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Robodoon: Paranoid or Nuts? (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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Political Leaning
Okay, I have never started a basement thread...until now. But for the love of God, what is with this guy? :shock:
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has entered the debate!
I'm wondering how much this Doctor Cuddy guy is paying him to suck his dick...
Ivan The Terrible said:
Ivan The Terrible, Your Master, has entered the debate!
Does anyone else think Ivan is billo? Discuss.
Robodoon escaped from my reeducation camp in Miami. Unfortunately he was unable to except the drug therapy and has gone insane. Pity him... For he knows not what he says.
KCConservative said:
Okay, I have never started a basement thread...until now. But for the love of God, what is with this guy? :shock:

Honestly, I have no idea, hes like obsessed with arguing over porn and cant see that hes addicted to it!!!!:rofl
Anyway, back on topic.....

KCConservative said:
Okay, I have never started a basement thread...until now. But for the love of God, what is with this guy? :shock:

I swear he has started a dozen or more of the kookiest threads all today. I fear he may be alone and unmedicated. How can we help this poor guy? ;)
Kentucky Fried Conservative,

Does anyone else think Ivan is billo? Discuss.

I am not even going to address that with an answer.
KCConservative said:
Anyway, back on topic.....

I swear he has started a dozen or more of the kookiest threads all today. I fear he may be alone and unmedicated. How can we help this poor guy? ;)

Strap him to a chair, and play dozens upon dozens of pornos for him. Stick tape to his eyelids to keep them open!!!
Honestly, I have no idea, hes like obsessed with arguing over porn and cant see that hes addicted to it!!!!

Yes... My scientist are researching a new type of sexual drive enhancing drug for men known as Super Stiffer 2000. It seems to have been working...
Ummmm....Both. He has informed me that I am an unwitting pawn working for the secret society within the UN and that all Marines should return to the States to defend America from the UN conspiracy from taking over America.

Gee, I've been so blind.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Yes... My scientist are researching a new type of sexual drive enhancing drug for men known as Super Stiffer 2000. It seems to have been working...

But Master, he is against it!!! He continuely argue that porn is wrong!!!
Neither, he's just a ****ing idiot. Someone shoot him, please.
Well, there you go. It's unanimous. Ban the bastard.
The guy brings a whole new meaning to the term "fundie".

The sad part is, all of his "sources" are dated at LEAST 15 years back, some of his sources though are older than my mother, and about as old as my grandmother.....dude needs to catch up with the times.

I would say that he reminds me of Chicken Little (The sky is falling! The sky is falling!)....but Chicken Little is a cute children's story, and this guy is just....weird.
@_girL........ said:
But Master, he is against it!!! He continuely argue that porn is wrong!!!

Maybe we are underestimating this fellow. I mean, the warnings about porn, my own mom's warnings to me when I was 13 about what would happen to me if I continued my little hobbby with such frequency, Gunny's sudden blindness..............

It's all starting to make sense.
Ivan The Terrible said:
Yes... My scientist are researching a new type of sexual drive enhancing drug for men known as Super Stiffer 2000. It seems to have been working...

I heard that experiment was a big flop......

or a small one, depending on your point of view. :lol:
@_girL........ said:
Honestly, I have no idea, hes like obsessed with arguing over porn and cant see that hes addicted to it!!!!:rofl

I think he definately needs to get the real thing and stop just watching it on his 'puter...
@_girL........ said:
Strap him to a chair, and play dozens upon dozens of pornos for him. Stick tape to his eyelids to keep them open!!!

Tape...please. So ineffective... Just check my avatar for a better way!
UN conspiracy from taking over America.

The durgs has twisted his mind. He thinks the UN is ****ing America when, in reality, America is ****ing the UN.

I heard that experiment was a big flop......

Sadly for most test subjects it was.

or a small one,

This was only true for cnredd.
Gardener said:
Maybe we are underestimating this fellow. I mean, the warnings about porn, my own mom's warnings to me when I was 13 about what would happen to me if I continued my little hobbby with such frequency, Gunny's sudden blindness..............

It's all starting to make sense.

It was temporary. I have clarity of vision now. Doc just told me to slow down.
So, like, what are we supposed to do to help the guy out. Hes been apparently fu/cked over by the treatments from the lab... and hes practically insane. His theories are clearly from the mind of a looney. What do we do?
@_girL........ said:
So, like, what are we supposed to do to help the guy out. Hes been apparently fu/cked over by the treatments from the lab... and hes practically insane. His theories are clearly from the mind of a looney. What do we do?

Throw stones at him and laugh.

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