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Rush Limbaugh to divorce wife #3 (1 Viewer)

To take the other side, marriage is recognized by the STATE. If a religeous institution regonizes it as well...that is even better IMO.

If the state allows them to devorce...what is the issue?
The Liberal Puke said:
So much for family values.

And Bill Clinton was getting a blow from an intern in the White House... so your point would be what exactly??
It took me a while to reply to that one because I didn't think you were serious:
And Bill Clinton was getting a blow from an intern in the White House

First of all it was not about Bill. Second, Bill did what any real American would do in this position. He just got caught.

so your point would be what exactly??

My point is Mr Limbaugh was running his mouth about family values all the time, now he has 3 strikes against him (3 divorces). He should visit this website: http://www.sosuave.com/halloffame/hall125.htm
That'll help him learn how to keep a woman.
Would it be possible for you to come up with a better target? Honestly. . . Rush? You have to bring up his second divorce after his substance abuse?

Rush Limbaugh is not the embodiment of all conservatives.

Not all liberals are indecisive of what to do with Cuban Cigars in the White House.
Feeling sorry for him? Hardly. I was just dissapointed that you didn't find something a bit more shocking.

Here's a clue for everyone.

Liberals don't have a monopoly on family values.

Neither do Conservatives.

News flash, the moderates don't either.

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