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Revolucionarios at the RNC (1 Viewer)

A protester sets himself on fire trying to burn the American flag:

Police: Protester Lights Himself On Fire While Trying To Burn US Flag « CBS New York

Their t-shirts say "Revolución, Nada Menos" (Revolution, Nothing Less). Apparently they are some of the new communist revolutionaries.

Protestors never seem to do their side of any argument any favors.

Setting yourself and others on fire while trying to set a flag on fire is a perfect symbolism for what would happen if those idiots got their wish politically.
Well apparently the other idiots thought it was pepperspray and objected to the fellow being put out. Should have let him burn and given the tool a Darwin Award.
Protestors never seem to do their side of any argument any favors.

Setting yourself and others on fire while trying to set a flag on fire is a perfect symbolism for what would happen if those idiots got their wish politically.

No one has accused them of being overly intelligent.
In my embassy days I saw some crazy things. One time the US Embassy was being protested in Indonesia and we were on lock down, meaning we couldn't leave the embassy. Some guy burned the US and Indonesian flags and ended up going to the hospital with really bad burns.

During the revolution in Libya after the French evacuated their embassy a man climbed their flag pole to hang their own flag, fell off and died.

Also during the revolution in Libya after the others and I evacuated the US embassy looters broke in. I got to watch the surveillance footage later and it showed a guy trying to break through the ballistic glass with a chair. It didn't do anything so he raised his automatic weapon and fired at the glass. A ricochet or shrapnel bounced off and killed him instantly.
In my embassy days I saw some crazy things. One time the US Embassy was being protested in Indonesia and we were on lock down, meaning we couldn't leave the embassy. Some guy burned the US and Indonesian flags and ended up going to the hospital with really bad burns.

During the revolution in Libya after the French evacuated their embassy a man climbed their flag pole to hang their own flag, fell off and died.

Also during the revolution in Libya after the others and I evacuated the US embassy looters broke in. I got to watch the surveillance footage later and it showed a guy trying to break through the ballistic glass with a chair. It didn't do anything so he raised his automatic weapon and fired at the glass. A ricochet or shrapnel bounced off and killed him instantly.

Their t-shirts say "Revolución, Nada Menos" (Revolution, Nothing Less). Apparently they are some of the new communist revolutionaries.

I believe they are the same old fanatic leftists they have always been.
Well apparently the other idiots thought it was pepperspray and objected to the fellow being put out. Should have let him burn and given the tool a Darwin Award.

I bet he doesn't tell the true story later in life when asked how he got burned.

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