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Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female [W:163] (1 Viewer)

Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I would rather live in a non violent society yes.

That is pretty much a Utopian fantasy.

The UK has little gun crime, but huge amounts of other violent crime, according to recent studies possibly much more than the USA.

Canada is a remarkably peaceful culture, but even so there are certain parts of Canada that have problems with violence and gangs.

And finally, as an ex-cop I can tell you lots of people THINK they live in a "safe neighborhood"... but only because they are ignorant of a lot of things that go on there. Lots of places are "safe" until something suddenly happens. I live in a rural-ish area, when I was a kid many people didn't bother to lock their doors.... but a couple years ago we had a serial killer hit our area and randomly kill five people before being shot dead.

Trusting your fellow man's benevolence is a risky gamble.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

That is pretty much a Utopian fantasy.

The UK has little gun crime, but huge amounts of other violent crime, according to recent studies possibly much more than the USA.

Canada is a remarkably peaceful culture, but even so there are certain parts of Canada that have problems with violence and gangs.

And finally, as an ex-cop I can tell you lots of people THINK they live in a "safe neighborhood"... but only because they are ignorant of a lot of things that go on there. Lots of places are "safe" until something suddenly happens. I live in a rural-ish area, when I was a kid many people didn't bother to lock their doors.... but a couple years ago we had a serial killer hit our area and randomly kill five people before being shot dead.

Trusting your fellow man's benevolence is a risky gamble.

I understand that, but there is a difference between gun crime and other types of crime, a crazy man With a gun is much more Dangerous than a crazy man With a knife.

The reason the Uk has lower gun crime is becuase there are less guns in the country, the reason that it may have more than the US is not because there arn't guns there.

Yes, there are parts of Canada that have problems With violence and gangs .... I get that, the point is we should Word toward living in a non-violent society.

It isn't trusting my fellow man's benevolence, it's about minimizing violence.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I understand that, but there is a difference between gun crime and other types of crime, a crazy man With a gun is much more Dangerous than a crazy man With a knife.

The reason the Uk has lower gun crime is becuase there are less guns in the country, the reason that it may have more than the US is not because there arn't guns there.

Yes, there are parts of Canada that have problems With violence and gangs .... I get that, the point is we should Word toward living in a non-violent society.

It isn't trusting my fellow man's benevolence, it's about minimizing violence.

A lovely ideal, but not a very practical one.

I've spent too much time dealing with people who willingly mistreat their fellow man and are stopped ONLY by force, or threat of force, to believe in a nonviolent society short of Heaven.

Until then, I will remain armed and at my post of vigilance.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

A lovely ideal, but not a very practical one.

I've spent too much time dealing with people who willingly mistreat their fellow man and are stopped ONLY by force, or threat of force, to believe in a nonviolent society short of Heaven.

Until then, I will remain armed and at my post of vigilance.

Stopped by force BY the police ... People With a Public mandate, a specific job, and training, who are accountable to the Public.

It is practical, just look at gun violence in the US as opposed to countries With more restrictions on guns, and look at murder rates.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Stopped by force BY the police ... People With a Public mandate, a specific job, and training, who are accountable to the Public.

It is practical, just look at gun violence in the US as opposed to countries With more restrictions on guns, and look at murder rates.

why is it that its almost 100% guarantee that if someone is anti gun on DP, they are a socialist, a progressive or a far lefty of some sort?
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Trusting your fellow man's benevolence is a risky gamble.

An even bigger gamble is trusting in the benevolence of government.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

why is it that its almost 100% guarantee that if someone is anti gun on DP, they are a socialist, a progressive or a far lefty of some sort?

Because it is a universal liberal belief that the role of government is to secure the people's safety and not the role of the individual who is simply not qualified to do so or even dangerous when doing so. Additionally they believe that the rule of law is universally followed.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Stopped by force BY the police ... People With a Public mandate, a specific job, and training, who are accountable to the Public.

So do not defend yourself, lay down and be a victim...Wow..

It is practical, just look at gun violence in the US as opposed to countries With more restrictions on guns, and look at murder rates.

What about Mexico? Or Honduras? Or Russia? Or ISIS controlled Iraq were all guns are banned?
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

So do not defend yourself, lay down and be a victim...Wow..

What about Mexico? Or Honduras? Or Russia? Or ISIS controlled Iraq were all guns are banned?

I don't live in a country With guns, and I can handle myself without a gun.

Yes Mexico and Honduras have high crime rates, mostly getting their guns from the US, and mainly due to poverty and the drug war, not to guns being banned.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I don't live in a country With guns, and I can handle myself without a gun.

Yes you do, they are there, and just because you can does not mean every else can, everyone else is not you.

Yes Mexico and Honduras have high crime rates, mostly getting their guns from the US, and mainly due to poverty and the drug war, not to guns being banned.

No, that is a myth, they buy them from the army/police/other nations in Central/South America.

Sure....Its not because they want to defend themselves from the cartel or the army/cops...
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I don't live in a country With guns, and I can handle myself without a gun.

Yes Mexico and Honduras have high crime rates, mostly getting their guns from the US, and mainly due to poverty and the drug war, not to guns being banned.

Wait a minute, you don't live in the US?
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

No, we just understand that our lives and our rights and their protection is our responsibility.

Who said she did not before but feels even more so after?

Why do find it "scary" that people master the skill of self defense?

Really? So you do not believe Christ wants people to defend themselves, their families, their homes, their nations?

Exodus 22:2-3 ESV / 144 helpful votes

If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft.

Luke 11:21 ESV / 131 helpful votes

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are safe;

1 Timothy 5:8 ESV / 104 helpful votes

But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Luke 22:36 ESV / 102 helpful votes

He said to them, “But now let the one who has a moneybag take it, and likewise a knapsack. And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.

Proverbs 25:26 ESV / 85 helpful votes

Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked.

Psalm 144:1 ESV / 64 helpful votes

Of David. Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle;

Nehemiah 4:17-18 ESV / 52 helpful votes

Who were building on the wall. Those who carried burdens were loaded in such a way that each labored on the work with one hand and held his weapon with the other. And each of the builders had his sword strapped at his side while he built. The man who sounded the trumpet was beside me.

Romans 12:19 ESV / 51 helpful votes

Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Romans 13:4 ESV / 31 helpful votes

For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.

Helpful Not Helpful
Exodus 22:1-31 ESV / 27 helpful votes

“If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and kills it or sells it, he shall repay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep. If a thief is found breaking in and is struck so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguilt for him, but if the sun has risen on him, there shall be bloodguilt for him. He shall surely pay. If he has nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. If the stolen beast is found alive in his possession, whether it is an ox or a donkey or a sheep, he shall pay double. “If a man causes a field or vineyard to be grazed over, or lets his beast loose and it feeds in another man's field, he shall make restitution from the best in his own field and in his own vineyard.

What Does the Bible Say About Self Defense?

Trusting the state to protect you and not abuse you is a pathology that is killed hundreds of million of people...
Jesus does not equivocate with his bull whip.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Moderator's Warning:
Folks. There's a topic here. I suggest you stick to it. Every thread in the gun forum is not a big green light to argue about everything under the sun that even touches upon guns
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I don't live in a country With guns, and I can handle myself without a gun.

Against what? You know or you believe like the rest of your claims.

Yes Mexico and Honduras have high crime rates, mostly getting their guns from the US, and mainly due to poverty and the drug war, not to guns being banned.

So Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein are not good examples of what you claim.

So what excuse do you have for London and UK the accepted acknowledged crime capital of Europe? With a crime rate in every category other than rape and murder higher than the USA.


  • UK crime.jpg
    UK crime.jpg
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Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Against what? You know or you believe like the rest of your claims.

I know to a degree ....

So Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein are not good examples of what you claim.

So what excuse do you have for London and UK the accepted acknowledged crime capital of Europe? With a crime rate in every category other than rape and murder higher than the USA.

What excuse? well .. they have a lot of crime, it's a problem.

But in the category where guns are relevant ... murder, it's a lower rate than the United states ...
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

I know to a degree .... .


What excuse? well .. they have a lot of crime, it's a problem.

Funny that problem has been increasing with every increase of gun control legislation I wonder why. Do you know? It is supposed to DECREASE or that is what the liars and prevaricators of gun control claimed. How do you explain that?

So Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein are not good examples of what you claim. This should be easy for you why did you avoid it?

But in the category where guns are relevant ... murder, it's a lower rate than the United states ..

So people murdered with knives, bats, rope..... are irrelevant to you and nobody (no gun control advocate) cares about them.

In what category accepted by criminologists are guns relevant and explain why they are relevant?

You have not explained why once safe London and the UK is now the crime capital of Europe and stating the obvious as a loaded retort is just ridiculous.

Which bunch of utter assholes screwed once safe UK up? Must have been some organisation which one?

If I said there are more vehicle accidents in town than in the country so a lack of vehicles makes you safer most people would think this crazy. My sentiment exactly about your statement. You have uttered a meaningless emotional statement that has no actual meaning except to the indoctrinated. Can we stick to facts.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female


At attacker ....

Funny that problem has been increasing with every increase of gun control legislation I wonder why. Do you know? It is supposed to DECREASE or that is what the liars and prevaricators of gun control claimed. How do you explain that?

So Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein are not good examples of what you claim. This should be easy for you why did you avoid it?

It's also increased With higher poverty .... guns have ALWAYS been banned in the UK ...

Good examples of what? countries With gun Controls that have lower murder rates than the US?

So people murdered with knives, bats, rope..... are irrelevant to you and nobody (no gun control advocate) cares about them.

In what category accepted by criminologists are guns relevant and explain why they are relevant?

You have not explained why once safe London and the UK is now the crime capital of Europe and stating the obvious as a loaded retort is just ridiculous.

Which bunch of utter assholes screwed once safe UK up? Must have been some organisation which one?

If I said there are more vehicle accidents in town than in the country so a lack of vehicles makes you safer most people would think this crazy. My sentiment exactly about your statement. You have uttered a meaningless emotional statement that has no actual meaning except to the indoctrinated. Can we stick to facts.

No ... they are relevant too .... but less a guy With a knife is not as Dangerous as a guy With a gun ....

WHy is Londond the crime Capital of europe? I'ts a difficult question, I don't know, do you think it's because they haven't legalized guns?
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

At attacker ....

Have you ever been attacked? How do you know to what degree?

It's also increased With higher poverty ....

Citation needed. And horse pucky

guns have ALWAYS been banned in the UK ...

Which planet are you from? Citation needed. And horse pucky.

Good examples of what? countries With gun Controls that have lower murder rates than the US?

If you would answer the questions in the first place instead of avoiding for three or more messages. I don't do your reminding for you. Look it up.

No ... they are relevant too .... but less a guy With a knife is not as Dangerous as a guy With a gun ....

Citation needed and horse pucky.

WHy is Londond the crime Capital of europe? I'ts a difficult question, I don't know, do you think it's because they haven't legalized guns?

You did not answer the questions. In what category accepted by criminologists are guns relevant and explain why they are relevant?

Did not see this did you. Let me help

Funny that problem has been increasing with every increase of gun control legislation I wonder why. Do you know? It is supposed to DECREASE or that is what the liars and prevaricators of gun control claimed. How do you explain that?

You know squat about English history and are winging it with guesses and rubbish. It what your whole argument is based on and as such there is nothing to debate.

Go find out what the British Bill of Rights is and try to follow the restrictive gun control laws laws which started in 1920 because parliament feared a Bolshevik style uprising. Read Chief Insp Colin Greenwoods book and follow the increase of laws and crime.

Start with. Priori to 1920 ANYONE could buy and have a gun be they child, criminal or lunatic. Crime in the UK has never been that low again. Who screwed it up? It has to be WHO as it did not just happen on its own.

Try Guns and Violence, the British Experience Prof Joyce Lee Malcolm
Guns and Violence: The English Experience
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

Against what? You know or you believe like the rest of your claims.

So Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein are not good examples of what you claim.

So what excuse do you have for London and UK the accepted acknowledged crime capital of Europe? With a crime rate in every category other than rape and murder higher than the USA.

If all fairnes, that pic doesn't show America nore provide a URL to where the data came from.

It should.
Re: Rising Voice of Gun Ownership Is Female

At attacker ....

It's also increased With higher poverty .... guns have ALWAYS been banned in the UK ...

Good examples of what? countries With gun Controls that have lower murder rates than the US?

No ... they are relevant too .... but less a guy With a knife is not as Dangerous as a guy With a gun ....

WHy is Londond the crime Capital of europe? I'ts a difficult question, I don't know, do you think it's because they haven't legalized guns?

You import savage culture, give them welfare galore, then you disarm the public, that is why it is so violent.

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