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Republicans can't deal with medical care. (1 Viewer)

Naw..actually probably MORE paperwork.

I went to the doctor in England. No receptionist. No secretary. No office workers. Just the doctor. No forms to fill out. My wait was 60 seconds. At the end I said to the doctor, "How much do I owe you?"

He looked surprised. "We have national health care."
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I have serious doubts that Biden gets the nod from the democrats.

The Hill › homenews › campaign
Poll: Biden leads Democratic field by 12 points, Warren narrowly tops Sanders | TheHill
1 day ago · Joe Biden leads the crowded Democratic presidential primary field by 12 points in a new poll, while Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) edges out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) by 1 point, .
Posted by I'm Supposn
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Even if you eliminate all administration costs, which can't happen, you still can't give more people better coverage for less money. Anybody who tells you they can is lying.
Sure you can

You can reduce the costs of providing care or you can pay the providers less
Sure you can

You can reduce the costs of providing care or you can pay the providers less

You went to the same economics school as AOC didn't you?
Republicans can't deal with medical care:

Republicans had, and many still believe the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is and will continue to be an issue to their political net advantage.
[The United States has begun to join all other of the world's industrial nation that had previously recognized their population's need for medical treatment as a human right and concern of their government]. Republican's dilemma is no nation's population obtaining such a government commitment, has ever wanted it rescinded.

Republicans have been unable to convince the majority of USA voters that access to medical treatment should not be considered as a necessary human right and concern of their government.

Respectfully, Supposn

The hard reality for partisans is that NEITHER party can't deal with health care. Democrats proved that in 2009-10 with ACA. Fixed some things on the edges but did not materially fix our problem. Republicans proved their inability in 2017.

Cheap slogans from either side hurt rather than help solve the problem. Have one seen one detailed proposal from any politician that even identifies a problem to be fixed with a workable solution. If so, I missed it.
Which school taught you that paying less for something doesn't reduce its cost to you?

Shoplifting reduces costs to you, as well, but it's not a sustainable way to maintain a supply chain.
QUOTE=jaeger19;1070202300]Nope.. sorry but it would not. Currently medicare has private plans... in addition.. there are private plans for medicare patients since medicare part B covers 80% of costs and patients need a secondary insurance.. often private to cover those costs if they don't get Medicaid.[/QUOTE]
Medicare-for-All would replace virtually all other sources of private health coverage
Stuartbirdman, you're mistaken. Market forces drive commercial enterprises from selling insurance too similar to government-provided insurances or services. Commercial enterprises cannot provide the same insurance as Medicare at lesser cost to themselves or prices to the purchasers.
Currently commercial insurers do provide augmented coverage for existing effective market demands. They sell different or additional features that Medicare doesn't offer. I expect if Medicare-for-all were enacted, that would continue to be the case.

[As long as there's effective market demand, are sufficient purchasers who desire and are willing to pay for a product that can be delivered at a mutually agreed upon price, (i.e. there's effective demand and capable providers), those market's effective demands will be satisfied].

Respectfully, Supposn
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Nearly all businesses experience theft and they manage to maintain their supply chain

Definitely a scalable approach. Everyone should shoplift, think of the cost savings!
Not necessarily

If the costs go down, we can do more for less

Many people who are uninsured or who bounce from plan to plan every year in the non-group market may never have had a regular doctor or hospital, and the uninsured may be more worried about paying for health coverage that they are now legally required to buy than about having a broad choice of providers. Often, the price difference between broad- and narrow-network plans is substantial. A McKinsey study put it at 26%. It can be even larger.
Paying less is not shoplifting

The percentage of people with health insurance coverage for all or part of 2017 was 91.2 percent, not statistically different from the rate in 2016 (91.2 percent). Between 2016 and 2017, the number of people with health insurance coverage increased by 2.3 million, up to 294.6 million
Paying less is not shoplifting

The Supreme Court's decision to take up the challenge likely won't have a significant effect on the marketplaces. After several years of turbulence, most insurers are turning a profit, resulting in growing competition and relatively modest premium hikes and decreases this year. Early signs suggest a similar pattern for 2020 plans.
I left off they might have to say the magic word: "refugee." With that, all medical care is free. All they have to do is get to the USA any way possible.

It already is free. Just because you don't have health insurance doesn't mean that you can't get medical treatment. You just have to go to the ER to get it. The more uninsured patients there are, the longer you can expect your ER waiting times to be.
It already is free. Just because you don't have health insurance doesn't mean that you can't get medical treatment. You just have to go to the ER to get it. The more uninsured patients there are, the longer you can expect your ER waiting times to be.

Web results
Seattle judge blocks Trump policy keeping asylum-seekers locked up
seattle judge asylum from komonews.com
3 hours ago · SEATTLE (AP) — A federal judge in Seattle on Tuesday blocked a Trump administration policy that would keep thousands of asylum-seekers locked up while they pursue their cases, saying the ...
The Democratic Party demands free medical care for everyone in the world to be paid for by working Americans. All they have to do is travel here - no restrictions of any kind - and their open heart surgery, sex reassignment surgery, artificial limbs, kidney transplants and all other medical care will be free.

Wrong. Most candidates support a 'wealth tax' not a tax on other Americans.
Wrong. Most candidates support a 'wealth tax' not a tax on other Americans.

Many liberal-leaning critics are concerned that the transition to single-payer would be too disruptive, given that about 155 million people receive health coverage through their employer, an issue a number of Democratic presidential candidates have raised. Most people who get employer insurance report being satisfied with their plans and could be upset if they’re required to join a new government program instead
Many liberal-leaning critics are concerned that the transition to single-payer would be too disruptive, given that about 155 million people receive health coverage through their employer, an issue a number of Democratic presidential candidates have raised. Most people who get employer insurance report being satisfied with their plans and could be upset if they’re required to join a new government program instead

Some candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are in favor of people keeping their private health insurance if they choose to do so.

Here's a more thorough analysis of their stance on health care.

This is where the 2020 presidential hopefuls stand on health care

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