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Religion is a form of Mind Control for the Massess (1 Viewer)

Judas H. Christ

New member
Aug 29, 2005
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Very Liberal
Religion of any type is for the weak minded and for reactionary lackeys of the right wingnuts and those who practice priestcraft. It is needless for modern man and makes him a weak minded fool, intoxicated on the mind altering fantasy of a psychologically projected Celestial Daddy that will reward the fool if he is an obedient slave to the ruling cliche and the monied aristocracy.
Cast off your chains, o oppressed of the Earth! God is Dead! Now is the time to take to the streetsd and loot the churches! Freedom and Bread for all! How is it that the Vatican lives lives of sumptous luxury when the poor and the weak starve in cardboard box houses?!? How is it that in a world filled with food, the bloated swine of the United States devours more then their share?
Comrades, religion is SLAVEREY! We have no need for dictators in earth below or heaven above! Awake, come to your senses and cast the cross in the mud, arise O peoples of the Earth! Trample the preist and smite him hip and thigh for his lies and thefts. Rip[ assunder his robes, and let him do manual labor, as one with the laborers of the world.
God is dead, but we can make heaven on earth! With nothing but these two hands and the strength of our backs, we will build Paradise. But this will never happend if you beg angels, elves, ghosts, specters, gods, leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy for help, because they DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!
Judas H. Christ said:
... we can make heaven on earth! With nothing but these two hands and the strength of our backs, we will build Paradise. But this will never happend if you beg angels, elves, ghosts, specters, gods, leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy for help, because they DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!

No, that would not be the reason. The reason man cannot make "heaven on earth" is because man cannot actually make (create) anything. At best, we can but manipulate and fabricate some things by using what already exists, but even then our stuff nevertheless ultimately falls apart.
stalin only perfected the machine he didnt build it

total loyalty to the point of mental denial of reality had been established before the revolution was even over

read about what the chinese did in their reeducation camps under mao
Jusat because some foolish dictator with delusions of grandeur and with a taste for sadism, does not mean that the proletariate can not form a democratic governbment. I do not subscribe to fascism nor dictatorships.
What I beleive is that we need a strong Democratic Socialist party in America so that we can be a voice for the oppressed and the wage slave. After all the Democrats and Republicans are whores for the monied and the ruling clique of this nation. No one speaks for the oppressed ghwttoh dweller or the wage slave who is viciously exlploited to enrichen his allready grotesquely rich masters.
every form of communism has consistnatly horrifically violated personal liberties and human rights

because its apart of the system, from the Manifesto to Maos Red Book, cult of personality, dictatorship of the proletariot, party worship they're all inherent to the system. because the system was designed that way.
Judas H. Christ said:
Religion of any type is for the weak minded and for reactionary lackeys of the right wingnuts and those who practice priestcraft. It is needless for modern man and makes him a weak minded fool, intoxicated on the mind altering fantasy of a psychologically projected Celestial Daddy that will reward the fool if he is an obedient slave to the ruling cliche and the monied aristocracy.
Cast off your chains, o oppressed of the Earth! God is Dead! Now is the time to take to the streetsd and loot the churches! Freedom and Bread for all! How is it that the Vatican lives lives of sumptous luxury when the poor and the weak starve in cardboard box houses?!? How is it that in a world filled with food, the bloated swine of the United States devours more then their share?
Comrades, religion is SLAVEREY! We have no need for dictators in earth below or heaven above! Awake, come to your senses and cast the cross in the mud, arise O peoples of the Earth! Trample the preist and smite him hip and thigh for his lies and thefts. Rip[ assunder his robes, and let him do manual labor, as one with the laborers of the world.
God is dead, but we can make heaven on earth! With nothing but these two hands and the strength of our backs, we will build Paradise. But this will never happend if you beg angels, elves, ghosts, specters, gods, leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy for help, because they DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!

Your comments on religion are absolutly correct. Reilgion also affect the world in other ways, like when people try to make laws based on their religion, not on facts.

CodeName Duke
Judas H. Christ said:
Religion of any type is for the weak minded and for reactionary lackeys of the right wingnuts and those who practice priestcraft. It is needless for modern man and makes him a weak minded fool, intoxicated on the mind altering fantasy of a psychologically projected Celestial Daddy that will reward the fool if he is an obedient slave to the ruling cliche and the monied aristocracy.
Cast off your chains, o oppressed of the Earth! God is Dead! Now is the time to take to the streetsd and loot the churches! Freedom and Bread for all! How is it that the Vatican lives lives of sumptous luxury when the poor and the weak starve in cardboard box houses?!? How is it that in a world filled with food, the bloated swine of the United States devours more then their share?
Comrades, religion is SLAVEREY! We have no need for dictators in earth below or heaven above! Awake, come to your senses and cast the cross in the mud, arise O peoples of the Earth! Trample the preist and smite him hip and thigh for his lies and thefts. Rip[ assunder his robes, and let him do manual labor, as one with the laborers of the world.
God is dead, but we can make heaven on earth! With nothing but these two hands and the strength of our backs, we will build Paradise. But this will never happend if you beg angels, elves, ghosts, specters, gods, leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy for help, because they DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!

Agreed. The Vatican and the Pope practice the biggest Hipocracy ever. They preach goodness while at the same time, living it up in the Vatican. And like you said, while the Pope wallows in his luxury, millions of people are poor.
kal-el said:
Agreed. The Vatican and the Pope practice the biggest Hipocracy ever. They preach goodness while at the same time, living it up in the Vatican. And like you said, while the Pope wallows in his luxury, millions of people are poor.

This is why I'm not a Catholic. Well, one of the reasons anyway. But don't go lambast all religions because of the convoluted practices of a few.

every form of communism has consistnatly horrifically violated personal liberties and human rights

because its apart of the system, from the Manifesto to Maos Red Book, cult of personality, dictatorship of the proletariot, party worship they're all inherent to the system. because the system was designed that way.

Very true. I have yet to see a "perfect" communist system - or even a remotely acceptable one.

They have done a bit more than violation. Communism is responsible for 100 million deaths; 60 million from Mao's China, some 20 million from Stalin, and millions more from Pol Pot, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, etc.

They say communism is so great. If so, where is it? I don't see anything better than the US of A. Any communist countries out there are either crap or demi-crap. China is powerful only because they were allies during WW2, they have a massive workforce, and they make all our stuff.

No, religion is not mind control. If anything, Communism is.

God is dead, but we can make heaven on earth!

Let me guess: all we have to do is follow your lead?
Doesn't that put you above us? And what will you do when you have power over all of us?

The Communist countries today are the answer.
God is dead

Prove it.

Now is the time to take to the streetsd and loot the churches!

Ill put in a bad word for you at your court case.

but we can make heaven on earth!

Last time we tried that we got smitten, scattered around the world, and mixed up our languages.

We have no need for dictators in earth below

Try telling them that.

But this will never happend if you beg angels, elves, ghosts, specters, gods, leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy for help, because they DON'T EXIST!!!!!!!!!!

Elves are real. Where do you think Tolkien got the language from?
What, you've never seen a ghost? Man, you are deprived. And depraved.
Organized religion is nothing but society-sanctioned brainwashing. These preachers and preists make you feel guilty and burden you with their so called "sins"- which are nothing more than different concepts of lifestyle and morality, while they ask for donations.
You just can’t make a blanket statement about all religion. Jim Jones, yes, mind control. As far as religion’s attacking the secularity of our republic, I think (and hope) just a few fringe nuts. We must keep in mind the good work done by religious organizations. The Civil Rights Movement is a good example of positive change brought about under the leadership of groups such as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
“is a form of mind control”, is a brush too wide to paint such a diverse concept as “religion”.
Religion in itself is nothing more than the relationship a group of people have with one another in light of a common belief. The tragities you refer to indeed marr the understanding of God, but the actions of people do not change the truth (or lack of truth) in God's existence. Therefore, an attack on personal faith is not best fielded by the wrongdoings of people. Furthermore you give no spicific reasons that life is better without religious beliefs. What would you have as the alternitive belief? Communism was not successfull in eradicating religion, what makes you think you will be?
Lots of people believe in their religion because to them it is worth the believing. If it helps them get by, like an opiate, so what? As long as they are not forcing it on others, and harassing us about our different sets of beliefs, it is their right to believe what they want. Likewise, who are the rest of us to harass them because of their beliefs?
I know people who believe that there actually was a 200MPG carburetor, but it was bought by the auto makers or oil companies and hidden away. No sense arguing that issue with them as their minds are already made up. So why try?

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