but, apparently, it doesn't shock the conscience enough to be truly "newsworthy". In the same vein, the death of David Dorn should shock the conscience and be "newsworthy". His death wasn't. Heck, video of the incident was even censored across all sorts of platforms with the express purpose of PREVENTING it from becoming newsworthy. Why would those stories not carry the same weight as the death of George Floyd or Rayshard Brooks?


There is one reason that really explains the dilemma. The deaths of people like Dorn, Hinnant, Natalie Wallace, Davell Gardener and others might be significant if our goal was to promote a human narrative but the propagandists in the media, solidly in the pockets of the Democrat party, have a political agenda and human interest stories only matter to them if and when they have "crossover" potential to political interests.

I have a couple questions your post brings up:
  1. Have you considered writing national news networks with your concerns, providing ample evidence and examples to get a response?
  2. Are you equally upset with right-wing national news networks for politicizing this event by using it to show how the left-wing and MSM sources do not seem to care?

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