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Ruth Bader Ginsburg? (2 Viewers)

when will Ruth Ginsburg be off the court?

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 85 and her time on the court is drawing close to an end, like everyone else you know the ramifications of her leaving.this thread is looking to peoples opinions, what they think will happen and not what they want to happen.

Ginsburg won't leave until her health is failing her to the point where she cannot continue her duties. I see zero chance that she will voluntarily leave during Trump's term, but at 85 there is no guarantee she makes it to 90.
Ginsburg won't leave until her health is failing her to the point where she cannot continue her duties. I see zero chance that she will voluntarily leave during Trump's term, but at 85 there is no guarantee she makes it to 90.

I stated in an earlier post that Ginsburg is not going to leave during Trump's first term, even if she has to hear court cases lying in a hospital bed hooked up to life support.

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