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Rosa Parks Died today. (1 Viewer)

How sad.

Rest In Peace.

An American Pioneer and Hero. :( :(
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Civil Rights hero Rosa Parks died tonight :cry: :hm

I say that wherever her body lays to rest...

They put her in the FRONT of the cemetary...
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I think it may be a little to soon but you got me crackin up any ways.
Who said I was joking?

You can't sit there and tell me that wouldn't bring a tear to your eye if you were watching the funeral and that was pointed out...

Irony can bring out both emotions...Even if its the "Alanis Morrisette" kind of irony...
cnredd said:
Who said I was joking?

You can't sit there and tell me that wouldn't bring a tear to your eye if you were watching the funeral and that was pointed out...

Irony can bring out both emotions...Even if its the "Alanis Morrisette" kind of irony...

Not ironic....felicitous. And sweet.
Though it is sad when ever someone dies, she did lead an amazing life and her name and deeds will be told throughout history. From what I have read she was healthy and mentally stable to her death. You cannot ask for more then that.

She will be honored.
Parks was quite an influence on the civil rights movement. Things may not have transpired the way they did without her.
She started the Civil Rights movement, simply by sitting at the front of a bus. Which the Civil Rights movement gave us African-Americans, and women's rights. Which we still exercise today.

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