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Russian Deputy Commander of Black Sea feet, KIA - Another one bites the dust. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 28, 2011
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SF Bay Area
Political Leaning
Post-Captain Andrei Paliy, deputy commander of the fleet, died during fighting in the eastern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said on the messaging app Telegram.

Another victim of Putin's madness.

Also...another General, a Chechnian mercenary was KIA...

Magomed Tushaev

General Magomed Tushaev, a Chechen warlord, was reported to have been killed in a battle in Ukraine after a 56 tank convoy of Chechen tanks were destroyed near Hostomel, according to The Daily Mail.
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Post-Captain Andrei Paliy, deputy commander of the fleet, died during fighting in the eastern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev said on the messaging app Telegram.

Another victim of Putin's madness.

Also...another General, a Chechnian mercenary was KIA...

Magomed Tushaev

General Magomed Tushaev, a Chechen warlord, was reported to have been killed in a battle in Ukraine after a 56 tank convoy of Chechen tanks were destroyed near Hostomel, according to The Daily Mail.
It says something about the difference between the Pentagon and their Russian counterparts that no US generals have been killed in combat in half a century. Not something flattering to the former.
It says something about the difference between the Pentagon and their Russian counterparts that no US generals have been killed in combat in half a century. Not something flattering to the former.
It says something about the difference between the Pentagon and their Russian counterparts that no US generals have been killed in combat in half a century. Not something flattering to the former.

Bit early to be grasping for straws, ain't it?
and i'm sure he had a family.

trump's genius is no genius.
It says something about the difference between the Pentagon and their Russian counterparts that no US generals have been killed in combat in half a century. Not something flattering to the former.
As I understand it, most of these deaths are attributed to snipers. The Ukrainians have done a good job in jamming communications, forcing high level officers to the front to communicate with subordinates ...
Much sad. Very grief.
The last US general to die in combat was scalped and left for buzzards to pick his bones.
From what I am reading, the main reasons why these generals are being picked off is because logistics and communications tech are in such a shambles that Putin's generals can't run things from some comfortable office. They HAVE to be at the front. Furthermore, they're unable to use encrypted digital comm because the gear simply isn't available to them for the most part.
So, they've BEEN trying to use ordinary analog FM 2-way radios, oftentimes the ordinary small handy-talkies like the 30 dollar Baofeng pictured below (one of six in my possession)


So, of course Ukrainians have been jamming those frequencies, so the Russians began resorting to cell phones.
Okay, the Ukrainians locked out the Russian Country Codes, so Russian sourced cell phones stopped working.
Then the Russian military began looting Ukrainian cellies, or stealing them outright from people on the street.
So the Ukrainians finally shut down 4G, then 3G and then finally the core 2G base networks, so now NO cell phone would work in
the relevant area for the duration.
This forces the generals to actually GET OUT and go TO the front, where Ukrainian snipers are picking them off.

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