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Rev Ed sez hi (1 Viewer)

Reverend Ed

New member
Jul 5, 2005
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I'm not really a Reverend, nor do I play one on TV. I am a Christian believer that leans more toward the left than the right, and I love America. For all of its faults, it's what we have and its Constitution deserves to be protected. I hold no bias toward those who do not believe as I do, nor will I judge anyone willing to get into an honest rapport with a sometimes whacked out conspiracy theorist who extends an honest hand of friendship with all. My beliefs are based on respect and tolerance of others. All racists make me ill, but everyone else has no strikes against them from me.

I'm 39, married and have a wonderful 12 year old son. My life revolves around them; they are the seasoning and the fruit of a good life and I love my wife and son dearly. However, my life is incomplete because I spend a lot of my time searching for something, I'm not sure what. If my words sometimes sting just chalk it up to a passion for debate and take me at face value, just another face with an opinion in a world of apathetic and mindless automatons lost in trends.

Looking forward to meaningful discussion...

Welcome to Debate Politics!

Sorry about the issues earlier - looking forward to your insite.
Welcome to Debate Politics you "face with an opinion in a world of apathetic and mindless automatons lost in trends."

You should watch Equilibrium, great movie basically about a world devoid of emotion, art, anything beautiful. Fits that quote perfectly.
ShamMol said:
Welcome to Debate Politics you "face with an opinion in a world of apathetic and mindless automatons lost in trends."

You should watch Equilibrium, great movie basically about a world devoid of emotion, art, anything beautiful. Fits that quote perfectly.

Oooh that flick was creepy. Granted a bit obvious due to it's 1984 bend, but it was ok. Loved the ending battle scene though! Christian Bale really rocked in Batman too!

And to think, he was that little kid in "Empire of the Sun."
Oh I know, I have it on DVD, he was amazing.
ShamMol said:
Oh I know, I have it on DVD, he was amazing.

I am SOOOOOOO jealous!!! I just haven't gotten the hang of peer to peer stuff and so sadly I don't get my hands on blackmarket features. Dang it!
Ah, I would give you a quick tutorial if you want, it is really, really easy.

But I actually got my copy when I was in New York.

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