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Russia Says It Will End Ukraine War on These Four Conditions (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Russia Says It Will End Ukraine War on These Four Conditions

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov has said Russia will halt its military action in Ukraine if Kyiv meets four conditions. In an interview with Reuters on Monday, Peskov said Moscow could "end war immediately" if Ukraine agreed to sign a neutrality agreement that would bar it from entering NATO, recognized Crimea as Russian, recognized the regions of Luhansk and Donetsk as independent, and ceased all military action. "We really are finishing the demilitarization of Ukraine," Peskov told Reuters. "We will finish it. But the main thing is that Ukraine ceases its military action. They should stop their military action and then no one will shoot. "We have also spoken about how they should recognize that Crimea is Russian territory and that they need to recognize that Donetsk and Luhansk are independent states. And that's it. It will stop in a moment." The Kremlin spokesman added: "They should make amendments to the constitution according to which Ukraine would reject any aims to enter any bloc."

First off, Peskov is not Putin. Secondly, the Kremlin is untrustworthy. I believe Zelenskyy would be willing to discuss the status of Crimea and the DNR/LNR statelets (these 3 are probably gone forever anyway), but would not be willing to give away the government controled portions of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Zelenskyy may as well throw in the towel on Ukraine joining NATO because it is clear that NATO fears Putin more than it cherishes freedom of choice. Thirdly, I just cannot believe that Putin would relinquish his new land bridge to Crimea through Zaporizhia and Kherson Oblasts. What about Ukraine's coastlines? What about war reparations? Zelenskyy must be VERY careful. The Ukrainian people will not allow Zelenskyy to give away Ukraine's independence, sovereignty, and defensive capabilities merely to stop this war they did not start.
I support Ukraine just like everybody else. I oppose this war like I opposed Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, and so many others.

Ukraine has put up a great fight, but we have to face some cold realities.

1. Russia has a numerical advantage and can continue on in a war of attrition for some time. Putin doesn't care about sanctions right now.
2. Russia is going to expand its borders illegal and immoral as it is. The West is not going to use war as a means to stop Putin.
3. We're not going to war for Ukraine, just as Russia is not going to war with us over Syria. There will be not a NFZ or boots on the ground. It's not happening, people need to stop asking for it.

It's understandable Zelensky is angry at the situation, and wants to guilt the West into intervening militarily. I'd do the same thing. But the harsh reality is that Ukraine can't defend its entire nation from Russian occupation, and perhaps not its capital in Kyiv. There is no cavalry coming to Ukraine's rescue. They're on their own. They will have to work out a deal with the Russian's themselves, and take whatever they can get that results in peace. It's not fair, it's not right, but it's reality, and the alternative is a war much more bloody than what's happening now.

No, I don't like saying these things, and I don't care about the Ukrainian people.
That much is obvious comrade.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

I'm totally opposed to Putin. My history on here speaks to that. But getting on this bandwagon that Zelensky can hold them off everywhere forever is delusional. At some point, he'll have to make a deal with the devil here.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

I lived in Ukraine for 5 years. You?

I'm totally opposed to Putin. My history on here speaks to that. But getting on this bandwagon that Zelensky can hold them off everywhere forever is delusional. At some point, he'll have to make a deal with the devil here.

Which I addressed in the OP.

Negotiation =/= capitulation.

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