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Romney uses little known tax dodge to avoid taxes (1 Viewer)


Oct 10, 2012
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Bloomberg digs up more on Romney's tax avoidance : CJR


Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations - Bloomberg

Bloomberg News obtained the trust’s tax returns from 2007 to 2011 from the Internal Revenue Service. Romney hasn’t disclosed the trust’s tax returns and is under no legal obligation to do so. He did make some disclosures about the trust’s investments in Massachusetts filings from 2002 to 2007 and as a presidential candidate in the current campaign.

Lets see, you buy companies that use the infrastructure to become viable, valuable companies, you buy them, then you HARVEST them, destroying the jobs in the process, again, USING the American Infrastructure, etc., then refuse to pay taxes which are necessary to create the infrastructure in the first god damn place, and use a very clever tax dodge.

That Willard is a piece of disgusting filth is obvious, but how could


vote for the filth...
I am not trying to start anything or be cute ,but is Bloomberg considered liberal or conservative. My guess is con, but since I don't follow that sort of thing I don't know./
Bloomberg digs up more on Romney's tax avoidance : CJR


Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations - Bloomberg

Lets see, you buy companies that use the infrastructure to become viable, valuable companies, you buy them, then you HARVEST them, destroying the jobs in the process, again, USING the American Infrastructure, etc., then refuse to pay taxes which are necessary to create the infrastructure in the first god damn place, and use a very clever tax dodge.

That Willard is a piece of disgusting filth is obvious, but how could


vote for the filth...

Deep breaths, Hawk, deep breaths. Romney did not break any laws. Do you take deductions you're entitled to? Or do you leave money, on purpose, on the table?

Don't blame Romney. Blame our tax codes. Something Romney has said he will work on if elected.

Bloomberg's rapidly losing my respect right now. They're rumor mongers.
Deep breaths, Hawk, deep breaths. Romney did not break any laws. Do you take deductions you're entitled to? Or do you leave money, on purpose, on the table?

Don't blame Romney. Blame our tax codes. Something Romney has said he will work on if elected.

Bloomberg's rapidly losing my respect right now. They're rumor mongers.

Interesting. So is Romney gonna move to try to fix those codes?
Romney's taxes are prepared by a team of highly trained, well informed tax specialists. Romney is not sitting there glossing over thousands of pages of tax codes looking for ways to decrease his tax obligation.

Furthermore, ANYBODY who uses a CPA for their tax preparation will find that their taxes have been manipulated in the same way that Romney's were....that is to say, the preparer used their advanced knowledge of federally and state-crafted legislative tax code to ensure that the tax liability of their client was as minimal as possible.

Hell, I do it myself using TurboTax every year. I itemize the **** out of my deductions. And why? Because if the law exists that allows me a deduction, I'm going to take advantage of it. Anybody who says they wouldn't is probably lying.
How dare Romney file legal tax returns and set up legal trusts. Shame on him.

Maybe he can get Charlie Rangel or Tim Geithner on the phone to help him avoid paying any taxes at all.
Bloomberg digs up more on Romney's tax avoidance : CJR


Romney Avoids Taxes via Loophole Cutting Mormon Donations - Bloomberg

Lets see, you buy companies that use the infrastructure to become viable, valuable companies, you buy them, then you HARVEST them, destroying the jobs in the process, again, USING the American Infrastructure, etc., then refuse to pay taxes which are necessary to create the infrastructure in the first god damn place, and use a very clever tax dodge.

That Willard is a piece of disgusting filth is obvious, but how could


vote for the filth...

Go kick his ass. Yeah!

How dare that jackass give millions of dollars in taxes just in the past 2 years. He should have given billions, even the ones he doesn't have and is not legally obliged to give away all his money.
I am about done with this tax thing. The only issue I can see arising is if it was proven that he hadn't paid 14% average tax rate that he has claimed. But that would only prove that he is a liar, which I believe has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Otherwise I don't blame Romney for getting his stacks.
Yep, there it is, the most unpatriotic tax returns, especially given what the guy did to get his money, in history, and you guys defend him

I was right, Willard could go on live TV, shoot in the head, 100 infants with a 45 magnum, each of you would still race to the polls to vote for him

Thank goodness he cant possibly win the election...:lol:

You cannot run for president if you have spent your entire life dedicated to paying less in taxes than anyone and everyone else

If you guys cant see that, then you are what I say you are, but I cant say it I will get banned if I do...
If he can get support from Congress, maybe.

Nobody has else has done it.

Yea right, why on earth would Romney or anyone in Congress ever get rid of the tax breaks and loopholes that are designed for them and their big donors?
McCain took SArah over Willard because of this, McCain knew that these returns would paint Willard as the least patriotic candidate in history

but you guys here seem fine with it...intersting
Yea right, why on earth would Romney or anyone in Congress ever get rid of the tax breaks and loopholes that are designed for them and their big donors?

I'm not a big donor, and I take advantge of plenty of loopholes and tax breaks. So do most Americans. But nice try.
Yep, there it is, the most unpatriotic tax returns, especially given what the guy did to get his money, in history, and you guys defend him

I was right, Willard could go on live TV, shoot in the head, 100 infants with a 45 magnum, each of you would still race to the polls to vote for him

Thank goodness he cant possibly win the election...:lol:

You cannot run for president if you have spent your entire life dedicated to paying less in taxes than anyone and everyone else

If you guys cant see that, then you are what I say you are, but I cant say it I will get banned if I do...

My effective rate was under 6% last year. So Romney obviously failed to pay less than "anyone and everyone".

Hyperbolic whiny nonsense is always going to be viewed as nothing more than hyperbolic whiny nonsense. It's rather sad, really, to see people resort to such idiotic fallacies in their attempts to denigrate a candidate they dislike.
Rich people suck!

A lot!
McCain took SArah over Willard because of this, McCain knew that these returns would paint Willard as the least patriotic candidate in history

but you guys here seem fine with it...intersting

McCain picked Palin because he hoped having a fiery woman on the ticket would negate the novelty of having a charismatic black man on the ticket. He took a gamble and he screwed the pooch.

But believe whatever bull**** lies and distortions you choose, really.
I'm not a big donor, and I take advantge of plenty of loopholes and tax breaks. So do most Americans. But nice try.

So you have a trust and give your kids millions of dollars for tax purposes as well? :)
Yep, there it is, the most unpatriotic tax returns, especially given what the guy did to get his money, in history, and you guys defend him

I was right, Willard could go on live TV, shoot in the head, 100 infants with a 45 magnum, each of you would still race to the polls to vote for him

Thank goodness he cant possibly win the election...:lol:

You cannot run for president if you have spent your entire life dedicated to paying less in taxes than anyone and everyone else

If you guys cant see that, then you are what I say you are, but I cant say it I will get banned if I do...

Acting worse than the person you are putting down does little to get your message across.

Because he paid less taxes than me doesn't mean he can't be a good leader. There are several other reasons why he wouldn't be a good leader, but taxes? Nah, that's not one.
So you have a trust and give your kids millions of dollars for tax purposes as well? :)

Uh, yeah. That must be it.

Tell me the part about how all deductions and loopholes and tax breaks are designed for the big Romney donors again.
I'm not a big donor, and I take advantge of plenty of loopholes and tax breaks. So do most Americans. But nice try.

Where do you think those loopholes and tax breaks are going to go when Romney has to make up the 5 trillion in lost revenue?
So you have a trust and give your kids millions of dollars for tax purposes as well? :)

It's tactically dishonest to compare somebody from the middle class with somebody from top 1-5%. There are breaks available to upper income citizens that aren't available to lower income citizens and vice versa. Upper incomers can't take advantage of most of the education credits or EEC, or other similar options, for example.

Trying to make Romney some evil villain because his tax preparers and financial advisers managed his money and tax obligations legally and to Romney's benefit is just idiotic grasping.

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