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Remington get broken up (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Bagdad, La.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
And Ruger gets Marlin! YES!!

Well....thats a bright side to this train wreck.
So sad. A storied old-line American company bites the dust. There was a time when Remington was synonymous with pump shotguns, specifically the 870. Oh well ...
So sad. A storied old-line American company bites the dust. There was a time when Remington was synonymous with pump shotguns, specifically the 870. Oh well ...
Their Remington 700 rifle was, along with the older Winchester 70, the two most popular big game rifles in US history. At one time, the Remington 1100 semi auto shotgun had won more NSSA world skeet titles than any other shotgun. Even after most of us AAA level shooters had switched to over and under shotguns, such as the Perazzi Mirage, Krieghoff K-80 and Beretta 692 for the smaller gauges, the 1100 still was used to win lots of 12G titles-and Dean Clark, of the USAMU-US Army shooting team won the world international style skeet title with an 1100. However, Remington did not keep up with the competition provided by Browning, and Beretta, and while their last competition shotgun -the Versamax is awesome, it was a bit too late
While this is sad, it will be interesting what Ruger does with Marlin.
So sad. A storied old-line American company bites the dust. There was a time when Remington was synonymous with pump shotguns, specifically the 870. Oh well ...

Not really biting the dust. From the looks of this, all of its acquisitions over the years are being bought out by other companies, and the Remington-branded firearm business is being purchased by a real-estate company.
And Ruger gets Marlin! YES!!

Yeah, I'm glad Rugrer gets Marlin. I wish they'd bought Bushmaster too.
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While this is sad, it will be interesting what Ruger does with Marlin.

I'm hoping to bring back Marlin's quality and do away with that god...damn...cross bolt...safety on the lever actions
Yeah, I'm glad Rugrer gets Marlin. I wish they'd bought Bushmaster too.
Bushmaster, when made in Windham, Maine (Quality Machine Parts or something like that) were well made. The current Windham weaponry (neat story about how that came to be)rifles are pretty nice-I have one of their Proctor carbines. The Bushmasters made after Remington's holding company acquired the name, were not all that great
Bushmaster, when made in Windham, Maine (Quality Machine Parts or something like that) were well made. The current Windham weaponry (neat story about how that came to be)rifles are pretty nice-I have one of their Proctor carbines. The Bushmasters made after Remington's holding company acquired the name, were not all that great

I had several Bushmasters when they were good and liked them. I'm a Maine enthusiast anyway. Spent summers up there, my mothers from there, my brother lived there, etc.
I had several Bushmasters when they were good and liked them. I'm a Maine enthusiast anyway. Spent summers up there, my mothers from there, my brother lived there, etc.
do you know the story behind Windham Weaponry?
No I don't.
The guy who sold the company to Remington/its holding company, signed a 5 year no-compete contract. He was under the assumption that remington would continue to make the rifles in Windham Maine . It didn't-rather the production was moved to NY and most of the employees of Bushmaster lost their jobs. The minute the five years was up, the former owner used the money he had made from the sale, to start Windham weaponry in Maine. I was told 80% of the former employers were rehired.
The guy who sold the company to Remington/its holding company, signed a 5 year no-compete contract. He was under the assumption that remington would continue to make the rifles in Windham Maine . It didn't-rather the production was moved to NY and most of the employees of Bushmaster lost their jobs. The minute the five years was up, the former owner used the money he had made from the sale, to start Windham weaponry in Maine. I was told 80% of the former employers were rehired.

I'm not surprised to hear that. It's funny how you get a feeling about a company.

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