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Rio Olympics ... are they serious? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 22, 2012
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St. Petersburg
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Welcome to Rio, don't mind the dead bodies: Bloated CORPSE floats in bay where Olympic swimmers and sailors will compete - as athletes are warned to 'keep their mouths closed' because water is full of 'human crap'
A severed arm was just another gruesome discovery made in Rio's waterways in the build up to the Olympics

Competitors told to keep their mouths shut because of pollution in Rio as waters are still badly contaminated
Marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap' Dr. Daniel Becker warned
Australian sailors Olympic preparations are being hampered as rubbish pollutes water they practice in
Guanabara Bay is site of windsurfing and sailing events, while Copacabana Beach hosts marathon swimming

Competitors taking part in some of the aquatic events at the Rio Olympics next month have been warned not to open their mouths to avoid catching serious illnesses from the polluted water.

One Brazilian doctor even warned that Olympic marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap'.

'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker who works in Rio.

Health experts warned Olympic marathon swimmers, sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio's Guanabara Bay - where a body was found floating in the lead up to the Games - to be ultra careful as the waters are much more contaminated than was previously thought, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

It has been claimed that organisers' efforts to treat the raw sewage and clean up household debris in Guanabara Bay has fallen well short despite recent efforts to clean the area up. Marina da Glória in Guanabara Bay is the site of the windsurfing and sailing events, while the marathon swimming and triathlon competitions are at Copacabana Beach at the mouth of the bay.


A dead body floating in the water. There were 1700 murders in Rio last month.

Read more: Rio Olympics competitors warned to 'keep their mouths shut' because of water pollution | Daily Mail Online

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
View attachment 67204933

Welcome to Rio, don't mind the dead bodies: Bloated CORPSE floats in bay where Olympic swimmers and sailors will compete - as athletes are warned to 'keep their mouths closed' because water is full of 'human crap'
A severed arm was just another gruesome discovery made in Rio's waterways in the build up to the Olympics

Competitors told to keep their mouths shut because of pollution in Rio as waters are still badly contaminated
Marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap' Dr. Daniel Becker warned
Australian sailors Olympic preparations are being hampered as rubbish pollutes water they practice in
Guanabara Bay is site of windsurfing and sailing events, while Copacabana Beach hosts marathon swimming

Competitors taking part in some of the aquatic events at the Rio Olympics next month have been warned not to open their mouths to avoid catching serious illnesses from the polluted water.

One Brazilian doctor even warned that Olympic marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap'.

'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker who works in Rio.

Health experts warned Olympic marathon swimmers, sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio's Guanabara Bay - where a body was found floating in the lead up to the Games - to be ultra careful as the waters are much more contaminated than was previously thought, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

It has been claimed that organisers' efforts to treat the raw sewage and clean up household debris in Guanabara Bay has fallen well short despite recent efforts to clean the area up. Marina da Glória in Guanabara Bay is the site of the windsurfing and sailing events, while the marathon swimming and triathlon competitions are at Copacabana Beach at the mouth of the bay.

View attachment 67204934

A dead body floating in the water. There were 1700 murders in Rio last month.

Read more: Rio Olympics competitors warned to 'keep their mouths shut' because of water pollution | Daily Mail Online

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Where the **** are all those dead bodies coming from?
Geezus. I thought it was nasty when I heard they were swimming in the Serpentine in 2012. That was hospital clean compared to that disgusting place. Dead bodies and human waste? Why not just fly them up and have them swim in the Harlem River instead. It's probably cleaner.
Sounds like the Olympics for the bacteria!

"And we have a gold medal for strep, a silver for E.coli, and a bronze for ghonneria!"
Of course, when I went to Brazil for the World cup there were Gendarmes all over the place and the tourist sections were spotless.

Though it would be interesting to see if the people of Brazil fight with more force than they did in 2014. Though I'm not sure they'd be able to rile up the massive amounts of gendarmes that would undoubtedly be there like they were back then (or get to the tourists or competitors).
How has the Olympic committee not cancelled this?

Its going to be as big of a disaster as our elections.
Didn't they talk about how dirty Beijing was at the time? We probably only found out about a small percentage of what really was going on at the time. The Chinese were just better at covering it up, and in the end, all was well...I think.
Our athletes have to decide for themselves what is important to them and what they are willing to risk for the slim chance of winning some medal.
Head of Australian Team Says Olympic Village in Rio 'Not Safe or Ready' - ABC News

Less than two weeks before this summer's Olympic Games are supposed to kick off in Rio de Janeiro, the head of the Australian team announced that the conditions at the Olympic village were not livable for their athletes.

"Due to a variety of problems in the Village, including gas, electricity and plumbing I have decided that no Australian Team member will move into our allocated building," Australian Team Chef de Mission Kitty Chiller said in a statement.

"Problems include blocked toilets, leaking pipes, exposed wiring, darkened stairwells where no lighting has been installed and dirty floors in need of a massive clean," Chiller added.

She also said that in some areas, water has leaked through the ceiling, "resulting in large puddles on the floor around cabling and wiring."
I don't follow Brazil but what happened? Wasn't Rio a beautiful paradise not too long ago?
View attachment 67204933

Welcome to Rio, don't mind the dead bodies: Bloated CORPSE floats in bay where Olympic swimmers and sailors will compete - as athletes are warned to 'keep their mouths closed' because water is full of 'human crap'
A severed arm was just another gruesome discovery made in Rio's waterways in the build up to the Olympics

Competitors told to keep their mouths shut because of pollution in Rio as waters are still badly contaminated
Marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap' Dr. Daniel Becker warned
Australian sailors Olympic preparations are being hampered as rubbish pollutes water they practice in
Guanabara Bay is site of windsurfing and sailing events, while Copacabana Beach hosts marathon swimming

Competitors taking part in some of the aquatic events at the Rio Olympics next month have been warned not to open their mouths to avoid catching serious illnesses from the polluted water.

One Brazilian doctor even warned that Olympic marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap'.

'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker who works in Rio.

Health experts warned Olympic marathon swimmers, sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio's Guanabara Bay - where a body was found floating in the lead up to the Games - to be ultra careful as the waters are much more contaminated than was previously thought, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

It has been claimed that organisers' efforts to treat the raw sewage and clean up household debris in Guanabara Bay has fallen well short despite recent efforts to clean the area up. Marina da Glória in Guanabara Bay is the site of the windsurfing and sailing events, while the marathon swimming and triathlon competitions are at Copacabana Beach at the mouth of the bay.

View attachment 67204934

A dead body floating in the water. There were 1700 murders in Rio last month.

Read more: Rio Olympics competitors warned to 'keep their mouths shut' because of water pollution | Daily Mail Online

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

This sounds absolutely crazy. Murder rate compared to Chicago adjusted for population difference...OVER TEN TIMES CHICAGO's rate. [Population of Rio three times that of Chicago. Chicago averaged 54 murders per month so far this year X 3 for population difference = 162/month. Rio's rate 1700/month.]

The Olympic Committee has lost its mind. Why would ANYONE participate?

Edit...in addition to the Rio police force, they are bringing in 22,000 soldiers for security.
Last edited:
I don't follow Brazil but what happened? Wasn't Rio a beautiful paradise not too long ago?

Whenever I heard Rio I thought of Carnival.


View attachment 67204933

Welcome to Rio, don't mind the dead bodies: Bloated CORPSE floats in bay where Olympic swimmers and sailors will compete - as athletes are warned to 'keep their mouths closed' because water is full of 'human crap'
A severed arm was just another gruesome discovery made in Rio's waterways in the build up to the Olympics

Competitors told to keep their mouths shut because of pollution in Rio as waters are still badly contaminated
Marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap' Dr. Daniel Becker warned
Australian sailors Olympic preparations are being hampered as rubbish pollutes water they practice in
Guanabara Bay is site of windsurfing and sailing events, while Copacabana Beach hosts marathon swimming

Competitors taking part in some of the aquatic events at the Rio Olympics next month have been warned not to open their mouths to avoid catching serious illnesses from the polluted water.

One Brazilian doctor even warned that Olympic marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap'.

'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker who works in Rio.

Health experts warned Olympic marathon swimmers, sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio's Guanabara Bay - where a body was found floating in the lead up to the Games - to be ultra careful as the waters are much more contaminated than was previously thought, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

It has been claimed that organisers' efforts to treat the raw sewage and clean up household debris in Guanabara Bay has fallen well short despite recent efforts to clean the area up. Marina da Glória in Guanabara Bay is the site of the windsurfing and sailing events, while the marathon swimming and triathlon competitions are at Copacabana Beach at the mouth of the bay.

View attachment 67204934

A dead body floating in the water. There were 1700 murders in Rio last month.

Read more: Rio Olympics competitors warned to 'keep their mouths shut' because of water pollution | Daily Mail Online

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Look. The IOC is as corrupt in allotting venues they come and accepted systematic doping by Russia. What surprises you that the city they decided on is the pits? They paid to get them, that's all.

What disturbs me more is that thousands of people will go to Brasil, where they might pick up Zika and then infect mosquitoes, when they get back. This seems quite likely. Though, we are not sure that it will spread throughout the South of the US, it seems very likely from what we know.
Look. The IOC is as corrupt in allotting venues they come and accepted systematic doping by Russia. What surprises you that the city they decided on is the pits? They paid to get them, that's all.

What disturbs me more is that thousands of people will go to Brasil, where they might pick up Zika and then infect mosquitoes, when they get back. This seems quite likely. Though, we are not sure that it will spread throughout the South of the US, it seems very likely from what we know.

Right now we think there has been 4 cases of Zika from Florida mosquitoes.
It used to be a beautiful city, it really was back in the late 80's (Last time I was there) but judging by the pics I've seen of it lately, it really has gone to ****.

Whenever I heard Rio I thought of Carnival.



i went to mardi gras when i was 21

i went to oktoberfest in munich when i was 24

always wanted to go to carnival to make it 3 for 3

never got there....you couldnt pay me to go there now
To get tickets to the Rio Olympics, call 1-800-GET-ZIKA.
It used to be a beautiful city, it really was back in the late 80's (Last time I was there) but judging by the pics I've seen of it lately, it really has gone to ****.


Brazil is going through a recession, and was also never a first world country, but way above third world. But the people have just as much to do with sanitation and the cleanup crew. I had neighbors from souther mexico when I lived in cali, they would throw their trash in the street, as well as dead animals. Where they came from that was the norm.

Much of south america africa middle east etc is like this, usually the poor countries. They throw everything in the streets or in their rivers and lakes, from trash to dead bodies.
Right now we think there has been 4 cases of Zika from Florida mosquitoes.

Something like that. I think you are right. We do not right now know, but the talk is that a major initiative against mosquitoes is being looked into. Now bring in a couple of thousand infected persons the Florida mosquitoes feast on and "Hey Presto!" we haven epidemic and have to poison large areas to wipe out the carriers.
View attachment 67204933

Welcome to Rio, don't mind the dead bodies: Bloated CORPSE floats in bay where Olympic swimmers and sailors will compete - as athletes are warned to 'keep their mouths closed' because water is full of 'human crap'
A severed arm was just another gruesome discovery made in Rio's waterways in the build up to the Olympics

Competitors told to keep their mouths shut because of pollution in Rio as waters are still badly contaminated
Marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap' Dr. Daniel Becker warned
Australian sailors Olympic preparations are being hampered as rubbish pollutes water they practice in
Guanabara Bay is site of windsurfing and sailing events, while Copacabana Beach hosts marathon swimming

Competitors taking part in some of the aquatic events at the Rio Olympics next month have been warned not to open their mouths to avoid catching serious illnesses from the polluted water.

One Brazilian doctor even warned that Olympic marathon swimmers will 'literally be swimming in human crap'.

'Foreign athletes will literally be swimming in human crap, and they risk getting sick from all those microorganisms,' said Dr. Daniel Becker who works in Rio.

Health experts warned Olympic marathon swimmers, sailors and windsurfers competing in Rio's Guanabara Bay - where a body was found floating in the lead up to the Games - to be ultra careful as the waters are much more contaminated than was previously thought, the Sydney Morning Herald reports.

It has been claimed that organisers' efforts to treat the raw sewage and clean up household debris in Guanabara Bay has fallen well short despite recent efforts to clean the area up. Marina da Glória in Guanabara Bay is the site of the windsurfing and sailing events, while the marathon swimming and triathlon competitions are at Copacabana Beach at the mouth of the bay.

View attachment 67204934

A dead body floating in the water. There were 1700 murders in Rio last month.

Read more: Rio Olympics competitors warned to 'keep their mouths shut' because of water pollution | Daily Mail Online

Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

First off.. it is the Daily Mail.. never ever trust that source. They backed Hitler after all..
Secondly.. those pictures are from last year. I remember seeing the first one long ago.

Now that does not mean of course that they cleaned it up fully... it is by all reports from non biased sources.. aka not the Daily Mail... still pretty disgusting when compared to "western standards".

I think we would have heard much more if the Daily Mails report was even remotely true.... just look at the coverage the Aussie accommodations have gotten and that was basically over a backed up toilet. And yes there are Aussies who are using these waters.
First off.. it is the Daily Mail.. never ever trust that source. They backed Hitler after all..
Secondly.. those pictures are from last year. I remember seeing the first one long ago.

Now that does not mean of course that they cleaned it up fully... it is by all reports from non biased sources.. aka not the Daily Mail... still pretty disgusting when compared to "western standards".

I think we would have heard much more if the Daily Mails report was even remotely true.... just look at the coverage the Aussie accommodations have gotten and that was basically over a backed up toilet. And yes there are Aussies who are using these waters.

Repeating debunked claims, tsk tsk


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I have been to RIO a few times in the Navy. (Unitas Cruises...... as they are called)

It is still the same crap hole that it was 25 years ago.

Once you get 2-3 blocks away from the hotel districts, it is barely even 3rd world.

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