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Runaway Bride (1 Viewer)


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Mar 31, 2005
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According to FoxNews.com, the runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks could possibly be charged for staging a hostage situation. The bride was schedule to get married today, but a few weeks ago she got cold feet and ran away. She claimed that while out on a jog, she was kidnapped. However, she took a bus trip from Georgia, to Las Vegas, and finally ending up in Albuquerque, New Mexico. On Saturday, April 30, the bride reported that she was released from her kidnappers, and hours later she reported that she stagged the entire event.

After the bride was found, with no visible injuries, she was not taking in custody by the police. She was free to go back to Georgia. At the time of her reappearance, she should have been arrested for filing a false police report, but the police was only concerned with her safety. However, today FoxNews reports that she could possibly face a misdemeanor charge of false report of crime, or a felony charge of false statements.

Cold feet or not, this lady deserves to be in jail for what she has put that man, and both of their families through.
jfrancis said:
Cold feet or not, this lady deserves to be in jail for what she has put that man, and both of their families through.
And the media should be admonished for making this into a huge deal. They now have people coming on after the after analyzing her. That is ridiculous. The media should be ashamed of itself for prying into this woman's life and the life of her family. She doesn't deserve to go to jail, she just needs counseling and help to get her life together again. The man is happy she is back, and I am sure taht he wouldn't want his bride-to-be (they are still getting married) in jail.

Blame the media for this entire debacle that has been named Runaway Bride. It should not be prying into her life after the fact and now analyzing her. Just leave her be and let her get help. And btw, get your facts straight, it wasn't a couple of weeks, it was since this Tuesday according to CNN.com.
ShamMol said:
And the media should be admonished for making this into a huge deal. They now have people coming on after the after analyzing her. That is ridiculous. The media should be ashamed of itself for prying into this woman's life and the life of her family. She doesn't deserve to go to jail, she just needs counseling and help to get her life together again. The man is happy she is back, and I am sure taht he wouldn't want his bride-to-be (they are still getting married) in jail.

Blame the media for this entire debacle that has been named Runaway Bride. It should not be prying into her life after the fact and now analyzing her. Just leave her be and let her get help. And btw, get your facts straight, it wasn't a couple of weeks, it was since this Tuesday according to CNN.com.

Well the media made money off this story and thats not right but you cannot blame them for her decisions to run away then lie about it.
She should have just let people know she was having second thoughts. People spent a lot of time, effort, and money looking for her corpse thinking she was dead. She may not deserve to go to jail for having cold feet but I hope her husband to be realizes what unstable personality traits she has exhibited and kicks her to the curb.
No one deserves to live with such a selfish person. Ditch her NOW. All this is just a preview of drama to come if he stays with her.
ShamMol said:
And the media should be admonished for making this into a huge deal. They now have people coming on after the after analyzing her. That is ridiculous. The media should be ashamed of itself for prying into this woman's life and the life of her family. She doesn't deserve to go to jail, she just needs counseling and help to get her life together again. The man is happy she is back, and I am sure taht he wouldn't want his bride-to-be (they are still getting married) in jail.

Blame the media for this entire debacle that has been named Runaway Bride. It should not be prying into her life after the fact and now analyzing her. Just leave her be and let her get help. And btw, get your facts straight, it wasn't a couple of weeks, it was since this Tuesday according to CNN.com.

That’s just plain stupidity ShamMol; of course, she should go to jail. She lied to the police about being abducted. You have to be kidding me. So what you are saying is anyone can make up a phony abduction and get off Scot-free. Just because she got cold feet doesn’t mean that excuses her for breaking the law. She SHOULD go to jail for breaking the law and that’s that. :doh
I don't think she should go to jail; she should be charged and found responsible for the costs involved. She then should have to pay the money by regular payments into an escrow account. This woman is 30 some years old and no child. If she would have just run and not done the 911 call with the false report, there would be no charges to be filed but she did make that call and report that she had been kidnapped which showed she knew she had done wrong. She takes responsibility for doing wrong; she pays the bills she created by her deception.

By running away she pulled police resources from other cases which not only affected the police in many jurisdictions but the courts and individuals that tried to help. There were people that had lost loved ones to crime that were taking part in the search. By crying, in effect, wolf, she weakens the resolve that some have to help law enforcement when they really need it. I believe the worst thing is that she simply "gets her life together" and goes on with her postponed marriage while there are no consequences for the laws she broke and the expense she caused. Should we just hold her hand?
:spank: :cool:
She should definately have to pay, not mummy and daddy. The media thought they were dealing with an abduction, so I don't know why they would be at fault. The media have helped get the word out in a lot of abduction cases, especially those involving children.
She should pay for the total cost of everyhting she had caused. Just like the college student that faked her abductions a year ago, she is paying the total fine of all the cost for her search, plus probation. That should teach her a lesson.
Squawker said:
She should definately have to pay, not mummy and daddy. The media thought they were dealing with an abduction, so I don't know why they would be at fault. The media have helped get the word out in a lot of abduction cases, especially those involving children.
Not after she was found. They are at fault for now analyzing her, as I said.

She doesn't need to be punished, she needs mental help to eventually get on with her life. That is the problem with America today. You can't just throw people in jail and hope that they mentally get better. That will do no good except lock her away and make us feel good-what she needs for herself and for the rest of her life, together with her husband should he and her choose that route.

Who are we to tell her how to run her life? "Leave her now" as someone said. Great advice to someone who obviously loves her.

I never said she shouldn't pay. However, now I will adress that issue. I do not believe she should pay...for all of it. That would bankrupt her for life and likely her entire family because likely they would help, no matter what anyone thinks. Now, should she pay for part of the millions? Absolutely, but let her pay it off a little at a time so that she doesn't compelety ruin her life.

She's not getting off scot free, she is getting healthy and will have to repay some of what she cost. Not only this, but it won't completely destroy the family, which has already been through a lot (I know thanks to her).
Nebraskaboy said:
That’s just plain stupidity ShamMol; of course, she should go to jail. She lied to the police about being abducted. You have to be kidding me. So what you are saying is anyone can make up a phony abduction and get off Scot-free. Just because she got cold feet doesn’t mean that excuses her for breaking the law. She SHOULD go to jail for breaking the law and that’s that. :doh

Don't you just love the typical liberal response. She needs HELP. It isn't her fault.

Yes, it IS her fault. She caused a lot of resources to be tied up to track her down that could have been used to helpe people who were REALLY in trouble. She should certainly receive the appropriate punishment the law sets out for this stunt that she pulled.
ludahai said:
Don't you just love the typical liberal response. She needs HELP. It isn't her fault.

Yes, it IS her fault. She caused a lot of resources to be tied up to track her down that could have been used to helpe people who were REALLY in trouble. She should certainly receive the appropriate punishment the law sets out for this stunt that she pulled.
Putting her in prison is just going to satisfy our need for vengeance. It used to be for corrections, but she won't get any correction for her mental state in there. She should be punished by being forced to pay back through community service, through reperations, etc. Not hard time that does nothing for her mental state. This way she gives back and is able to get healthy.
ShamMol said:
Not after she was found. They are at fault for now analyzing her, as I said.

She doesn't need to be punished, she needs mental help to eventually get on with her life. That is the problem with America today. You can't just throw people in jail and hope that they mentally get better. That will do no good except lock her away and make us feel good-what she needs for herself and for the rest of her life, together with her husband should he and her choose that route.

Who are we to tell her how to run her life? "Leave her now" as someone said. Great advice to someone who obviously loves her.

I never said she shouldn't pay. However, now I will adress that issue. I do not believe she should pay...for all of it. That would bankrupt her for life and likely her entire family because likely they would help, no matter what anyone thinks. Now, should she pay for part of the millions? Absolutely, but let her pay it off a little at a time so that she doesn't compelety ruin her life.

She's not getting off scot free, she is getting healthy and will have to repay some of what she cost. Not only this, but it won't completely destroy the family, which has already been through a lot (I know thanks to her).

I have a suggestion for you ShamMol. WATCH TELEVSION!

I apologize to all because I have never in my life told anyone to watch TV and surely not the "news" which is only in it's own best interest but this ShamMol is so "under informed" that I just feel compelled to reach out and help it. First when a child or adult goes missing it may be droaning on and on but if it were my loved one I would hug the media til they pop. Then, after they have put out the 10's of thousands of dollars reporting on this "Runaway Bride" you think they should just close up shop and fawn over Democrats and Republicans? ShamMol has no idea how the media works internally and it's signature should tell us all that.

Second: No one is talking about locking her up and yes, she needs mental health help but it shoudn't be up to her and her... wait, she doesn't have a husband. OK. Mandatory mental health help and she pays. ShamMol wonders who "we" are to "run her life"? I remember when I told her to run away; early on so she could premeditate the entire affair AND THEN: she gets to lie to the 911 officials in New Mexico about a kidnapping even describing her attacker and putting every hispanic male, 30 years old, average build driving a blue van in jeopardy from the law. SHE NEEDS HELP AND IT SHOULD BE MANDATORY AND AT HER OR HER FAMILIES EXPENSE. I just don't think CNN should be made to pay for it.

Third: ShamMol doesn't think we should "bankrupt her for life" by making her pay for it all. ALL THE MILLIONS? Watch TV pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. Between Saturday morning cartoons you will find that it is between $40,000 and $60,000 and since the family put out a $100,000 reward, let em pay. They are going to help her anyway so I don't think bankruptcy is on the horizon. But I commend you ShamMol for wanting to help a rich Republican family in their time of need. Millions? Sheesh.

Otherwise ShamMol. If you really want to help this family then stay away from them. They can afford to pay for all the stuff you want the tax payers to pick up and not only do they watch TV, they've been on TV. You on the other hand don't have a clue. I like you though. Wouldn't want you to feel alone. I can only imagine that you are still hurt by the Kerry thing. Sigh.
:duel :cool:
ShamMol said:
Putting her in prison is just going to satisfy our need for vengeance.

I understand many policemen did not attend the furneral of a fellow policemen in order to search for here. If they feel a need for vengeance I can see why. But this is really about setting an example and prevention along with her repaying the debt to society she has taken on due to her actions.

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