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Reform Party (1 Viewer)

Donald Trump was going to run on this party in 2000 I heard. He obviously decided against it though.
I agree with most of these



Set the highest ethical standards for the White House and Congress:


No more gifts.

No more trips or junkets paid for by special interests.

No more free meals.

Pass laws with significant penalties - not rules.

Give Congress and the White House the same retirement plans and health care as the average citizen.

Balance the Budget:


Develop a detailed blueprint to balance the budget.

Eliminate the practice of keeping some programs off-budget.

Pass the Balanced Budget Amendment.

Create an annual financial report in plain language so the American people will know whether or not we are following the plan to balance the budget.

Give the President the Line Item Veto.

Campaign Reform:


Reduce the cost of campaigns by shortening the election cycle.

Vote on Saturdays and Sundays - not Tuesdays - so working people can get to the polls.

I agree with all of these.
Replace the Electoral College process for electing the President with a direct vote from the citizens - so that every vote counts.

The electorial college should never be banned.

Prohibit announcements of exit polls until all voting has been completed in Hawaii.

I think exit poll numbers should be announced.Sometimes people need motivation to run out and vote

Require Members of Congress to raise all money from voters in their districts, and require members of the Senate to raise all money from voters within their States.

I agree with that

Term Limits:


Limit Members of Congress to three terms in the House of Representatives and limit Senators to two terms in the Senate.

I favor only two term limits for congress and senators. Senators terms should be shortened to 2 years.and the senator and congress electios should be alternated so that every year we vote for a represenative and that politicians
have to kiss our assses all the time instead of just once every two to 6 years.

Create a new tax system:


It must be fair.

It must be paperless.

It must raise the money to pay the bills.

Require that any future tax increases under this new system be approved by the people in the next federal election, in order to impose discipline on spending.

I can agree with that.

Carefully putting together plans to deal with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security:


Explain these plans in detail to the American people.

Get a consensus.

Pilot test each of these programs before implementing them nationwide to make sure they produce the anticipated results at the anticipated cost.

Keep these programs dynamic, so they can be changed based on experience - don't freeze them with restrictive legislation.

Sounds like a good idea.

Promoting jobs in the USA:


Negotiate trade agreements that promote American jobs, consumer safety, environmental protection, and fair trade.

Create a business environment that supports small business, which accounts for roughly 80 percent of jobs held by Americans today. Trade agreements, tax reform, health care reform, and other programs must reflect the needs of small business.

I can definatly agree with that.

Lobbying Reform:


Prohibit former elected and appointed officials from ever taking money from foreign governments or foreign interests.

Prohibit any former high level federal employees - including elected officials - from ever working as a foreign lobbyist.

Allow foreign governments to provide information to our government through the State and Commerce Departments and the Executive Branch, but prohibit them from giving contributions or gifts of any kind.

Allow foreign representatives to visit with Members of Congress, but under no circumstances allow them to give elected officials anything now or later.

I agree with that

Prohibit any former high level federal employees - including elected officials - from working as a domestic lobbyist for five years after leaving government service in the area for which they served.

Elected officials should not be allowed to work as a lobbyist even when they leave government service..

Limit domestic lobbying to presenting client's ideas to the Legislative and Executive Branches

Prohibit domestic lobbyists from giving money, trips or other incentives to current or former members of the Legislative and Executive Branches.

Screw lobbyist.The only people our elected officials should be paying attention too is us the indivudal tax payers who write them letters,call them, email them, vote for the mand so on.
maybe we need a new party. I don't know. I am fast becoming disillusioned with Both Demos and Repubs.

I honestly realize that the Republicans that write in here are intelligent well intentioned folk. What I trully don't understand is this.

How could anyone ever vote for Bush. I look at the things he says and does, and I am trully confused. I watch him on T.V. and I just don't get it. I voted for Ronald Reagan, and Nixon, and have voted for Republicans in the past for national and local elections. I just don't get it.
I actually and trully believe that Bush and Cheney are criminals and should be kicked out of office, for destroying America.

This is not political jargon. this is actually how I see it. I am a Nationalist and not a internationalist. I don't believe in the inevitibility of a World Government.:cool:
dragonslayer said:
I am a Nationalist and not a internationalist. I don't believe in the inevitibility of a World Government.:cool:

Reform party is just for you then. But I would recommend the constitution party they have more of a following and they are basically identical.


Robert Stark, I encourage you to look into the constitution party. I would vote reform but the CP is more popular and I dont see a difference in platforms. The reform party also has been broken and has major infighting from what I hear unlike the CP. We all need to unite behind one party.
AmericanPatriot29 said:

I just read the platform of the so-called "Constitution Party". Talk about scary politics. Its basically calls for implementation of the radical right wing agenda. This party is so far to the right they make Jerry Falwell look "liberal".
Luckily this party is so extreme that no one will every take them serious, because if we did they would completely destroy our Constitution.

I suggest that they run Tom Delay as their Presidential candidate with Fred Phelps as VP.
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Demonstrate against fake elections!
disneydude said:
I just read the platform of the so-called "Constitution Party". Talk about scary politics. Its basically calls for implementation of the radical right wing agenda. This party is so far to the right they make Jerry Falwell look "liberal".
Luckily this party is so extreme that no one will every take them serious, because if we did they would completely destroy our Constitution.

I suggest that they run Tom Delay as their Presidential candidate with Fred Phelps as VP.

Following the constitution is radical right wing? The Republican party is not extreme? If you agree with world government and having the UN tell us what to do keep voting mainstream. Tom Delay is ok on some issues but he is a big liberal because he supports huge social programs that are unconstitutional.
Screw the Reform and the Constitution. Both are ultra conservative redneck capitalist parties.
Che, the reform party is not right wing it is Populist/Centrist, but you being a communitst, I quess the RP would be conservative in comparrison.
"All teaching is related to basic assumptions about God and man. Education as a whole, therefore, cannot be separated from religious faith."

That is the first line in the education platform for the CP.

The RP actually doesn't seem as conservative as it was under Ross Perot in 1992. Actually it seems pretty centerist save a few areas where it has some pretty conservative views like immigration.
Ross Perot and Jesse Ventura founded the RP as a Centrist/Populist party. Buchanan took over in 2008 and tried to turn it into a paleo-conservative party causing the party to split. It is now rebuilding with completely new candidates such as Wyatt Chesney and Eric Eidness, who are returning it to its centrist/populist roots. This will explain it all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reform_Party_of_the_United_States_of_America
I'm considering joining the Reform party myself, and have posted on the site. I find all the infighting in the party's history horrible. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with using a primary system, like the big 2, to decide what faction of the party should be represented. I agree with points made by Perot, Ventura, Buchanon, and, now, Wyatt Chesney.

Why they might seem right wing in some areas like immigration, they do a nice job of supporting things like alternative energy.

Besides, doesn't "Reform" sound good for EVERY branch of government?

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