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Russians react with shock, outrage to attack on Ukraine (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
Yes, while Trump and Tucker and their followers speak d their time praising Putin and looking the their way after he invaded an independent state, some brave Russians are outraged at the conduct of their tyrannical madman:

Usmanova called the attack “a disgrace that will be forever with us now.”

“It will become a huge trauma for the entire nation, which we will spend years coping with,” she wrote. “I want to ask Ukrainians for forgiveness. We didn’t vote for those who unleashed the war.”

Dozens of posts similar to Usmanova’s came pouring in Thursday, condemning Moscow’s most aggressive actions since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Putin described the attack as a “special military operation” to protect civilians in eastern Ukraine from “genocide” — a false claim the U.S. had predicted he would make as a pretext for an invasion.

As sirens were blasting in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, and large explosions were heard there and in other cities, Russians were signing open letters and online petitions demanding the Kremlin stop the violence, which Ukrainian forces reported had killed more than 40 soldiers and wounded dozens.

“Public opinion is in shock, people are in shock,” political analyst Abbas Gallyamov told The Associated Press.

One petition, started by a prominent human rights advocate, Lev Ponomavyov, garnered over 150,000 signatures within several hours of being launched and 289,000 by the end of the day. More than 250 journalists put their names on an open letter decrying the aggression. Another one was signed by some 250 scientists, while by 194 municipal council members in Moscow and other cities signed a third.

“I’m worried about the people very much, I’m worried to tears,” said Zoya Vorobey, a resident of Korolyov, a town outside Moscow, told the AP, her voice cracking. “I’ve been watching television since this morning, every minute, to see if anything changes. Unfortunately, nothing (changes) so far.”

Several Russian celebrities and public figures, including those working with state TV, spoke out against the attack as well. Yelena Kovalskaya, director of a state-funded Moscow theater, announced on Facebook she was quitting her job, saying “it’s impossible to work for a killer and get paid by him.”

Pickets and protests broke out in several Russian cities, and calls to gather for a demonstration in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg were making the rounds on social media in the morning.”

And there you have it. Courageous Russians protesting while spineless Republicans in the United States say nothing. Putin is quite pleased with them, no doubt.
Can you post something anymore stupid than this?

Can you post something anymore stupid than this?

Linc's posting the same shit too.
--------------------And there you have it. Courageous Russians protesting while spineless Republicans in the United States say nothing. Putin is quite pleased with them, no doubt.
Easy to fix standard misinformation .

Could be true but almost certainly rigged .
If 2 ---3% are outraged , you simply track them and report as though it is representative .

Bit like US voter polls --- rig the sample and produce the result you want .
Easy to fix standard misinformation .

Could be true but almost certainly rigged .
If 2 ---3% are outraged , you simply track them and report as though it is representative .

Bit like US voter polls --- rig the sample and produce the result you want .

You’re a part of Putin’s hacking operation, right? Couldn’t possibly be anything else.
Yes, while Trump and Tucker and their followers speak d their time praising Putin and looking the their way after he invaded an independent state, some brave Russians are outraged at the conduct of their tyrannical madman:

Usmanova called the attack “a disgrace that will be forever with us now.”

“It will become a huge trauma for the entire nation, which we will spend years coping with,” she wrote. “I want to ask Ukrainians for forgiveness. We didn’t vote for those who unleashed the war.”

Dozens of posts similar to Usmanova’s came pouring in Thursday, condemning Moscow’s most aggressive actions since the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. Putin described the attack as a “special military operation” to protect civilians in eastern Ukraine from “genocide” — a false claim the U.S. had predicted he would make as a pretext for an invasion.

As sirens were blasting in Kyiv, Ukraine’s capital, and large explosions were heard there and in other cities, Russians were signing open letters and online petitions demanding the Kremlin stop the violence, which Ukrainian forces reported had killed more than 40 soldiers and wounded dozens.

“Public opinion is in shock, people are in shock,” political analyst Abbas Gallyamov told The Associated Press.

One petition, started by a prominent human rights advocate, Lev Ponomavyov, garnered over 150,000 signatures within several hours of being launched and 289,000 by the end of the day. More than 250 journalists put their names on an open letter decrying the aggression. Another one was signed by some 250 scientists, while by 194 municipal council members in Moscow and other cities signed a third.

“I’m worried about the people very much, I’m worried to tears,” said Zoya Vorobey, a resident of Korolyov, a town outside Moscow, told the AP, her voice cracking. “I’ve been watching television since this morning, every minute, to see if anything changes. Unfortunately, nothing (changes) so far.”

Several Russian celebrities and public figures, including those working with state TV, spoke out against the attack as well. Yelena Kovalskaya, director of a state-funded Moscow theater, announced on Facebook she was quitting her job, saying “it’s impossible to work for a killer and get paid by him.”

Pickets and protests broke out in several Russian cities, and calls to gather for a demonstration in the center of Moscow and St. Petersburg were making the rounds on social media in the morning.”

And there you have it. Courageous Russians protesting while spineless Republicans in the United States say nothing. Putin is quite pleased with them, no doubt.

What will those Russian protesters ultimately do...besides get themselves arrested?
Good thing the Russian protesters didn't drive big trucks to the protest. Putin would have had their bank accounts seized and their trucks sold at auction like Trudeau did in Ottowa.

What will those Russian protesters ultimately do...besides get themselves arrested?

I suppose some people put principle before personal comfort. Good for them. And then we on the US have Republicans praising Putin, putting politics before principle. Quite a difference there, eh?
Good thing the Russian protesters didn't drive big trucks to the protest. Putin would have had their bank accounts seized and their trucks sold at auction like Trudeau did in Ottowa.

Prove it.
I suppose some people put principle before personal comfort. Good for them. And then we on the US have Republicans praising Putin, putting politics before principle. Quite a difference there, eh?

No problem. I'll leave it up to you to go to Moscow and put your principle before politics.
The headline blows me away. Russians are shocked??! After decades living under Putin's rule and all the crap that he's pulled, along with the massive Russian military build-up on Ukraine's northern, eastern and southern borders knowing that Putin was going to pull the trigger - shocking Russian civilians!! YIKES!! Now, I do accept their outrage but wait until they begin to starve, etc. Lets wait and see just how outraged they become once their daily lives goes straight down the toilet and that shouldn't really be that long off.

No problem. I'll leave it up to you to go to Moscow and put your principle before politics.

And meanwhile you can make excuses for Trump calling the murderous thug Putin a "genius". The total LACK of principle on the part of Trump and yourself is duly noted.
The headline blows me away. Russians are shocked??! After decades living under Putin's rule and all the crap that he's pulled, along with the massive Russian military build-up on Ukraine's northern, eastern and southern borders knowing that Putin was going to pull the trigger - shocking Russian civilians!! YIKES!! Now, I do accept their outrage but wait until they begin to starve, etc. Lets wait and see just how outraged they become once their daily lives goes straight down the toilet and that shouldn't really be that long off.

I actually suspect that there is a very large number of Russians who don't like the invasion of Ukraine, but they know better than to open their mouths and say so if they don't want to end up in jail.
The headline blows me away. Russians are shocked??! After decades living under Putin's rule and all the crap that he's pulled, along with the massive Russian military build-up on Ukraine's northern, eastern and southern borders knowing that Putin was going to pull the trigger - shocking Russian civilians!! YIKES!! Now, I do accept their outrage but wait until they begin to starve, etc. Lets wait and see just how outraged they become once their daily lives goes straight down the toilet and that shouldn't really be that long off.
Russia did not do a big propaganda drive in the media this time (unlike 2014), so many Russians were completely surprised there was even escalation going on with Ukraine (unless they watched foreign media). Ukraine was downplayed in Russian media as not important until yesterday.
Can you post something anymore stupid than this?

You’re honest; @Roadvirus isnt; did you two miss the ad put out by the GOP House slamming Biden and helping Putin? I doubt it.
I suppose some people put principle before personal comfort. Good for them. And then we on the US have Republicans praising Putin, putting politics before principle. Quite a difference there, eh?
And yet in another thread which you just started, you support Ukrainian capitulation.
Seems your "principle" there is no bloodshed - which sounds a lot like "personal comfort."

But not to be outdone, you also posted this gem:

And there you have it. Courageous Russians protesting while spineless Republicans in the United States say nothing. Putin is quite pleased with them, no doubt.​
My guess is Putin is more pleased that some are calling for the Ukrainians to capitulate than some [unknown] individuals in the US saying nothing.
So you can't prove it. Well okay then!
I see no difference from Trudeau's big rig truckers who's bank accounts he took and these Putin street demonstrators. Don't fight the government or you'll get yourself bit.
Russia did not do a big propaganda drive in the media this time (unlike 2014), so many Russians were completely surprised there was even escalation going on with Ukraine (unless they watched foreign media). Ukraine was downplayed in Russian media as not important until yesterday.

No surprise. As I said, I would be willing to bet that a whole lot of them are not very happy about this, but know better than to say it out loud. A whole lot of them probably also know that Putin was telling them outright lies for a couple of days before he initiated his invasion. They have to adapt to live in a world of lies. Very sad for them.
I see no difference from Trudeau's big rig truckers who's bank accounts he took and these Putin street demonstrators. Don't fight the government or you'll get yourself bit.

Prove that he did so.
And yet in another thread which you just started, you support Ukrainian capitulation.
Seems your "principle" there is no bloodshed - which sounds a lot like "personal comfort."

I am not praising Putin. Trump and Tucker and their followers are doing that. Scum, every one of them.

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