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Sappiest Song Contest... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 2, 2015
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Political Leaning
Ok, post the sappiest song you secretly like. I don’t know who the guy is on the piano on this song but Wow… he has some talent. If you make it to the end of this song you will discover that Michael Murphey can actually play the guitar pretty well but should be impressed by the piano and keyboard.

I'm trying to think of a sappy song that I do like.

But I'll tell you one I HATE: "Honey" by Bobby Goldsboro. :twisted:
Anything by Neil Diamond

"You Don't Bring me Flowers" with Streisand just oozes sap but it's hard to dislike.


Come to think of it, "We Got Tonight" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton fits that slot too.
I'm trying to think of a sappy song that I do like.

Damn, that is going to be tough to beat, but could be excluded because you don't like it.

WAIT,,, This is supposed to be about sappy songs you (secretly like) not sappy songs we all hate. And yes if the song is sappy but the artist is awesome that will be challenged. For instance, Karen Carpenter, angelic voice and God sent talent.
Little Things Mean A Lot sung by Kitty Kallen. *It may be sappy, but most women like those gestures from a man!*
"You Don't Bring me Flowers" with Streisand just oozes sap but it's hard to dislike.


Come to think of it, "We Got Tonight" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton fits that slot too.

What was the song Sinatra made with his daughter?

Talk about sappy suckie

Only because its Trent Reznor.

Oh, and anything DAVID ****ING BOWIE!!!
You have to feel sorry for the drummer, miming along to Demis Roussos and Vangelis, knowing he was doomed to obscurity!

Demis churned out this stuff through the seventies and eighties. We loved it! Holiday music!

OK,, I may have you bested with this one.. and yes, I do like it.

I'm assuming that "smarmy" is a synonym of "sappy." :mrgreen:


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