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Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence shield (1 Viewer)

Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

so, what action do you support? war? sanctions? let's hear the plan.

The assassination of Adolf Putler by anyone capable, I believe I stated that in the OP, stiff sanctions in the meantime will be good too.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

They didn't threaten to attack Denmark.

The guy threatened to add Danish ships to the list of targets DURING WARTIME.

HUGE difference.

The words "war time" were never mentioned so stop your transparent defense of genocidal madmen.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

Your spin is ludicrous, they threatened nuclear war if Denmark entered the missile defense shield, he didn't say "ships that are part of the missile defense shield," he said "ships", and he didn't say "in wartime" either did he?

No! They did not. They may have told Denmark that they will be on a contingency, if they allow further NATO encroachment. That's what happens when you threaten people.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

Your spin is ludicrous, they threatened nuclear war if Denmark entered the missile defense shield, he didn't say "ships that are part of the missile defense shield," he said "ships", and he didn't say "in wartime" either did he?

So, you are honestly saying that what he meant - -the ambassador to Denmark - was that if Denmark joins the defense shield that Russia will start WW3 by nuking their ships?

So, even though there are plenty of other ships/radars/weapons systems that are part of this defensive shield. Russia will suddenly start a world war just because little Denmark enters the defensive shield agreement?


That is ludicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

But judging by your posts thus far ...I am not shocked.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

The assassination of Adolf Putler by anyone capable, I believe I stated that in the OP, stiff sanctions in the meantime will be good too.

sanctions are working gangbusters so far.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

No! They did not. They may have told Denmark that they will be on a contingency, if they allow further NATO encroachment. That's what happens when you threaten people.

And when did Denmark ever threaten Russia then ? How did NATO threaten Russia by massively drawing down its forces in the region since the Cold War ?

Stun us with your insight ! :lol:
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

So, you are honestly saying that what he meant - -the ambassador to Denmark - was that if Denmark joins the defense shield that Russia will start WW3 by nuking their ships?
That is a fair rendering. His exact words...

Published: 21 Mar 2015

“I don’t think the Danes fully understand the consequences of what will happen if Denmark joins the American-controlled missile defence. If it happens, Danish war ships will become targets for Russian atomic missiles,” Vanin wrote.
Russia delivers nuclear threat to Denmark

Denmark stated that NATO anti-missile defense radars would operate on coastal frigates which typically stay close to the mainland. Ergo, nuclear attacks on such frigates would also cause collateral atomic destruction on mainland Denmark.

The NATO anti-missile defense system was inaugurated in 2010 and will not be fully operational until 2025. Despite Russia's recent huffing and puffing, it has been aware of this defensive shield for many years. This NATO defense system is headquartered in Ramstein, Germany. Yet the Russians have never threatened to nuke Germany on similar grounds. With the 2014 Russian military incursions into Crimea and eastern Ukraine and the subsequent US/EU responses, Putin has recently embarked on threatening/menacing the smaller members of NATO in an attempt to create frictions and divisiveness among the alliance members. Much like his erroneous calculus regarding his immediate neighbor, his clumsy actions here are actually promoting NATO cohesiveness and strengthening the alliance.
Re: Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence sh

Russia has threatened to target Denmark’s warships with nuclear weapons if the Scandinavian nation becomes a member of Nato’s missile defence shield.

Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence shield - Europe - World - The Independent

Putin knows damn well what a nuclear attack on a NATO member means, this is the last straw, this man Adolf Putler needs to be stopped by any means necessary, it is incumbent on any person in the world capable of doing so to assassinate this insane genocidal monster.

Those ships are probably already targets for nuclear weapons, the way things have been going in that part of the world. They should tell Putin to go **** himself, and join up with NATO.
Re: Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence sh

Those ships are probably already targets for nuclear weapons, the way things have been going in that part of the world. They should tell Putin to go **** himself, and join up with NATO.
Denmark has been a NATO member since the alliance formed in 1949. Its membership includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Missile shield or not, you are probably correct that some Danish military facilities have long been targeted by the Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN/RF).
Re: Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence sh

Simpleχity;1064454849 said:
Denmark has been a NATO member since the alliance formed in 1949. Its membership includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Missile shield or not, you are probably correct that some Danish military facilities have long been targeted by the Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN/RF).

I know they've been part of NATO I was refering to implementation of the missile shield.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

No! They did not. They may have told Denmark that they will be on a contingency,

Putin cult of personality propaganda, they said that they WILL be targeted with nuclear weapons, end of.

if they allow further NATO encroachment.

Denmark is a long standing NATO member, the whole of Europe and any country which is not the Russian Federation doesn't have to do anything that Russia says and encroachment on Russia anywhere outside of sovereign Russian territory is an impossibility.

That's what happens when you threaten people.

A defensive missile shield is not threatening anyone, literally THREATENING to target a nation with nuclear weapons if they do something you don't like is a threat.

The Russian war pigs threaten nuclear Armageddon and you defend it, disgusting.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

sanctions are working gangbusters so far.

They are, their economy is in the toilet, the bread lines are coming, someone will put a bullet in Adolf Putler's head soon enough.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

So, you are honestly saying that what he meant - -the ambassador to Denmark - was that if Denmark joins the defense shield that Russia will start WW3 by nuking their ships?

So, even though there are plenty of other ships/radars/weapons systems that are part of this defensive shield. Russia will suddenly start a world war just because little Denmark enters the defensive shield agreement?


That is ludicrous and makes absolutely no sense.

But judging by your posts thus far ...I am not shocked.

"War time" is not mentioned, he said that the Russian Federation will target Denmark with nuclear weapons if they joint the shield, end of story, no amount of your cult of personality/payed troll propaganda straight from the Kremlin will change his plain words.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

And when did Denmark ever threaten Russia then ? How did NATO threaten Russia by massively drawing down its forces in the region since the Cold War ?

Stun us with your insight ! :lol:

I didn't say Denmark threatened Russia. Has Denmark installed the missile defense system?
Re: Russia threatens Denmark with nuclear weapons if it tries to join Nato defence sh

Simpleχity;1064454849 said:
Denmark has been a NATO member since the alliance formed in 1949. Its membership includes the Faroe Islands and Greenland.

Missile shield or not, you are probably correct that some Danish military facilities have long been targeted by the Strategic Rocket Forces of the Russian Federation (RVSN/RF).

To the bolded. Of course, that's how things work.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

I didn't say Denmark threatened Russia. Has Denmark installed the missile defense system?

A defensive missile shield which is ineffective against Russian missiles is not a threat, Adolf Putler wants nuclear Armageddon and must be stopped by any means necessary.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

Putin cult of personality propaganda, they said that they WILL be targeted with nuclear weapons, end of.

Denmark is a long standing NATO member, the whole of Europe and any country which is not the Russian Federation doesn't have to do anything that Russia says and encroachment on Russia anywhere outside of sovereign Russian territory is an impossibility.

A defensive missile shield is not threatening anyone, literally THREATENING to target a nation with nuclear weapons if they do something you don't like is a threat.

The Russian war pigs threaten nuclear Armageddon and you defend it, disgusting.

No, it's not end of. Have we heard a full explanation of this by all parties concerned? You are fear mongering. If Denmark hasn't already long been in the contingency sights of Russia as Simplexity suggested. This just means that if Denmark accepts NATO's missile defense shield, that they will be now, end of.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

A defensive missile shield which is ineffective against Russian missiles is not a threat, Adolf Putler wants nuclear Armageddon and must be stopped by any means necessary.

Apparently Russia considers further NATO expansion in this matter (and quit pointing out Denmark's NATO status, everyone knows that) as a threat. And with your level of hysteria and Russian phobia, thank god you're far away from policy makers, Jesus Christ!
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

No, it's not end of. Have we heard a full explanation of this by all parties concerned? You are fear mongering. If Denmark hasn't already long been in the contingency sights of Russia as Simplexity suggested. This just means that if Denmark accepts NATO's missile defense shield, that they will be now, end of.

He said that if they joint the defense shield which is their right as a sovereign nation they will be targeted with nuclear weapons, nothing else was stated, that's what he said and no amount of your payed for by Kremlin propaganda is going to change that, end of.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

Apparently Russia considers further NATO expansion in this matter (and quit pointing out Denmark's NATO status, everyone knows that) as a threat.

No threatening to target another nation with nuclear weapons is a threat.

And with your level of hysteria and Russian phobia, thank god you're far away from policy makers, Jesus Christ!

Well I'm not far away from a 50 cal so let's hope the genocidal war criminal Adolf Putler makes a visit to the UN real soon.
Re: Russia Threatens Nuclear Armaggedon

In other words a threat.

It's not "we will attack if you do this." Im sure you know that, though, unlike some others in the thread.

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