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Reid: But for Me, We'd Be in Worldwide Depression (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 25, 2009
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Riverside, County, CA.
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Can you say delusional idiot.

This makes Reid the new king of liars. This beats even Obama. Well okay let's call it three way tie with all three members of the "Trifects of Doom," Obama Pelosi, Reid.

They are really grasping at thin straws and are lying there collective butts off trying to save their Socialist/Marxist/Communist/Black Liberation Theology policies that are on the way to dooming us to poverty and third world status as Obama has dreamed his whole life.

Reid: But for Me, We'd Be in Worldwide Depression - FoxNews.com
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is having a heck of a time trying to get re-elected, in part, he says, because people don't want to know that he prevented a worldwide depression.

The Nevada Democrat, whose poll numbers are see-sawing against rival Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle, told MSNBC's Ed Schultz on Thursday night that voters in his state don't feel reassured when Reid tells them of his global achievement because they've fallen so far down the economic food chain.

Gore invented the internet, then saved the planet, and Harry saved us from economic doom.

How lucky we are to have such great leaders.
Gore invented the internet, then saved the planet, and Harry saved us from economic doom.

How lucky we are to have such great leaders.

It's too bad Gore never said that, but if it makes you happy to repeat a folk tale...
More powerful than the speaker of the house, faster than the President, its, its, Harry?
Good grief, maybe he has been in California sampling some of the finer medical pot to see if its use should be included in any update to national health care. and here all along I thought we the people are the ones bringing the economy back.

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