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Results: Gov. Greg Abbott truck inspections turned up zero drugs, migrants but cost Texas $4.2 billion (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

Has anyone calculated the cost of Mexican truckers shutting down both north and south bound lanes of traffic for days at the border crossings?
I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

How much did it cost the rest of the nation?
Has anyone calculated the cost of Mexican truckers shutting down both north and south bound lanes of traffic for days at the border crossings?
Why would that matter? Apparently many on the right believe truckers blocking roadways and bridges is quite acceptable.
I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

The GOP should be forced to pay for these costs and Abbot forced to step down because this stunt was obviously politically motivated. maybe then they would think twice before they do this again.
Original thread about the bus to DC = 643 posts.

This one might get 100.
It doesn’t help that Texas announced what it was doing. 🤦🏼
Christ, that was stupid. Kabuki theater for the low foreheads is okay as long as it doesn’t intrude on Reality. Unfortunately, Abbott and DeSantis are trying to out-idiot each other.
Politicians are in the habit of using the word drugs to justify many activities when in fact so many of them are drug users. After all drugs go where the money is and white folks own the lions share of money so IF politicians were in fact trying to effectively shut down drug activity they would go after the sources of money.

And there they would find familiar faces in white collars and ties. Drugs, mistresses and prostitutes is what white collars do.

The war on drugs is fifty years old or more = the drugs and big dollars are still winning. You know the white collars love this BS cartoon.
Has anyone calculated the cost of Mexican truckers shutting down both north and south bound lanes of traffic for days at the border crossings?

Have you made such calculation to support some kind of valid claim and enter the arena of genuine debate you so avert to the best of your only ability?
I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

The irony in all this is the exposure of the governor's lax inspection policy indicated by the discovery of 850 trucks on the road with violations.

The irony, from my perspective, is that had he announced a plan to crackdown on illegally operating trucks (that wouldn't cost $4b), I would have supported him in that. Persuading Mexican states to crack down is a good thing as well. Too bad he didn't use that political angle. Straight to the hatred. It's wearing thin.
Why would that matter? Apparently many on the right believe truckers blocking roadways and bridges is quite acceptable.
I don't care about "many" anything.

I suspect the Mexican truckers caused more produce to spoil than Abbott did.
Have you made such calculation to support some kind of valid claim and enter the arena of genuine debate you so avert to the best of your only ability?
I just asked a question. Why are you asking me questions?
I don't care about "many" anything.

I suspect the Mexican truckers caused more produce to spoil than Abbott did.
Odd you seemed to have a different opinion when Canadian truckers blocked the Ambassador Bridge and caused the same problem.
Not a red herring. I suspect the Mexican truckers caused more produce to spoil than Abbott did.
Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't matter. What they didn't do is cause $4.2b in economic losses to the state of Texas. You know. The topic.
If he does it again, the federal government needs to get involved much more quickly.
The irony in all this is the exposure of the governor's lax inspection policy indicated by the discovery of 850 trucks on the road with violations.

The irony, from my perspective, is that had he announced a plan to crackdown on illegally operating trucks (that wouldn't cost $4b), I would have supported him in that. Persuading Mexican states to crack down is a good thing as well. Too bad he didn't use that political angle. Straight to the hatred. It's wearing thin.

Just think, that's only $4,705,882.35 per violation.

It would have been cheaper just to have Texas buy 849 new trucks.

Not a red herring. I suspect the Mexican truckers caused more produce to spoil than Abbott did.
Lol, repeating that nonsense don't make it any more true.
i'm just trying to get this thread to 25 posts.
I wonder if this would be the type of "results" some would have us consider....

Gov. Greg Abbott increasing inspections of commercial trucks entering from Mexico in the hopes of staunching illegal smuggling activity resulted in zero migrants detentions or illegal drug seizures, despite allegedly costing the Lone Star State billions of dollars.

Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller stated in an email to supporters this week that the enhanced truck inspections cost Texas consumers and businesses an estimated $4.3 billion "despite not catching a single illegal alien or confiscating a single gram of illegal drugs."

"However, Governor Abbott successfully persuaded Mexico states to enhance security on their side of the border," Miller added. "Both of these things are true at the same time."
The Texas Tribune reports that over an eight-day period beginning on April 8, troopers conducted more than 1,400 truck inspections. Despite no drugs being discovered, troopers managed to take 850 trucks off the road for various equipment violations, including under-inflated tires, broken turn signals and oil leaks.

The inspections also created a backlog of 18-wheelers on both sides of the border, with some truckers reporting waiting more than 30 hours for a process that typically takes three hours, according to the Dallas Morning News. The delays resulted in $240 million in spoiled produce and empty shelves at local markets.

Like those buses of refugees Abbott sent to D.C......on the Texas taxpayers' dime.

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