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Same old FAILURE of ICE and Obama (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2012
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Here we go, Yamato engines agian.

They will pay a tiny fine and then rehire them all agian. No jobs for US CITIZENS in USA.............


Of course the jobless homeless US CITIZEN is tossed in jail in a second for HOORIBLE CRIMES like urinating in a society with no
public bathrooms or "molesting children" (in reality washing yourself)

_______________more failure________________________From the story.

"Among the 30 people who face deportation is Juan Carlos Raynosa Espinoza, who had worked for Danny’s carwash for nine years, most recently in Scottsdale, where he was arrested on Saturday while his wife, Laura Torres, was home making lunch for their two children, both United States citizens.

Outside the ICE office on Monday, Ms. Torres said that her husband had refused to sign a voluntary deportation order put before him after he was detained, and that he had two other deportation orders against him from nearly 10 years ago.

“He is not a criminal. All he wants to do is work for his family,” she said in Spanish. “My children are crying every night for their father, and I don’t know how to explain to them what’s happening.”"

He is a criminal for standing in USA
He is a criminal for ID theft
He is a criminal for stealing a USA job
he is a criminal for violating rights of US CITIZENS
He is a criminal for not teaching is stupid wife english after 10 YEARS.
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Working in a car wash for nine years !!!

What a loser.

What's really going on here, is Mexico sending all of their losers to America ?
Working in a car wash for nine years !!!

What a loser.

Kind of hard to advance much when most businesses are not traitorous scum.

What's really going on here, is Mexico sending all of their losers to America ?

Most people come here illegally to make money in order to send it back home where they can comfortably live. Its cheaper to live in Mexico than the US,so they don't need to work in high paying jobs. So the Mexican government is encouraging illegal immigration in the US>

According to this site over 300 billion has been wired to Mexico since 2006.
Immigration Counters.com - Live Counters, News, Resources

Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News
Kind of hard to advance much when most businesses are not traitorous scum.

Most people come here illegally to make money in order to send it back home where they can comfortably live. Its cheaper to live in Mexico than the US,so they don't need to work in high paying jobs. So the Mexican government is encouraging illegal immigration in the US>

According to this site over 300 billion has been wired to Mexico since 2006.
Immigration Counters.com - Live Counters, News, Resources

Mexico Provides Guide to Illegal Immigration | Fox News

$300 Billion isn't chump change. That's a big impact on America's economy with that many greenbacks leaving the American economy every year.

I'm sure you have noticed that the pro illegal alien and open border people never bring that up.

Lets see, if a Nimitz class aircraft carrier cost around $6 Billion to build, that's 50 carriers per year we could be building. Just to give those who have know idea of the value of a billion dollars is.

Now there are libs out there who will argue that $300 Billion Dollars per year to keep Westen Union in business is a good thing.
$300 Billion isn't chump change. That's a big impact on America's economy with that many greenbacks leaving the American economy every year.

I'm sure you have noticed that the pro illegal alien and open border people never bring that up.

Lets see, if a Nimitz class aircraft carrier cost around $6 Billion to build, that's 50 carriers per year we could be building. Just to give those who have know idea of the value of a billion dollars is.

Now there are libs out there who will argue that $300 Billion Dollars per year to keep Westen Union in business is a good thing.

Its one of the reasons I believe you should have to present a birth certificate(or an government issued "Certificate of No Record/no available birth certificate", or certificate of naturalization), and SS card in order to get and or renew a state issued driver's license or ID. And in order to open a bank account,use a credit card and or wire money you must present a state issued ID or driver's license. This wouldn't completely stop illegals from sending money to their home countries but it most certainly make it more risky and harder and therefore reduce the number of illegals wiring money home.
Its one of the reasons I believe you should have to present a birth certificate(or an government issued "Certificate of No Record/no available birth certificate", or certificate of naturalization), and SS card in order to get and or renew a state issued driver's license or ID. And in order to open a bank account,use a credit card and or wire money you must present a state issued ID or driver's license. This wouldn't completely stop illegals from sending money to their home countries but it most certainly make it more risky and harder and therefore reduce the number of illegals wiring money home.

I'm sure you are familiar with the Mexican Matrícula Consular card that anyone can pick up at any Mexician consulate or buy one on the streets in any barrio in America.

When Bank of America said that anyone who has a Matrícula Consular card will not need three forms of legal ID to open a bank account. That's right, American citizens and legal immigrants still have to produce three forms of legal identification while illegal aliens don't as long as they had a Matrícula Consular card. I said what's going on ?

Well it ends up ACORN was behind this. Threatening the banks of being racist if they didn't except the Matrícula Consular card. The real reason was that ACORN would pull the race card again if the banks didn't sign off on a sub prime home loan to the illegal alien day labor standing on a street corner whose wife is scrubbing toilets for a living so they could by their dream $400 K casa. The rest is history and we all know it was Bush's fault because Obama said it was.

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