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Saddams WMDs: The Smoking Gun (1 Viewer)


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Intelligence Summit to Air 'Saddam's WMD Tapes'
By Monisha Bansal
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
February 15, 2006

(CNSNews.com) - Reportedly armed with 12 hours of Saddam Hussein's audio recordings, the organizers of an upcoming "Intelligence Summit" are describing the tapes as the "smoking gun evidence" that the Iraqi dictator possessed weapons of mass destruction in the period leading up to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

and if this comes to fruition, will it actually change the minds of the opposition to the war? in foreign lands as well as at home?
I doubt it myself, but we shall see
I can't find anything on Google that remotely resembles what you've quoted. Can you please give a link?

Because of the considerable historical importance of this stunning recent development, the contractor who obtained and reviewed these tapes plans to release them to the public on February 18, 2006 at the Intelligence Summitsm, a non-partisan, non-profit conference open to the public, scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia that weekend.

After his presentation, a panel of intelligence experts will discuss the ways in which experts may verify the fact that Hussein in fact recorded these audiotapes. These procedures include utilization of voiceprint analysis and other technical means of voice verification.
(Good Lord willing) I'll go record it, photograph it and blog it for you guys.
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Lets assume that these tapes include:

-Saddam saying that he has WMDs
-Saddam saying that he intends on giving these WMDs to terrorists
-Saddam orders their removal to Syria

The liberal left will STILL oppose the war and STILL call GWB a liar.
This is very interesting, I wish I could attend that meeting, that would be excellent.
Thank you Simon. I shall stay tuned.....

Lets assume that these tapes include:

-Saddam saying that he has WMDs
-Saddam saying that he intends on giving these WMDs to terrorists
-Saddam orders their removal to Syria

The liberal left will STILL oppose the war and STILL call GWB a liar.
If the tapes contain those things, especially 1 and 2, I will gladly change my position.
I have always assumed that Hussein did have some quantity of some sort of WMD. I never thought he had none.
However, just because Hussein had WMD doesn't mean that it was in the US's interests to invade Iraq how we did.
DeeJayH said:
and if this comes to fruition, will it actually change the minds of the opposition to the war? in foreign lands as well as at home?
I doubt it myself, but we shall see
I can't waite to see what they do, or don't, say.

If these tapes do turn out to be a smoking gun, allot of crazy liberals are going to have egg on their face. I hope that these tapes are the smoking gun, not because I give a sh!t about Bush, but 1. I just want the liberals to shut the **** up for 5 seconds, and 2. it would make for a great Daily Show with John Stewart episode....to say nothing for political cartoons, JibJab....and, oh, Rush Limbugh. It's the stuff good entertainment is made of.
Simon W. Moon said:
I have always assumed that Hussein did have some quantity of some sort of WMD. I never thought he had none.
However, just because Hussein had WMD doesn't mean that it was in the US's interests to invade Iraq how we did.
1. If he had WMDs that were purposefully hidden from UN inspectors, then he violated the 1991 ceace-fire aggreement, right?
2. If he planned to give WMDs to terrorists, then that's a much more pressing issue than "he's not letting the UN snoop around in his country," right?

I agree that the quantity of WMDs is a relavent question, as it directly relates to how much of a "threat" Hussein's Iraq actually was. But if he planned to give WMDs to terrorists, that's a pretty serious issue the way I see it.
Perhaps we don't have to wait to see what is said at this summit:

ABCNEWS PLANS AIRING OF SADDAM TAPES TONIGHT: Saddam talking with his advisors about hitting Washington with WMD, hiding weapons, etc... Developing...


Saddam on Tape: Terrorists Will Attack D.C.
Newsmax.com ^ | Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2006 10:53 a.m. EST | Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Posted on 02/15/2006 8:21:56 AM PST by edpc

Five years before Osama bin Laden attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Saddam Hussein predicted that Washington, D.C. would be struck by terrorists, according to audiotapes set for broadcast tonight on ABC's "Nightline."

In an ABC Radio report to promote the show, the network's lead investigative reporter, Brian Ross, revealed that the FBI translator who leaked the tapes said they contained "damning evidence that the world should know."

In one 10-year-old recording, the Iraqi dictator is said to boast that Washington would be an easy target for a nuclear or biological weapons attack. Saddam added, however, that if such an attack should come, his regime would not be directly responsible.

In fact, Saddam's 1996 warning of a terrorist attack on Washington was followed up in Iraq's state run press with even more prescient predictions.

On July 21, 2001, less than two months before 9/11, the state-controlled Iraqi newspaper Al-Nasiriya carried a column headlined "America, An Obsession Called Osama Bin Ladin." In the piece, Baath Party writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the U.S. "with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House."

In 1992, Saddam's son Uday used an editorial in Babil, the newspaper he ran, to warn of Iraqi kamikaze attacks inside America, saying, "Does the United States realize the meaning of every Iraqi becoming a missile that can cross countries and cities?" In the late 1990s, according to UPI, "a cable to Saddam from the chief of Iraqi intelligence was transmitted by Baghdad Radio. The message read, 'We will chase [Americans] to every corner at all times. No high tower of steel will protect them against the fire of truth.'"

After the 9/11 attacks, Saddam became the only world leader to offer praise for bin Laden, even as other terrorist leaders such as Yasser Arafat went out of their way to make a show of sympathy to the U.S. by donating blood for 9/11 victims.

The day after the attacks, in quotes picked up by Agence France-Press, Saddam proclaimed that "America is reaping the thorns planted by its rulers in the world."

"There is hardly a place [in the world] that does not have a memorial symbolizing the criminal actions committed by America against its natives," AFP quoted the Iraqi dictator complaining, based on reports in the Iraqi News agency.

For his part, Uday flat-out praised the 9/11 attacks, saying, "These were courageous operations carried out by young Arabs and Muslims," according to quotes picked up by the Saudi daily Asharq al-Awsat. "Nightline's" broadcast tonight will be based on 12 hours of tapes obtained by ABC News. But that's likely only the tip of the iceberg.

In his April 2005 final report on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, chief U.S. weapons inspector Charles Duelfer said he had uncovered "a large collection" of recordings of Saddam chairing his Revolutionary Command Council
I've begun the registration process.

Anyone wanna chip in for the full package?
Any chance Vice President Cheney will mention the "Smoking-Gun" article in his televised interview on FoxNews tonight? Or even point to it as proof that the Bush administration was right all along?

No? None?

If not then I guess it wasn't important enough to bother with.

Just think, the news conference tonight would present the perfect opportunity for Cheney to tell the media and the world to kiss his *** because the Bush administration was right all along about Saddams "personal and confidential weapons of mass destruction" and the proof is in those tapes that will be revealed February 18, 2006 at the "Intelligence Summit".

I mean, here is Cheney's chance to scoop the "Intelligence Summit". :cool:
KidRocks said:
Any chance Vice President Cheney will mention the "Smoking-Gun" article in his televised interview on FoxNews tonight? Or even point to it as proof that the Bush administration was right all along?

No? None?

If not then I guess it wasn't important enough to bother with.

Just think, the news conference tonight would present the perfect opportunity for Cheney to tell the media and the world to kiss his *** because the Bush administration was right all along about Saddams "personal and confidential weapons of mass destruction" and the proof is in those tapes that will be revealed February 18, 2006 at the "Intelligence Summit".

I mean, here is Cheney's chance to scoop the "Intelligence Summit". :cool:

You mean, here's his chance to stoop to Democratic levels. I'll hold my applause if he does. I've been saying that there is more to the WMD issue than the public knows and I doubt all of it will be released at this time.
Simon W. Moon said:

Because of the considerable historical importance of this stunning recent development, the contractor who obtained and reviewed these tapes plans to release them to the public on February 18, 2006 at the Intelligence Summitsm, a non-partisan, non-profit conference open to the public, scheduled to be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel in Arlington, Virginia that weekend.

After his presentation, a panel of intelligence experts will discuss the ways in which experts may verify the fact that Hussein in fact recorded these audiotapes. These procedures include utilization of voiceprint analysis and other technical means of voice verification.
(Good Lord willing) I'll go record it, photograph it and blog it for you guys.

You're going to go? Rats, I am going out of town that day. Otherwise I would go both to see what the presentation shows and to see what Simon Moon looks like. ;)
aps said:
You're going to go? Rats, I am going out of town that day. Otherwise I would go both to see what the presentation shows and to see what Simon Moon looks like. ;)
I've not received verification of my registration yet, so who knows.

I'm frantically fishing for a sponsor/outlet to underwite the affair so I can go to the whole deal and maybe even get paid.
Binary_Digit said:
I can't find anything on Google that remotely resembles what you've quoted. Can you please give a link?

:3oops: how retarded am I:doh soz
The smoking gun was Saddam using WMD to commit genocide in front of the whole world.

The smoking gun was also the repeated expulsion of inspectors everytime they got close to the STILL UNACCOUNTED FOR remaining stockpiles of WMD.

It was also the invitation by Saddam to Bin Laden for safe haven in Iraq (from the 9/11 Commission report).

It was also Saddam's repeated public sponsoring of terrorists.

This tape can only reinforce the already obvious reality that Saddam was a threat, was linked to terror, and that he did have WMD. This tape will change nothing. It already requires such idiocy to look at all the evidence and deny that Saddam was an armed threat. More evidence won't convince people (liberals) who are unaffected by facts and who base their opinions on conspiracy theories.

Remember, this war was about oil, right? Or was it some Freudian need to finish his daddy's work? Or was it a plot to help his Saudi bed mates? Whatever Michael Moore and MoveOn say, right? :roll:

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

The tapes also reveal Iraq 's persistent efforts to hide information about weapons of mass destruction programs from U.N. inspectors well into the 1990s . In one pivotal tape-recorded meeting, which occurred in late April or May of 1995, Saddam and his senior aides discuss the fact that U.N. inspectors had uncovered evidence of Iraq's biological weapons program—a program whose existence Iraq had previously denied.
At one point Hussein Kamel, Saddam's son-in-law and the man who was in charge of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction efforts can be heard on the tapes, speaking openly about hiding information from the U.N.
"We did not reveal all that we have," Kamel says in the meeting. "Not the type of weapons, not the volume of the materials we imported, not the volume of the production we told them about, not the volume of use. None of this was correct." Shortly after this meeting, in August 1995, Hussein Kamel defected to Jordan, and Iraq was forced to admit that it had concealed its biological weapons program. (Kamel returned to Iraq in February 1996 and was killed in a firefight with Iraqi security forces.)

looking good for Bush
DeeJayH said:
and if this comes to fruition, will it actually change the minds of the opposition to the war? in foreign lands as well as at home?
I doubt it myself, but we shall see

Sorry, Dan, it won't change my mind about the "war". I just don't like seeing our young people dying in armed confrontation.
aquapub said:
It already requires such idiocy to look at all the evidence and deny that Saddam was an armed threat. More evidence won't convince people (liberals) who are unaffected by facts and who base their opinions on conspiracy theories.
So someone who said "...Saddam Hussein was not the kind of extra-territorial menace that was assumed by the administration..." is obviously a liberal moonbat, right?
Simon W. Moon said:
So someone who said "...Saddam Hussein was not the kind of extra-territorial menace that was assumed by the administration..." is obviously a liberal moonbat, right?

Quite the contrary. Liberals haven't completely cornered the market on having the stunning capacity to look mountains of evidence in the face and draw the exact opposite conclusion based on nothing more than conspiracy theories.

There are a scant few among Republicans, but they are harder to locate.
Paladin said:
Sorry, Dan, it won't change my mind about the "war". I just don't like seeing our young people dying in armed confrontation.

Even if it is to prevent our civilians dying in New York City streets?

At some point, one has to abandon the Jimmy Carter syndrome (i.e., peace at all cost, even if it causes war), and actually stand up to our enemies.
aquapub said:
Even if it is to prevent our civilians dying in New York City streets?

No. I supported Bush completely after 9/11. I applauded when he went into Afghanistan. I don't support his "war" initiatives against Iraq.

aquapub said:
At some point, one has to abandon the Jimmy Carter syndrome (i.e., peace at all cost, even if it causes war), and actually stand up to our enemies.

If it will keep my grandsons out of danger, sign me up. I don't like seeing young Americans die.
Binary_Digit said:
I agree that the quantity of WMDs is a relavent question, as it directly relates to how much of a "threat" Hussein's Iraq actually was.

Actually it's not, it would have been very difficult for Saddam to maintain stocks of chemical or biologicals already made up and ready to go. His former chief of quality control said early on that the nerve gases they were able to produce were highly unstable and could not be stored for very lontg. Biologicals would be very hard to store in large quanities. But precursors and reference stocks could be maintained and hidden. And of these we know for a fact he had. Both the Kay and Duelfer reports confirm this along with his plans to continue research and developement. Duelfer also documented that his intelligence agency was developing delivery devices that looked like perfume bottles and other everyday items that could be supplied to terrorist to delever such weapons.

He was not only as dangerous as we believed he was much more so.

But if he planned to give WMDs to terrorists, that's a pretty serious issue the way I see it.

Every indication is that was one of his plans.

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