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Rioting French Middle Class not so 'THRILLED" with Paris Accord Now. Trump RIGHT AGAIN./ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 8, 2017
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Libertarian - Right
The onerous fuel/energy taxes flaming left twit Macron sought to impose upon the French people, as PART AND PARCEL OF THE CARBON TAXES that are the CORE of the Paris Accord.

As the REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES of these taxes are coming home, BIG TIME to the French people, Pres.Trump's BRILLIANT decision to spare the United States from the same fate becomes obvious.

Keep in mind...these CARBON "CARPET TAXES" are PRECISELY what the DNC supporters of the UN Income Redistribution CARBON $CAM seek to IMPOSE HERE IN THE US....people such as BERNIE SANDERS, the Airhead Ocasio-Cortez, and EVEVERY OTHER LEFTIST SPEWING THE UN's "Climate" bullcrap.

Europeans are waking up to the mistake of the EU. Britains wised up and are attacked for their wisdom.
Bull****, like dog**** seems to have an unmistakable odor. Mitigation fees should be aimed at the causes of runaway AGW, specifically the Major Energy Corporations. They have spent billions to counter AGW science with business oriented lies to maintain profit flow, now it is time for them to spend trillions and to be held accountable for the damage incurred by their false MSM campaigns. Macron is not a leftist, he is a Rothschild right wing puppet. I'm glad you can see that Trump stands alone for blame.
Bull****, like dog**** seems to have an unmistakable odor. Mitigation fees should be aimed at the causes of runaway AGW, specifically the Major Energy Corporations. They have spent billions to counter AGW science with business oriented lies to maintain profit flow, now it is time for them to spend trillions and to be held accountable for the damage incurred by their false MSM campaigns. Macron is not a leftist, he is a Rothschild right wing puppet. I'm glad you can see that Trump stands alone for blame.

Let fat ass Gore kick in some of the millions he made selling that TV network to his Al Jazeera buddies. If he believes so ardently in this nonsense, let him pony up. BTW, how much are China and India going to pay and what is the mechanism for forcing them to do so?
Bull****, like dog**** seems to have an unmistakable odor. Mitigation fees should be aimed at the causes of runaway AGW, specifically the Major Energy Corporations. They have spent billions to counter AGW science with business oriented lies to maintain profit flow, now it is time for them to spend trillions and to be held accountable for the damage incurred by their false MSM campaigns. Macron is not a leftist, he is a Rothschild right wing puppet. I'm glad you can see that Trump stands alone for blame.

No one buys the proven liars' bull**** anymore , except for the Left Dupes.

al gore.jpg
The onerous fuel/energy taxes flaming left twit Macron sought to impose upon the French people, as PART AND PARCEL OF THE CARBON TAXES that are the CORE of the Paris Accord.

As the REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES of these taxes are coming home, BIG TIME to the French people, Pres.Trump's BRILLIANT decision to spare the United States from the same fate becomes obvious.

Keep in mind...these CARBON "CARPET TAXES" are PRECISELY what the DNC supporters of the UN Income Redistribution CARBON $CAM seek to IMPOSE HERE IN THE US....people such as BERNIE SANDERS, the Airhead Ocasio-Cortez, and EVEVERY OTHER LEFTIST SPEWING THE UN's "Climate" bullcrap.


The whole Paris protesting thing with liberals protesting against carbon taxes just makes me bust a gut laughing.

No one buys the proven liars' bull**** anymore , except for the Left Dupes.

View attachment 67245437

Be careful Grok. I'm pretty sure you're living too close to the edge of the Earth and uou might fall off. I know it's a big flat spot and many ships have been rumoured to go off the edge in the past. Let me know if the temperature goes up in your house if you don't shut off the heat. Sorta why some think the temp of Earth atmosphere will go up if we don't shut off the heat of burning fuels of all types. I admire you for having the audacity to reject simple truths and condemn your children to an avoidable fate. You are living proof that intellect is measurable in both directions.
Be careful Grok. I'm pretty sure you're living too close to the edge of the Earth and uou might fall off. I know it's a big flat spot and many ships have been rumoured to go off the edge in the past. Let me know if the temperature goes up in your house if you don't shut off the heat. Sorta why some think the temp of Earth atmosphere will go up if we don't shut off the heat of burning fuels of all types. I admire you for having the audacity to reject simple truths and condemn your children to an avoidable fate. You are living proof that intellect is measurable in both directions.


You're who needs to "be careful".
Let fat ass Gore kick in some of the millions he made selling that TV network to his Al Jazeera buddies. If he believes so ardently in this nonsense, let him pony up. BTW, how much are China and India going to pay and what is the mechanism for forcing them to do so?

Or the $millions he and Slick Willie got from the Red Chinese....
we got ourselves a troll circle jerk going on here.
we got ourselves a troll circle jerk going on here.


IOW= D[ Left-SOP.

Maybe you should comment about FONT/CAPS/BOLDING etc...huh? :lamo

They cancelled/rescheduled the Paris-St.Germaine SOCCER MATCH over the protests !!!!

The French have closed the Eiffel Tower as well as other sites as the RIOTING of the French Middle Class continues. What started as OUTRAGE over the draconian "carbon taxes" per the Paris Accord, have now spread to overall opposition to Pres.Macron, once seen as the "rising star" of the EU, now another example of WHAT IS GOING WRONG w/the EU.

Thank God Pres.Trump is knowledgeable enough to SPARE THE PEOPLE OF THE US from the crap Macron has tried to foist upon the French.. #Trumpprovenrightagain.
The global warming HOAX is on its deathbed. May the scam rest in peace!
Bull****, like dog**** seems to have an unmistakable odor. Mitigation fees should be aimed at the causes of runaway AGW, specifically the Major Energy Corporations. They have spent billions to counter AGW science with business oriented lies to maintain profit flow, now it is time for them to spend trillions and to be held accountable for the damage incurred by their false MSM campaigns. Macron is not a leftist, he is a Rothschild right wing puppet. I'm glad you can see that Trump stands alone for blame.

Wait...do you think going after the major energy corporations with fees is going to have a different result? You think that's not going to be passed down to the consumer still?
Wait...do you think going after the major energy corporations with fees is going to have a different result? You think that's not going to be passed down to the consumer still?

The major Energy Corporations have colluded to discredit AGW research while the Energy Corporations were in possession of documentation certifying the accuracy of AGW claims. Like tobacco Corporations denied cancer causing nature of cigarettes when they themselves owned documentation certifying that fact. Their cash, assets, and stockholders need be re-directed to AGW mitigation. Prison sentences for executives privy to AGW realities.
The onerous fuel/energy taxes flaming left twit Macron sought to impose upon the French people, as PART AND PARCEL OF THE CARBON TAXES that are the CORE of the Paris Accord.

As the REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCES of these taxes are coming home, BIG TIME to the French people, Pres.Trump's BRILLIANT decision to spare the United States from the same fate becomes obvious.

Keep in mind...these CARBON "CARPET TAXES" are PRECISELY what the DNC supporters of the UN Income Redistribution CARBON $CAM seek to IMPOSE HERE IN THE US....people such as BERNIE SANDERS, the Airhead Ocasio-Cortez, and EVEVERY OTHER LEFTIST SPEWING THE UN's "Climate" bullcrap.


How do you know the UN climate accord is fraudulent?
The major Energy Corporations have colluded to discredit AGW research while the Energy Corporations were in possession of documentation certifying the accuracy of AGW claims. Like tobacco Corporations denied cancer causing nature of cigarettes when they themselves owned documentation certifying that fact. Their cash, assets, and stockholders need be re-directed to AGW mitigation. Prison sentences for executives privy to AGW realities.

That's not changing the fact that the costs are going to be passed on to the regular people so they'll still be the ones paying for it.
That's not changing the fact that the costs are going to be passed on to the regular people so they'll still be the ones paying for it.

I know that the lowly taxpayer always foots the bills in the end. I remember the 2008 bank bailout that we paid for. The problem is that noone went to jail. I'd like to see the Big Energy Corps in bars and stripes.
Bull****, like dog**** seems to have an unmistakable odor. Mitigation fees should be aimed at the causes of runaway AGW, specifically the Major Energy Corporations. They have spent billions to counter AGW science with business oriented lies to maintain profit flow, now it is time for them to spend trillions and to be held accountable for the damage incurred by their false MSM campaigns. Macron is not a leftist, he is a Rothschild right wing puppet. I'm glad you can see that Trump stands alone for blame.
So, who has spent the billions pumped into the pro-AGW mob? Based on the volume of "it's all our fault" AGW literature out there the total cost has to far exceed any amount those evil energy companies spend. Stop using their products if they're so evil.
The major Energy Corporations have colluded to discredit AGW research while the Energy Corporations were in possession of documentation certifying the accuracy of AGW claims. Like tobacco Corporations denied cancer causing nature of cigarettes when they themselves owned documentation certifying that fact. Their cash, assets, and stockholders need be re-directed to AGW mitigation. Prison sentences for executives privy to AGW realities.

Prison sentences??? WTF fascist?
So Macron backs down on the fuel tax and they are still rioting? Hmmm methinks these rioters are being paid to riot. Probably by the far right climate change deniers. Oh and surprise suprised trump uses these riots to tweet about climate change being crap and the Paris Agreement should be scrapped.

Oh and he really did tweet that the USA's emissions are the lowest in history.

Next hurricane or bushfire that climate change DOESN'T cause - I will be offering the victims my 'thoughts and prayers' ....and NOTHING ELSE.

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