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Russians Wound 4 Americans in Syria (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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MAGA is flopping faster than one of those soccer players in Europe.

Four American troops wounded after Russian forces RAMMED their vehicle in eastern Syria | Daily Mail Online

Four U.S. troops were injured after a Russian military vehicle deliberately rammed the vehicle they were driving following a tense high-speed confrontation in the east of Syria.

The U.S. service members have been diagnosed with mild concussion-like symptoms, Politico reported, citing a draft statement by U.S. Central Command.

Video tweeted of the incident bearing Russian markings shows the drama that resulted in the apparent ramming.

Putin knows who he owns. So do we.
Trump will believe Putin when he says it was the Americans' fault.

Trump has already got a call in to Putie to apologize for our guys being in his troops way, so it's all good. He's TOUGH on Russia!

Trump asked Putin very strongly to please not do it again unless he really wants to. It was a tremendous call. Just beautiful. People are saying it.
Trump has already got a call in to Putie to apologize for our guys being in his troops way, so it's all good. He's TOUGH on Russia!

"I'm sorry our guy hurt your guy's fist with his face, Vlad. Hope you not mad."
Must be Fake News since trump said he pulled us out of Syria.....
It's all just a continuation of the biggest EVIL ever perpatrated, something so dark sick and twisted the HOLOCAUST, pales by comparison.......

So BIGLY YUGE and twisted in it's evil it's like something no smart people have ever imagined!



:devil: :donkeyfla :devil:

And the FACT, is he's coming for YOU next!
Only TRUMP and his magical Twitter power can save GOD BLESS AMERICA!:elephantf:usflag2:

Quick a military parade and we MUST fund the work at Rushmore or America might FAIL!:shock:

Have become what we fought against throughout the 20th century.

Which is why the troops they support are not our troops.
Only TRUMP and his magical Twitter power can save GOD BLESS AMERICA!:elephantf:usflag2:

Quick a military parade and we MUST fund the work at Rushmore or America might FAIL!:shock:

Maybe someone will trot out Benghazi again.
Maybe someone will trot out Benghazi again.

It DAMN SURE needs a lot more investigating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Real 'muricans no it!!!!!!!!!!:elephantf :soap :stooges :elephantf
Where are the actual white wing suqad to defend Trump ignoring this fake noos?!?

And I thought Putin was Trump's friend.
Russian bounties on American troops.. Russians deliberately injuring American troops... Trump disrespecting and insulting POW's, Vets, Gold Star families, and calling Generals babies and cowards...

But still some Vets here and all over the country care about men kneeling peacefully and not the lives of the troops in the field that Trump puts are risk everyday and doesn't give a rats ass about.

Talk about disrespecting the military? Nobody does that more that Donald Trump..
Russian bounties on American troops.. Russians deliberately injuring American troops... Trump disrespecting and insulting POW's, Vets, Gold Star families, and calling Generals babies and cowards...

But still some Vets here and all over the country care about men kneeling peacefully and not the lives of the troops in the field that Trump puts are risk everyday and doesn't give a rats ass about.

Talk about disrespecting the military? Nobody does that more that Donald Trump..

Kneelers are punks who hate 'murica and ought to be shot. Trump, now he's a REAL man, people are so MEAN to him and he stands up and fights, like a MAN! The rest, fake noos from libturds! MAGA!!!! :elephantf :soap :stooges :gunsmilie :elephantf
And I thought Putin was Trump's friend.

The reality, is Putin is everything the pathetic, sniveling, orange painted, bunker bitch, ever wished he was, but never was even in sniffing distance of being. That's the meat on those bones....
Where are the actual white wing suqad to defend Trump ignoring this fake noos?!?

Not one showed up. Fox must not have issued talking points on this yet.
dammit. sprained my jaw yawning....
:( how the katsap(Rus) are driving the US army in Syria?! WTF men??!
Like crap kittens!! :doh
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Talk about disrespecting the military? Nobody does that more that Donald Trump..

stay out of their privacy, they are carrying a child.


for the citizens of Russia it is important that a hundred American military men are left without honor, or better yet, without health. Well, they have such a whim, be patient a little.
What's it from?
What's it from?

Here's video of your troops under Trump running away


Running for their lives, caught, rammed and hospitalized.

America before Trump: These colors do not run.

America under Trump: Shoot those coloreds dead.

Yeah, a lot of people on the Right actually prefer that.

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